《WayHaught Sexual Desires》Chapter 1


now 12 and the justturned 4

and going it easyon year jumps

guys.. Andplease votevote❤❤❤❤

"Waverly are you up yet?" Nicole asks Waverly.

"Yes Nicole I've been up for hours." I yell back.

"Well you've been laying down for the longest.. I thought you were asleep."

"Nicole don't start okay."


"Are serious?"

"Mom where is my jacket?" Bella asks.

"I don't know baby. Check in the basket." I say.

"Yes ma'am."

"Waverly you're.. Never mind."

"No Nicole, say it.. Go ahead.. Because yes, I'm tired.. I be here everyday with the kids and then I'm trying to handle stuff at work and then I come home to.."

"To what?" Nicole interrupted me.

"TOO YOU!" I yell.

"I see.. So coming home to me is just.. What? Upsetting?"

"You said.. I didn't."

"Waverly I'm sorry, but I'm a cop.. I can't help it if I work long hours."

"I don't care anymore.. You've been working long hours for 3 years.. I'm used to it.. Cameron and Carmen." I call for my young babies and they come running.

"Waverly I'm.."

"What? Sorry? Yeah I know.. You've been sorry for 3 years now.. It's fine.. Whatever." I say and she picks up her phone and dials a number.

"Hey, it's me.. I can't come in today.. You think you can handle it?" She says. "Yeah.. Thanks.. Check in later on." She finishes and hangs up the phone.

"Why did you do that?" I ask.

"Because you're upset and I'm.."

"Nicole you staying home today is not going to change anything."

"But it's a start."

"Well I don't want you too.. So go to work.. I'm taking the twins to daycare and then I'm dropping Bella off at summer camp."


"I'm staying at home.. How about I take the twins and you take Bella, or I take Bella and you get the twins." Nicole says.

"I got it.. I've been doing it by myself for years and I can do it now.."

"You know what?" Nicole throws her phone and takes my keys.

"Give me my damn keys."

"So you're losing bad language in front of our children now?" She asks me.

"Come on Twins." Bella say and she takes them outside.

"Nicole give me my keys."

"Come in." Nicole says.

"Are the kids ready?" A woman I don't know says.

"Who the fuck is she?" I ask.

"Yes.. Bella is outside with the twins in my truck.. Take them and go.. Thank you Sarah." Nicole says and she walks out the door.

"She's not taking my kids nowhere." I say trying to walk after her, but Nicole stops me.

"Nicole move." I say and that's when I heard the truck pull off. "Damn it."

"Sit.. Down.." Nicole orders me.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm no joking around."

"Neither am I.. Now give me my keys."


"Because I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere you won't be.. Now move."

"You're not leaving."

"Sarah huh? Who is she, you're new fuck buddy?"

"She's a new cop.. I just hired her."

"Mmmm.. She's hot.. Nice body too."

"Waverly I'm not..

"I don't care."

"I'm not sleeping with her."

"Yeah.. Whatever."

"Waverly I'm not cheating on you."

"We haven't had sex in two and half fucking years Nicole.. You're getting it from somewhere.. Because I know we haven't had sex in years." I say grabbing a glass of vodka.


"I'm not cheating on you."

"You have needs.. And she's hot and she's your type.. I know you're fucking her."

"Stop saying that?"

"Why? Because it's true."

"Damn it Waverly." Nicole punches the wall.

"(Laughs) Calm down Nicole.. It's okay.. I'm not upset with you."

"Waverly once again.. I am not fucking Sarah.. She's just someone I just hired."

"Right.. Okay."

"What the fuck Waverly?"

"You want a drink? It looks like you need a few."

"I'm fine.. Thank you."

"I'm glad one of us is feeling okay."

"Come here." She says.

"No.. Leave me alone." I say walking away, but she traps me.

"Talk to me."


"Waverly what's wrong?"

"You Nicole.. You!" I yell.

"I'm sorry."

"I know." I say walking away.

"You want me to leave?" Nicole asks me.

"This is your house.. You stay.. And we will leave."

"Who tha fuck are we?"

"Me and the kids."

"You're not taking my kids no where."

"Oh.. (Laughs) So they're your kids now?"

"What does that mean?" She says.

"Calm down Nicole.. They are biologically yours but you're never here."

"Because I'm always working.. You know that?"

"Yeah.. And you're also fucking that Bitch and.."

"No I'm not!" She yells.

"You know I've been wondering why you've been coming home so calm and happy."

"Yeah.. It's because I'm coming home to you and the kids."

"No.. It's because you're just got done blowing off some steam.. Or should I say fucking off some.."

"Say that I'm fucking her again and I swear I'm.." She says to my face.

"So you're going to hit me now?"

"I will never hit you.. You know me.. You know I will never raise a hand at you."

"Well to be honest.. (Laughs) I really don't know you after all."

"Don't say that?"

"It's true."

"Put that drink down." Nicole says.

"You're not the boss of me."

"Never said I was."

"Don't you have a job to do?" I ask.

"I'm not going?"

"You're Captain now.. Not the new Sheriff.."

"So this is about me taking that promotion 4 years ago?"

"Yes.. But I'm over it."

"Coming." I Yell as I run to the door. "Hey.. You made it.." I say.

"Of course.. You ready?" Haley asks me.

"Who is that?" Nicole asks.

"She's a friend." I say.

"What's your name?" Nicole asks Haley.

"Haley.. My name is Haley."

"And how do you know my wife?"

"We're not married." I whisper to Haley.

"Oh.. I see.. So what are you?" Haley asks me.

"I have no idea.. Are you ready?" I ask Haley.

"Ugh.. Yeah.. Sure.."

"Waverly don't you dare leave this house." Nicole says.

"(Laughs) Haley let's go.."

"Waverly I'm serious."

"By Nicole." I say and I shut the door.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Wherever the drinks are." I say.

"And the twins?"

"Nicole is there."

"Okay.. Let's go." And we drive off.

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