《Pickup Lines》At Age 15


We were 15.

There was so much going on. This year we were allowed to be out of home. So many new strange things to discover. The technology out there is even more amazing than expected. I instantly fell in love.

We were trained and pretty much experts. We all grew up and became somewhat more mature. Although Mikey didn't really change...neither did my love for him.

I absolutely loved him. Everything about him was flawless. He was really fun and always lifted my spirit. He also knew exactly how to comfort me whenever I was stressed out, although most of the time it was him causing the stress.

"Hey Mikey," I said. "You must be the square root of two because I feel irrational for you."

Mikey laughed. "Have you ever heard of the language English, Don?"

UGH! When will you understand...

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