《Mrs Levine 2》𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒


I get home at around nine pm and I walk inside, I put my keys down and rub hands down my face tired. I walk to the living room and Juliet had fallen asleep on the couch. I can't lift her since I can barely carry myself with the baby inside me.

I grab the fluffy blanket from the other side of the couch and put it over her and kiss her head.

"I love you." I whisper and start walking upstairs, I get to me and Juliet's room and pick out my pyjama dress. I had to get all new clothes when my stomach got bigger. I strip and put on the pyjama dress and go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

I go back to our bedroom and I see Juliet walking over to the bed.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." I say and she shakes her head half asleep.

"No I just see the blanket over me so I knew you were home, I didn't want to sleep alone all night." She says and I nod and go over and lay in beside her.

"I love you." She mumbles falling asleep and I laugh.

"I love you too." I say and kiss her head.


I wake up the next morning, thank god it's a Friday I am exhausted. I get out of bed and change before before walking downstairs and Juliet was in the kitchen.

"I made you your smoothie and pancakes." She says and I smile and walk over and kiss her cheek and she pulls me as I lean back, she kisses my lips and I smile.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"I'm feeling good, I need to pee tho." I say and go to the bathroom and go back to the kitchen and sit down at the island with Juliet and we eat our breakfast.

"Pancakes are delicious Julie." I say and she smiles.

"Everything I cook is delicious." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Not the lasagna you made last year, I'm still traumatised from that." I say and she hits my arm.

"Bitch." She says and I stick my tongue out.

"Asshole." I say and stand up and kiss her cheek.


"I'm going to work, I love you. Thank you for the breakfast." I smile and she nods and I started walking towards the door and grab my keys.

"I love you too." She shouts and I walk out to my car driving to work.


A few hours into work Nadia finally decides to show up. I'm guessing she had a fun night.

"I'm so hungover, I can't do this." She says and sits onto one of the chairs.

"Lucky you, did you have fun with Maria?" I ask and her eyes widen and she rubs her head.

"She's rough, really rough." Nadia says and I laugh, trust me I know.

"Did you at least have fun?"

"Yeah, she's a real party animal. She got us kicked out of a bar." She laughs.

"I think you two would make a power couple, I see it. Take it slow tho." I wink and she nods still rubbing her head and I turn away and start cleaning the table.

"She got really drunk, told me about your foursome." She laughs and my eyes widen and I turn to her.

"What did she say?" I ask her.

"That she has a big fat ass crush on you and Juliet and said you had some moves for a pregnant lady." She starts laughing even more and I take out my phone.





I turn off my phone and Lieutenant Foley walks in.

"I have some blood that needs to be examined can both of you do that?" He walks in with a tray of tubes with blood.

"Yes finally something interesting." I say.

"Mmhm." Nadia says.

"Alright come here." He says and walks over to the table putting the tray down and Nadia and I go on either side of him.

He starts talking and I start zoning out, I felt something going down my leg and I confused look down.

My water broke.


"Oh no." I say.

"What Levine?" Lieutenant asks.

"My water broke." I say calmly so I don't panic.

"I'm to hungover for this shit."

"Oh...Come on I'll drive you to the hospital." Lieutenant foley says but I grip his arm.


"No. I need my wife, I cannot move or I'll panic. If I take one step my heart will increase by fifty thousand and I'll break down. Please call my wife." I say and look him in the eye and he nods.

"Call her wife." He says to Nadia and she nods.

"Put it on loud speaker, she's probably in class. I hope to god that she answers or I will panic."

Nadia types on her phone and the phone starts ringing and my hand is still gripped onto foleys arm.

"Hello?" I hear Juliet's voice and I feel much more relaxed.

"Julie my water broke, you need to pack the baby bag as fast as you can and come to the station." I say and I hear ruffling.

"Spencer?! Why can't I meet you at the hospital? Are you okay?" She says and I swallow a lump growing in my throat.

"I can't move Juliet, if I move I'll panic. I will, I'll have a full on panic attack I need you to come help me. Please be quick Juliet." I say.

"Okay love, I'll be there as quickly as I can. I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say and Juliet hangs up.

"Are you sure you can't move, I can carry you to my car." Foley says and I shake my head quickly.

"I can't, I cannot do anything or even think or else I will panic. You have to keep talking to me or I'll lose it." I say and he nods.


Juliet comes running in about fifteen minutes later.

"Oh Jesus." She says and runs over and I'm still holding onto Foley.

"I'm not ready for this Juliet, I can't do it." I say and shake my head.

"Spencer yes you can, you can do everything and I know you can. You need to take deep breaths and we can go to the car and go to the hospital." She says and holds one of my hands and I loosen my grip on Foley.

"I want my dad." I say and Juliet looks at me confused.

"What?" She says, I could tell she was panicking too.

"He told me he would be there with me when I had my first child, he told me everything would be okay. He's dead Juliet he isn't here, I can't do it. I want to go home." I say and panic starts rising in my chest.

"He's here with you Spencer, I know you aren't that religious but I believe and I know that he is watching over you. He is so proud and that's a fact you should know by now, look at you. You're married and starting a family and you have such amazing people around you. I understand you feel like you can't do this but you can and you have to, we need to go to the hospital my love." She says and I start taking deep breaths and grip her arms as my stomach starts hurting.

"Juliet my stomach is hurting." I say and look at her.

"You are going into labor Spencer and you need to go to the hospital, I won't leave your side I promise." She looks me in the eye and I nod and start to walk and she starts taking deep breaths showing me how to do it. I copy her and she holds my hand and we start walking to the car.

I get in the car and Juliet runs around to the drivers seat and starts driving to the hospital and I start taking deep breaths again focusing on my breathing.

"I need my mom, can you call my mom Juliet?" I ask her and she nods and picks up her phone quickly turning it on and calling my mom and puts it on loud speaker.

"Hello Juliet? Is everything alright?" My mom says.

"Yeah everything is fine, Spencer is going into labor and we are on our way to the hospital. Would you be able to call my parents and meet us there?" Juliet asks.

"Oh my god! Yes I can! I'll be there as quickly as I can!" My mom says and I laugh at the surprise in her voice and I put a hand in my stomach.

"I think the baby's ready to come out Juliet." I say and she beeps the horn of the car since we are stuck in traffic.

"Just a little longer." She says and the traffic starts moving.

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