《Water Fight - ✜Jakehoon✜》Chapter 9


Jake POV

Not gonna lie, eating meals together with sunghoon was the definition of awkward so I decided to change my schedule up a bit which led me to have later meal times and earlier arrival/departure times.

Of course, we set some rules and shared enough information about each other to know what to do and what not, etc. Rules like no going into each others' room, no invading privacy, and small bits of information like our age and name.

As I was walking through the senior cafeteria trying to find jay oNCE AGAIN still seeking my revenge on him, I was suddenly soaked in a pink sticky liquid. A strawberry milkshake. I'm not trying to be dramatic when I say I slowly turned around to see who decided to give me a strawberry milkshake bath, I really did turn around like a sloth... mostly because I was still dripping wet but sorry for ruining the tension back to the topic.

As I turned around it probably shouldn't have been a surprise as to who did it but of course, me being me was ✨s h o o k e t h✨ ... it was Park Sunghoon.

Why did I expect it? He's popular and won't let his reputation go down by some pUnY water balloon to his head.

Why was I surprised? He's been a silent polite person in the dorms, I mean, he's always silent but for the polite part, he's done small things like leaving food for me in the fridge even though there was an amount of food that he could've eaten himself. Of course, he's done other small polite things but I just hAD to mention the food one because the bus I took after returning from the shops had a broken button (idk bout other places but Australia has buttons on buses that u press to pretty much tell the bus driver 'that's my stop') and I missed several stops, causing me to walk extra with a hungry stomach. onCE AGAIN, back to the topic.


Sunghoon then walked towards me, leaning his head near my ear so that I could feel his hot breath against my neck he whispered, "Wrong person cutie." and then walked like a prince into the halls, of course, surrounded by his hoes- cOUGH sorry I meant fangirls.

I probably stood, still shook for another 30 seconds before running to the men's bathroom.

While washing that delicious tasting (-yes I just had to taste it) liquid off of me I had possibly around 100 thoughts and feelings going through me at once.


kjdsbkjhfv i finish school this Friday so I can upload a whole lot more now


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