《Water Fight - ✜Jakehoon✜》Chapter 10


Jake POV

I felt: flustered, shocked, scared, confused, and threatened all at once.

Shocked because I just had an unwanted strawberry milkshake bath in the middle of the cafeteria in front of half of the senior school :)

Scared and threatened because I think we all know Sunghoon or either his fangirls won't stop there (as well as what he whispered in my ear).

Flustered because he called me cUTIE JHBSDFV ???? wHaT wAs tHe rEaSoN?!?

And lastly confused because I don't know whether to feel threatened or flattered. I mean, he gave a threat mixed with a compliment, wait... doesn't he have a girlfriend? Why is he calling me cutie-

My thoughts then got cut off as the bathroom door opened.

Sunghoon POV

In all honesty, I thought about forgiving Jake for that water balloon incident. Forgive and forget right? Although I say I'm forgiving him doesn't mean I'm going to befriend him and stuff. No. I'll just forgive, forget, and it'll be back to normal.

However the next day I caught Kaylee cheating on me. Not really surprised but still hurt. I actually already knew she was cheating, I just never caught her in the act. I hate how I still love her enough to let it go, this is gonna get sappy (sad x happy) but she was my first love so I took this relationship seriously and ended up deep in love with her.

So when I saw her cheating with my own 2 eyes my mood went down and I needed something to relieve my stress. You probably already know what I did. I changed my mind about forgiving Jake and decided that getting my revenge on him would distract me from Kaylee. Yeah, I can't bring myself to end our relationship.

After dumping the Milkshake on Jake I walked up to him and whispered in his ear, "Wrong person cutie." and left. You're probably wondering why I said cutie (oFC) I guess I felt like taking the role of being a player, like what 'the trio' is partially famous for, would get my mind off things and probably hurt jake more than I should but I could care less about that... right?


Jake POV

"..." I couldn't function with who just walked in, and God knows what reason started to not only help me clean myself off but also handed me a new pair of clothes I guessed to be his own.




this vid tho im-

same sunghoon. same.

(he's whipped omfkgjnhjkdh)

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