《Scream 1996 [Male reader insert]》October 15, 1996: Part VII


Inside the van, Gale and Kenny watched, disinterested in the delayed footage of Randy explaining the rules to surviving a horror movie. A knock on the door sent them into a panic. Kenny hurriedly switched off the T.V as Dewey opened the door.

"The sheriff just radioed. Somebody reported a car in the bushes down the road. I'm gonna go check it out. Would you care to join me?" He invited Gale.

"I'd love to. If you're sure it's alright," She agreed, not wanting to seem suspicious.

"Uh, ma'am. I'm the deputy of this town," He bragged.

Gale hopped out of the van and shut the door. Kenny turned the T.V back on to see what the teens were up to.

Gale walked towards Dewey's car until he stopped her.

"Wh–excuse me, ma'am."

Gale turned to him and hummed.

"I thought maybe we'd walk. It's such a nice night out. I have a flashlight," He tried to reassure her.

Nothing could go wrong if they walked down the road alone, at night, and in an isolated area while there was an unknown killer that could show up at any time, right?

Dewey turned the flashlight on, pointing it under his face. "You're not scared, are ya?"

Gale shook her head, and they made their way down the road.

Stu saw out more of his guests while you and the others remained in the living room, watching the movie. He bid them farewells and ironically wished them a safe drive.

"So, what happened to Tatum, Stu?" One of the guys asked him.

"She probably got pissed at me and bailed," He fabricated.

Back upstairs, things with Billy and Sidney were escalating. Billy was on top of Sid, feeling her up and kissing her neck like a feral animal. Sidney reciprocated with as much ferocity, grinding into him and pulling him into another kiss.

Downstairs, you and the remaining guests continue to dwell in the living room. Stu hadn't come back since seeing the other guests out, so another boy took his spot next to you. You grew uncomfortable in a room of unfamiliar people. You didn't know anybody other than Randy, which wasn't much better, admittedly.

First Tatum left, then Sid left you alone with the supervision of Stu, and now he was nowhere to be seen. Usually, you'd be enjoying yourself at the chance to re-watch Halloween, but loneliness crept up to you. And worst of all, you felt scared. Your friends had ditched you at a party. For Pete's sake, there was still a murderer on the loose. Being left alone in a room full of strangers did not bring you any comfort or peace of mind.

You wanted nothing more than for Sidney and Billy to finish up whatever they were doing so you and Sid could just head home and wallow in grief on the anniversary of your mother's death or for Stu to, at least, come back and provide you company.

Randy points at the T.V screen, "Look! Here comes the obligatory tit shot."

You turn your head away from the screen at Randy's warning.

The character, Lynda Van Der Klok, let the sheets fall from her body to reveal her nude chest.

Upstairs, Sidney took off her top, revealing her bra.




"Oh, my God."

The boys cry out in bliss, keeping their eyes glued to the screen.

The only remaining girl got up from the floor, "I'll leave you guys alone." She left on her own accord, with nobody wishing her well or escorting her to her car.

You commended her and felt tempted to flee the living room too. You might as well. You were fed up with the boys and their stupid antics at this point. They made watching the movie unbearable. If anything, now you had an excuse to look for Stu, wherever the freakishly tall teenager went.

You stand up, excusing yourself. You expect to leave quietly and slip out of the room but Randy protests.

"What? No, sit back down. Come on. The least you could do is finish the movie you wanted to watch so badly."

You roll your eyes, "I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be back before you know it," You lie.

"Oh, right," He mumbles.

Sidney unclasped her bra, removing it from her body.

Billy removed his shirt, "You are so...amazing," He said, making his move.

The telephone next to the T.V rang, so Randy set down his beer and went to answer it.

"Hello? Yeah?" Randy paused, listening to the voice on the other line. The tense and unnerving piano playing emitting from the T.V added to the weight of the news Randy was receiving.

"Holy shit," Randy rose from his knees, taking the phone away from his ear. He blocked the T.V screen with his body, "Listen up. They found Principal Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung from the goalpost on the football field," He announced coldly.

The other boys got excited for some reason.

"What are we waiting for?" One boy said, tapping his friend's knee.

"Let's go over there before they bring him down," His friend responded, getting up from the couch. The rest of the boys followed the other two, just as eager to see Himbry's lifeless body.

"Hey, what are you guys..." Randy trailed off as the boys scattered out. "Where are you guys going?" He asked, dejected.

There was nobody around to answer the question. He flopped on the couch, alone, and held his beer. "We were just getting to the good part." He couldn't bear the idea that everybody else was missing out on the climax of the movie.

"So, is–is Dewey your real name?" Gale asked as she and the deputy walked down the road.

"No, it's Dwight."

"Dwight?" Dewey nodded.

Gale laughed before she could stop herself, "I'm sorry."

"No, it's alright. Dewey's just something I got stuck with a long time ago." He turned off the flashlight, putting it in his jacket pocket.

"Well, I like it. It's sexy."

"Sexy?" Dewey looked at her, unsure.

She nodded, "Mm-hmm."

"Ah, it's just this town's way of not taking me seriously."

"What about Gale Weathers?" She tittered, "Sounds like I'm a meteorologist or something. People treat me like I'm the antichrist of television journalism."

A car full of teenagers was approaching the road they trekked on—the headlights beaming as they sped down the road.


"I don't think you're that bad," Dewey assured her.

