《WayHaught Sexual Desires》Chapter 2



"(Laughs) You got it?" Haley asks as she helps me in the house.

"Yeah.. (Laughs) I got it."

"Okay.. Talk to you tomorrow?"

"Yeah.. Sure." I say and she leaves.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Nickel questions me.

"I didn't know you were still up? Where are the twins?"

"With your mother.. Now answer my question."

"What?" I ask Nicole as I reach for a glass of vodka but she yanked it out of my hand and throw the glass against the wall.

"Damn it!" She yells.

"(Laughs) What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask.

"Where.. Have.. You.. Been?"

"(Laughs) Are you serious right now?"


"I'm grown last I checked."

"And you're still my woman last I checked."

"Am I? I mean because I haven't been your woman for the past 2 and a half, three years or so."

"Waverly if you stayed out all night and fucked that bitch I swear."

"You swear what? Because I haven't said anything else about your little fuck buddy."

"I'm not fucking her and you better not be fucking that bitch."

"And if I am?"

"Waverly don't fuck with me.. You know I'll kill that bitch."

"Kill her for what?"

"You know why?"

"What because she finds me attractive Nicole and wants to fuck me?"

"Stop it."

"You know she did come on to me.. She wanted to know if I was into some kinky shit."

"Stop talking."

"Look at my neck." I say.

"What the fuck is that?" Nicole asks.

"What does it look like?"

"It looks like a hickey.. A lot of hickeys."

"Oh.. (Laughs)."


"You think this is funny?"

"Wait check out my thighs." I say and once she sees the hickeys on my thighs I can now tell I've gotten her attention.

"So you let that bitch kiss on you?"

"Nicole come down.. It's not like she made me cum.. However the thought did come up."

"You listen to me and you listen good." She then corners me to the wall.. I am now between the wall and Nicole. "I've told you once and I've told you twice.. Hell I've told you more than twice that I'm not cheating on you.. And I'm not.. I'm working long hours so I can provide for you and our kids.. You want me home more often then say it.. Stop acting like a bitch and act like the woman I love.. I'm tired of coming home to you and this fucking attitude.. Yes, I'm sorry.. I'll keep saying it until you believe me.. All I want to do is come home after work and see my family.. I want to put my kids to bed and.."

"And what Nicole?"

"I want to put the kids to bed.. Make sure they are good and sleep."

"That's all?"

"I said stop talking."

"I'm getting a drink." I say trying to walk away but she pins me to the wall with my arms up. "Let go of me."

"Three years, I've been coming home to bull shit.. And I'm tired of it."

"That makes two of us."

"You may not believe me but all I think about at work is you.. Do you know how many times I've wanted to walk in that bedroom and fuck you senseless?? That's all I think about at work is fucking you.. Because I miss you.."


"Then maybe you.."

"Shhhhhh." She puts her hand over my mouth. "I said no talking.. Now that I'm older I can control myself.. But it gets hard when I see you.. And by it I mean it.. That shit doesn't feel good when it's not treated." She whispers and I can feel her. "But you be so angry I don't know if I should kiss you or... Waverly look, I don't like this any more than you do, but this.. Whatever this is.. It's about to change.. That attitude you got, leaves right now."

"I've had a few drinks so I don't know if I'm horny or just.."

"I could have sworn I told you to stop talking."

"Then maybe you should try a lot harder.. Now move." I say moving passed her once she frees my arms.

"Lose the fucking attitude." She pulls me back closer to her.

"How about you make me." I say.

"Hello?" I answer my phone and it's Haley. "Oh hey Haley.. What's up?? (Laughs) For real?"

"Hang up the phone." Nicole says.

"Yeah.. Nicole is tripping about us.. You know.." Nicole is pissed. "Damn girl.. You need to slow down." I tell Haley.

"Waverly?" Nicole says.

"I bet you do like it.. Shut up.. How about you show me." I say and Nicole grabs my phone she cracks it in her hand.

"What the fuck?"

"I said hang up the phone.. And then you talk like that to her in front of me.. I was mad, but now I'm pissed off."

"(Laughs) What's wrong Nicole? At least someone finds me attractive.. To bad it's not you." I whisper against her lips and she pushes me against the wall and rips my dress off. "(Gasps)."

"Now why in the fuck wouldn't I find you attractive?" She says.

"You don't act like."

"We've been over this already."

"Nicole kiss me." I whisper.


"Kiss me."

"Why?? I thought you wanted Haley?"

"(Laughs) You're jealous?"

"No.. Because she hasn't fucked yet."

"Yet huh?? So you think it will happen?"

"It better not."

"You know when she was kissing me and putting those hickeys all over my body I didn't think about you at all.. To be honest, I forgot about you for a second."

"(Signs) I'm not doing this."

"Doing what?"

"This.. Listening to you rant on about this bitch kissing you."

"Well at least someone wants to show me love."

"STOP IT!!! DAMN IT!" She pushes me against the wall and her hand is around my neck.

"(Gasps) Oh my.. Did I strike a nerve?"

"You're saying this to make me mad."

"I'm just speaking the truth.. Mmmm.. I can feel you Nicole.. How often does that happen by the way?" I ask her when I feel her boner.

"(Panting) You.. Let her kiss you and give you these?" She points at the hickeys.

"You know that's not all.. She gave me more than that."

"You fucked her."

"(Laughs) Who said I was the one doing the fucking?"

"Waverly.. Don't.."

"I never knew someone could make me wet besides you.. Turns out you're not the only one who can make my panties drop."

"FUCK!!!" Nicole yells.

"(Laughs) You can't give me what I want.. So someone else did." I say against her lips. "And it was amazing.. So fucking good."

"Oh yeah?" Nicole then turns me around and bend me over the dresser. "I'm going to fuck you until you scream.. You hear me?" She whispers.

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