《Knock, Knock》Three


The sound rambunctious music pumped through the loud speakers, and traveled outside. Edwin and I stare at each other before making our way into the house. I internally groan as we push past sweaty and horny teenagers. "Eddie" one of Edwin's other friend's all out. I decide to make my way towards the bar. 

In order to deal with annoying teenagers, I needed alcohol in my system. I pour me a shot of vodka and down it, enjoying the burning sensation travelling down my throat and settling in my chest. Yes. I needed this. My week has been crazy.

I pour vodka into an empty cup followed by cranberry juice and turn. Hopefully I wouldn't bump into Duke. I walk through the group of teenagers and back outside, finding Duke's new girlfriend. I take a swig of my drink and approach her. 

"Hey" I speaks and she finally acknowledges me. She throws me a half smile, pulling her cup up to her lips and taking a sip before glancing back at me. I don't speak as I lean against the car next to her, letting the silence settle in.

Barely even 30 minutes into our peaceful silence we notice a couple making out rather loudly in the yard. I sigh and take another big chug of my cup. "Why does it have to be so loud?" 

I chuckle and nod in agreement, "Imma go for a walk, wanna join?" The girl looks at the house before eyeing me suspiciously and nodding. I feel bad not knowing her name, we've been in the same class for 3 months. But I blame it on my bad social skills.

"I'm Jasmine by the way. We rarely talk in class so I don't expect you to know my name" the brunette smiles. I nod my head, "Casey."

"Oh yeah, I know yours. Duke rarely ever stops talking about you. I'm starting to think he likes you more than he likes me" the girl chuckles and takes another sip. We get down the street to a stop sign when I notice her red eyes. I'm very unobservant. I tap her arm, causing her to glance at me. 

"You good? I'm all ears if you need to talk" I offer. 


The girl looks down into her cup for a few seconds too long before speaking up. "I'm just an emotional wreck right now. I've liked Duke for a while and he's taking advantage of me. Only needs me around when he wants something."

I sigh. I didn't know how to comfort her, I knew whatever would come out of my mouth would probably make her feel worse and I didn't want that. 

She looks up to me, her blue eyes watery, "It was the same with my ex."

I feel bad now. I pull the girl into me, allowing her to cry onto my shoulder for a while. 5 minutes pass when she pulls away, wiping away her tears with an awkward laugh. "Thanks Casey."

I smile, "No problem. I may not be as social as others but if you need to talk I'm always available."

That was the thing about me. I hated being social but I always allow people to talk their problems out with me. Suddenly her lips were on mine. I don't pull away. In fact I allow her to kiss me. If this is how she'll feel better, then I'm all for it. Jasmine pulls back with a shy smile. "Your lips are incredibly soft."

I blush at the compliment and we continue to walk.

- - - - -

Making it back to Duke's, Jasmine pulls me to the bar and we refill our cups. "I've been looking all over for you" Duke's voice is heard. I turn around before Jasmine does. "We were about to play spin the bottle" he voiced. Wait he was looking for me?

"I might get lucky enough as well. I think the universe is on my side tonight" the intoxicated boy smirks, leaning into my personal space. Jasmine finally turns, her eyes on her boyfriend in confusion. Duke notices her. Busted. 

Jasmine however says nothing and pulls me away from Duke and towards the famous game of spin the bottle. We sit and I take notice of everyone in the group. It was more girls than boys and that I was thankful for. I spot Edwin sitting next to some brunette and curse under my breath. I really hope we don't have to kiss or spend 7 minutes in a closet together.


I love Edwin, I do, but I do not want to kiss him.

"Duke you start us off" A jock speaks earning a nod from everyone in the circle. Well I wouldn't call it a circle, more like a very fucked up oval.

Duke grabs onto the beer bottle, his eyes landing on me in hope before he gave the bottle a rough spin. I close my eyes and pray to the heavens that it doesn't land on me. "Aw sweet" I hear. I open my eyes and notice the bottle landed on a dude.

"Aww" I tease the two who groan. The thing about spin the bottle was you couldn't take it back. You had to do it or you're basically out. The two crawl to the center of this oval and peck lips. "No homo" the two spit as they wipe their lips. I could only roll my eyes in annoyance. It was just a game, there was no need to say 'no homo'.

The game drags on and finally it's my turn. I eye the circle and spin the bottle. Please land on a girl. Please land on a girl. Please land on a girl. Please land on a--

My eyes stop and I glance up. Yes. The gods love me again. Jasmine blushes and leans into me. I notice Duke's eyes on us and I decide to tease the guy a little. 

I cup the girl's cheek and lean into her. Once our lips meet, I feel her lean into me further. I smirk into the kiss and swipe my tongue across her bottom lip and she accept my request. My tongue slips into her mouth, playing lightly with hers before I pull away. I feel a line of saliva fall from my lips and I smile at the girl.

I look away, my eyes landing on Duke. The boy stares at me in anger and I can't help but to feel proud. Jasmine takes a sip on her beverage with a small smile. I glance over to a smirking Edwin who shakes his head at me when our eyes meet.

I was kind of an asshole when I wanted to be. 

The game continues. Duke never lands on me and I've landed on all girls. Once again it's my turn. "I swear the lesbian gods need to let you kiss one dude" a jock pouts. I blow him a kiss and spin the bottle. I can't help but to laugh when it lands on Jasmine. "I'd like to take it to the closet" I state. Duke's anger is evident in his red face.

Jasmine and I stand and leave the group, heading into a random closet. "Whoa, this guys got a lot of nice shirts" I state as I rummage through the clothes. Jasmine stands shyly by the door and I remember what I came in here for.

I smile and walk over to her, pulling her into me. Our lips connect and my hands rest on her waist, pulling her further into me. 

It doesn't take long for this to escalate. Jasmine removes her shirt and bra staring at me hopeful. I admire the tanned girl in front of me. My hands cup her breast as my lips connect with the side of her neck. Jasmine moans, arching herself into me for more. I unbutton her pants and slide my hand in.

Coming to her wet flower I can't help but to smirk. "Is all of this for me?" I question as I play with her clit. The girl nods her head, pulling me into her and kissing me roughly. Now it's my turn to moan. I slip my fingers into the beauty. She pulls away from me and moans into the air.

She wraps her arms around my neck and hitches one leg up onto my waist, allowing me more access. 

It's been more than 7 minutes. I pump into the girl roughly, feeling her become even wetter. Jasmine bites down onto my shoulder as I feel her walls closing on my fingers, indicating she was cumming. I smirk as I continue to pump allowing her to come down from her high.

The closet door opens and just as expected Duke and a couple of others from the group are standing there. I smirk and pull out of the brunette, licking my fingers and winking at the group of people. 

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