《This Isn't Mongolia》Chapter Twenty Seven


Ty had kept in touch with Caleb but as soon as he started trying to give Ty advice he would shut him down telling him that his advice and Idea's of what he should be doing almost cost him his life and wrecked his marriage, he didn't want to hear it.

The only good Idea he came up with was buying a Barrel Racer but he wanted Amy to see it first as he'd learnt his lesson about not talking to her about things. Amy always spoke to him about things and he needed to remember to do the same.

Of course Caled started with the Why do you have to ask her permission you sound like she's the boss.

"Amy isn't the boss Caleb, neither am I, we work together as a couple, that is something that I've had to learn and get rid of the ways I used to think. Maybe that's why you can't find a decent girlfriend because you assume that they have to agree with you all the time. Think about it".

After dinner that evening when the kids were asleep Ty started to talk to Amy about this Idea of Calebs which sounded like a good thing but he wanted her to see the horse and see whether it was a good Idea as there was a Futurity Competition coming up and the prize is $100,000.

"What, how much, yeah I'll take a look for you".

"Thanks love, I'll arrange it".

"How much is the horse Ty".

"The bloke's selling her for $10,000 but I need to know if it's worth it, 5,000 is a lot to lose".

"So your going 50- 50".


"Well if the horse is good but needs work what about thirds, that's if you want me to join the two of you of course".


"I'd love it, I'll have a word with Caleb, Just need to find a rider".

"What's wrong with me riding, I've helped enough Barrel Racers with there Horse's".

"You'd ride her in the race".

"Of course, unless you've got someone else in mind".

"No, that would be great, your the best rider out there, look how you've tried different things like a bit of Trick riding and doing Liberty horse training, you pick it up so quickly".

"Thank you Ty".

They decided to have an early night and went to bed.

The next day Ty phoned Caleb and spoke to him but he wasn't interested in having a third partner but would like Amy to check the horse out.

Amy was a little disappointed but Ty wasn't ready to give up on Amy joining them so suggested she look at the horse and go from there.

They met Caleb at the bloke's Ranch, Amy had called Jack and Lisa to see if they would like to babysit, not wanting to assume they would as they may have plans but Jack couldn't say yes fast enough as he wanted to see Lyndy and Jackson Jnr. They didn't really get to babysit very often.

They were watching the Barrel Racer trotting around then Amy went to see her, she came right over to Amy as friendly as could be.

She looked her over then climbed on bare back and rode around.

"Ty, Caleb can you put some Barrels up please while I saddle her".

Amy opened a side gate to try and mimic how they do it, she got the horse ready and came through the gate, as soon as the horse knew what she had to do she was off so fast Amy had to hold on, but she was so fast Amy couldn't take the first barrel and almost fell off.



Ty was worried.

"I'm okay Ty".

Amy tried different ways to slow her down eventually coming out backwards then turning and went round all three Barrels and off the course. Caleb looked at his stopwatch and couldn't believe the time.

"What do you think Amy".

"Well she needs some working with to slow her down before she gets to the first Barrel as she's to fast, as you saw I nearly fell off, other than that she's fine, but will need someone who knows what there doing to ride her".

"That's great Amy".

Caleb was listening.

"Well I know a professional rider who can ride her, thanks for your help Amy".

She looked at Ty and winked as she and Ty knew that Caleb had no Idea.

To be continued

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