《Mrs Levine 2》𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦


I'm now thirty seven weeks pregnant and the last few months my energy has went more and more downhill. I find it hard to get up out of bed in the morning for work, my stomach is bigger than earth and I have constant back pain.

Julie has done everything she can for me, she bought Tylenol for me since it's safe to take while pregnant. She keeps telling me maybe it's time to finish work for a while, I decided to stay because I'll be finishing next week anyway.

The nursery is full and we have some baby stuff in me and Juliet's room because it wouldn't all fit. Surprisingly I haven't had much cravings and if I do it's usually pickles or spicy chicken wings.


I sit down in the lab with Nadia, Lieutenant said I shouldn't go to crime scenes since once I bend down...I cannot get back up and so I won't be able to take photos or do anything really. I've mostly be doing things around the lab, getting fingerprints, doing microscopic analyses on some evidence or else cleaning the lab.

Since it's less than a month till the due date Juliet texts me every minute of the day to make sure I'm okay and that I don't need anything. Last week she left school because I didn't reply for two hours and she thought something had happened, she's very paranoid the last few weeks honestly.

"Are you okay Spencer?" Nadia asks me and I snap out of my day dream.

"Yeah sorry just tired." I say and she nods.

"Are you scared about having the baby?" She comes over and sits beside me.

"Yeah kind of." I say and she nods.

"Do you know what you're naming her?"


"Yeah, me and Juliet decided on a name pretty fast actually, we're gonna name her olive." I say and she smiles.

"That's beautiful." She says and I nod smiling and the lab door opens and I look over and see Maria.

"I've brought hot chocolate and a cake pop." Maria says and walks over handing me a little Starbucks bag and a hot chocolate.

"And I'm guessing these aren't from you?" I say and she nods.

"Juliet sent me, she told me to get you hot chocolate and a cake pop but the main reason is to make sure you aren't on the floor giving birth." Maria smiles and I laugh.

"Thank you Maria." I say and she nods and looks around.

"Oo what's this?" Maria starts touching things.

"It's a microscope you dingbat." I say and walk over and slap her hand away from it.

"Ow." She complains and I roll my eyes.

"Stop touching things, you'll break them and Lieutenant will kill me." I say and she huffs.

"You're still a mean pregnant lady, you have anger issues when you're pregnant. I cannot wait for that child to pop out of you so you can be back to normal." She says and I start laughing.

"I cannot wait for the child to pop out of me too, she's killing me." I say.

"Why because you and Juliet can't have sex anymore?" Maria smiles and I hit her.

"I thought you could have sex pregnant." Nadia says and Maria's eyes widen when she notices her.

"You can, I could for a while but it became to much at one point. I don't have the energy for it and I just can't enjoy it. Juliet is amazing tho, she's fine with it." I say and Nadia looks over to Maria and Maria has gone red. I stand looking from Nadia to Maria and they were holding eye contact.


"Do you two want some privacy?" I ask and they both break eye contact.

"Shut up Spencer." They both say and I tap the table and laugh.

"Double date after the baby comes, Juliet will agree to it."

"Will it include another four-" I block Maria's mouth before she could say anymore. She starts mumbling against my hand and I lose my patience.

"Shut up Maria." I say and she looks at me and stops nodding.

"Another what?" Nadia asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing." I say and take my hand away from Maria's mouth and my phone buzzes. I take out my phone.














I turn off my phone and Maria and Nadia were laughing. I start walking around the lab cleaning and just leaving them talk, it's about time Maria finds someone she's interested in and finally shoots her shot.

"Yeah same, my last relationship was crazy too. I don't really do relationships anymore, I like to have fun." I hear Maria say and my eyes widen and I look at her and she looks at me and stops smiling. I shake my head at her quickly.

"No! I do relationships sometimes." Maria says and I slap a hand to my face.

"So you mess around?" Nadia says and Maria looks to me. I shake my head to her and she swallows.

"No." Maria says and I put my thumbs up.

"Hmm, when were you last in a relationship?" Nadia smiles asking her and Maria looks to me and Nadia put her finger under Maria's chin and turns it to look at her.

"I'm gonna-" I say and put down the cloth I was cleaning with and walk out of the lab closing the door behind me.

"Levine. Where are you going?" I hear Lieutenant say.

"Home?" I say.

"No you aren't, there's plenty of work to do in the lab." He says and walks away. I CANT GO BACK IN THERE, THERES SO MUCH TENSION GOING ON BETWEEN THEM I CANT DO THIS.

I take a deep breath and knock on the lab door. I tap my foot waiting for them to open the door, no answer. Im not going to scream down the station, I knock louder and finally Nadia opens the door.

"What are you doing? Why are you knocking?" She asks and I blink.

"I thought you two were boning." I say and walk past her and Maria laughs.

"Us. Never I barely know her." Maria says and I nod.

"I would need a knife to cut through the tension two seconds ago." I say and Maria groans.

"Spencer stop." She says and I smile.

"I can finish up the work that needs to be done here, you two go out for dinner or something it's getting late anyway." I say and they look at each other.

"Are you sure-"

"Nadia you always let me off early, go." I say and they both nod and walk out of the lab closing the door.

"Looks like it's me and you olive." I say and look down at my stomach.

I go back to cleaning the lab.

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