《This Isn't Mongolia》Chapter Seventeen


Jack was sat at the kitchen table having breakfast, he was still angry with Lou. She left for New York early, didn't say goodbye to Georgie, or Jack n Lisa just took Katie and Left. She only saw Amy Twice in three weeks.

Lisa was feeding Lyndy who was 4 months old now and on powdered milk because Amy couldn't feed her.

Suddenly The house phone rings and Jack Answers it, he listens then asks if they can hold for a minute. Jack says to Lisa he needs to take it outside.

After half an hour he comes back in.

"Where's Georgie Lisa ".

"Gone to School, Why".

"That was Interpol, there still working on the plane crash and have made a disturbing discovery".

"Such as".

"Well, no matter what the crash there's always evidence and after 8 months of searching and checking, they've not found any DNA of anyone, they think the Plane was Empty and all the Vets were kidnapped".

"What do we tell Amy, Jack".

"Nothing , There's still no proof that any of them are still alive.

We let her get on with her life for now till we hear more positive news, I don't want to get her hopes up then have bad news and she had to go throughall this again Lisa.

How many times did he drive away from her, how many times did he leave her, I mean that Kiss that Ahmed set up, she explained to him that she didn't want to create a scene at the party and show him up and create an enemy, but she put him in his place. If Tim had left things alone they wouldn't have broke up.

Ty said he wanted to give her time to decide what she wanted but he told me he wasn't good enough for her and couldn't give her what she deserved which was BS.


Amy thinks that he got cold feet because she told him what she wanted and asked what he wanted, he couldn't give her an answer Lisa.

It was Ty who wanted the break and I don't think it had anything to do with Ahmed suddenly kissing her".

"But Jack Ty was so happy she was pregnant".

"Was he, really, look at the note he left, he couldn't tell her to her face, he said he wasn't ready to be a father and if she got pregnant again, would he walk away, Amy told him before they married that she wanted a large family, but he didn't say he didn't want one, I think we let this go ,they said they'd be in touch if they ever found anything".

"Okay we keep it quiet for now Jack".

Amy was allowed home after they were satisfied that her skull was secure and stable, she had a wig made from her own hair so didn't look any different apart from her broken Arm.

Mitch had moved her truck and Trailer to the new ranch, he'd kept an eye on it for her and unpacked the trailer with help from two of the Ranch hands, they'd even moved the bed and Ty's Chair and foot stool along with Spartan and Harley and her miniature pony that Ty got her on there first Anniversary.

When they got to the Ranch house Jack and Lisa were there along with Lyndy and Georgie, Georgie was staying with Jack and Lisa.

Lyndy was 10 months old now and Amy was getting her confidence back.

Ty and the other Vets were, as far as they could tell somewhere in Africa and had been there since being kidnapped months ago by an unknown group, their leader was called Ellis and they organised Hunting on a large scale.


From what Ty and the others had been able to find out was that they had been the one's in Mongolia but had drawn to much attention to themselves because of the Gobbi Bears so pulled out. Their new plan was to kidnap the Vets and use them to help wounded animals that would then be released back into the wild to be hunted some other time, they wanted a clean kill instead.

Ty and other Vets were disgusted with what they were doing but these people were Armed and warned them that if they tried to escape they would be shot which happened to Bob.

He tried to get Ty to go with him, but Ty refused to listen after being talked into going to Mongolia, now Bob was dead and he would be too if he'd gone with him.

Ty wanted to send Amy a message when they were on the plane but they all had their phones confiscated

To be continued

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