"No? I think that's just 'cause you kinda like me," She teased.

Gale and Dewey stopped in their path and turned around at the sound of teenage boys whooping and hollering.

"They sure are coming fast. Slow down! Freeze!" The cars approached quicker until they were right in front of the journalist and deputy.

Dewey did the only sensible thing and pushed him and Gale down the side of the road. They rolled down the patchy grass with Gale ending up on her back and Dewey rolling on top of her.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He apologized.

Gale nodded, "Yeah."

They gazed into each other's eyes, lost in the moment. Dewey removed Gale's tacky, animal print headband and slowly leaned down. The ever impatient journalist connected their lips.

Dewey pulled away, "I'm sorry, I'm on duty."

Gale chuckled, turning her head to the right. She tilted her head at what she saw, "Is that what you're looking for?"

The deputy hadn't looked away from her, "My whole life," He answered, lovestruck.

Gale smiled, turning Dewey's head. Dewey stood up in a flash. "Damn!"

"What? What is it?"

"This is Niel Prescott's car," Dewey shined the flashlight, examining the car.

"Sidney and Y/N's father?"

"Yeah. Jesus, what's he doing here?" He grabbed Gale's arm, "We gotta get back."

They ran towards the Macher house.

"You okay?" Billy asks Sidney.

"Yeah? Yeah, I'm fine," She grabs the hairbrush on the nightstand and combs it through her hair.

He finally gets his shirt on as Sid sets the hairbrush down. She notices the corded phone on the nightstand and thinks aloud, "Who'd you call?"


"Um, well, I don't know. When you're arrested you're allowed one phone call, so I was just curious. Who'd you call?"

Billy ties his shoelaces, "Called my dad."

Sidney's tilted head straightens, "No, um, Sheriff Burke called your dad. I saw him."

"Yeah, but when I called, I didn't get an answer," He says grimly.

Sidney rushes to put on her shoes.

Billy gave a dead stare, staring into her back. "You don't still think it was me, do ya?"

She smiles, looking at him over her shoulder, "No, no." She bent one of her legs onto the bed to look at him while she talked. "I was just thinking if it were you, it'd be a very clever way to throw me off track. You know, using your one phone call to call me so I wouldn't think it was you, is all," She spoke lightheartedly, a smile on her face the entire time.

Billy's expression hadn't changed despite that. "Really?"

Sidney scoffs, and her smile drops at Billy's unchanging expression.

He gets up, leaning over the bed, "What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm not a killer?" He asks emphatically.

She stares at him, realizing the truth. It's definitely him, right? "Oh my God."

"Huh?" He utters.

Sidney looks up to see Ghostface creeping behind him, "Oh my God."

"Sidney," He calls her name sternly.

She stands up from the bed, pointing behind him, "Billy, watch out!"

He turns around, and Ghostface plunges the knife into his torso multiple times.

Sidney watches in horror as her boyfriend is stabbed. She cries out, reaching a hand out despite them being on opposite sides of the room.

Billy turns to her as Ghostface lingers behind him. His white shirt was ruined with tears on the fabric and red stains. He extends his blood-covered hand to her and wheezes her name before collapsing onto the bed.

Sidney isn't given time to stand and grieve over her 'dead' boyfriend as Ghostface wipes the blade clean with their gloved hands and lunges at her. She jumps on the bed, fleeing out of the room but not before locking them in.

She approaches downstairs but doesn't make it down the first flight of stairs when Ghostface appears across from her. They walk out of the room at the top of the main staircase, so she turns around, desperate to get away as they chase her.

She dashes into another bedroom, perhaps Stu's, and slams the door into Ghostface. They fall to the ground, groaning in pain. She enters a room connected to the bedroom into what seems like a storage room.

The door lacks a lock, so Sidney improves and grabs the surfboard next to the door frame, blocking the door with it. The killer tries to force their way through. Sid looks around the cluttered room and is left with nowhere else to run.

"Shit!" She exclaims, darting to the end of the room. She narrowly avoids the creepy dolls hanging from the ceiling and runs into the window, looking down below to the yard. Spotting the Top Story news van, she bangs on the window frame, "Help me, somebody! Help me!" Her attempts are in vain, so she backtracks only to see Ghostface peering into the room through the sliver of the door they managed to open. Their knife glinted in their hand, emphasized by the dim room. The surfboard continued to buy Sidney time to make her next move.

Sidney rushes over to another window, which happened to be much closer to the door. In a frantic attempt to get away, she slides the window up and awkwardly maneuvers her body through the small opening. She loses her footing, holding onto the window ledge for dear life, and stands close to it to avoid slipping off the steep roof.

She recklessly clutches onto the ledge with one arm, "Help me!" Her cry for help echoes. Ghostface grabs her arm, trying to get her to let go and fall. They struggle, but eventually, Sidney falls back...onto the tarp of the boat she landed on. The slasher leans their body out of the window to check on her.

Sidney rolls off the boat, landing on the driveway pavement. She coughs, taking a moment to regain her breath. She stands up, looking at the window she fell from, only for Ghostface to have vanished. Her chest rises and falls as she lets out quick and shallow breaths. Where the hell did they go?

Sidney isn't able to dwell on the question as her gaze falls to the garage door. Her breath hitches as all of the color drain from her face. She steps forward, staring down at Tatum's body that still hung limply from the doggy door. Sid covers her mouth, stumbling away from the garage.

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