《Mrs Levine 2》𝐹𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛


I walk up as the door opens, I turn over and Juliet comes in closing the door behind her.

"Hey sleepy head." She says and I groan and throw the blanket over my head.

"Is everyone gone?" I ask and she comes over and sits at the end of the bed, I lift the blanket off of my head and she takes off her shoes.

"Most people, some people are still chatting downstairs but it's getting late now. I came up to check on you." She says and I move over and lift the blanket for her, she smiles and lays in beside me. I kiss her nose.

"No kiss on the lips?"

"You've been drinking and you smell like beer." I say and she huffs.

"That's rude, how are you feeling?" She asks and we both lay our heads on the pillows looking at each other, she puts my hair behind my ear and plays with my hair.

"I'm still tired." I say and she nods.

"How does it feel sleeping in my teenage bedroom?" She asks smiling and I laugh and move over closer to her and rest my head against her chest.

"Hmm well I don't know considering when you were a teenager I was a child." I say and she chuckles.

"You still act like a child." She says and I look up at her.

"Not in bed I don't." I say and she rolls her eyes and I hit her.

"Are you saying i have childish skills?" I say acting offended.

"Hmmm." She looks off thinking about it and I roll over and face away from her. She moves over to me and puts her hand on my waist and kisses the back of my neck.


"Stop kissing me, you're drunk." I say and she laughs and her hot breath hits my neck and I shiver.

"Do you not like me kissing you? I'll stop if that's what you really want." She whispers and her hands moves lower, I grab her hand and move it back to my stomach.

"Stop that talk, the baby can hear you." I say and she laughs then stops.

"Wait seriously?" She asks and I turn back over facing her and nod.


"Holy shit." She says.

"Julie! The baby is going to come out saying curse words." I say and she purses her lips.

"Sorry baby." Juliet lifts the blanket and says.

"What are we going to name her?" I ask Juliet and she looks at me.

"I've actually been thinking about it...I really like the name olive." Juliet says and I smile.

"Olive. Olive Levine. I love it." I say and she smiles back.

"Well do you think it could be our baby's name?"

"Yeah. I love it." I say and she goes to kiss my and I put my finger to her mouth.

"Brush your teeth first." I say and she groans and sits up.

"You had beer, what if we made out and your beer slobber got in my mouth and hurt the baby?" I ask dramatising and she laughs

"Do you want to go and say our goodbyes and thank yous and we can go home?" She asks and I nod and sit up putting on my shoes before walking downstairs with Juliet.


Maria drives to our house to help carry in all the presents from people.

"Some of this shit looks expensive." Maria says as she puts down the last bag. I fall back onto the couch exhausted.


"Probably from Juliet's dads side, they are loaded." I say and Maria laughs.

"Spencer, are you a gold digger?" Maria asks me.

"Not for money, for something else she has definitely." I smirk and Juliet walks around into the living room and ruffles my hair.

"I heard that." She says and sits down on the couch with a bottle of water.

"I'm still waiting for this threesome." Maria says.

"After the baby we will see right Julie?" I turn and she shrugs and takes a sip of the water.

"Wait seriously?" Maria says and sits down on the coffee table and I laugh.

"Let me have the child first."

"Are you deadly serious?" Maria asks and I shrug.


"Oh my god I've been waiting my whole life for this, we went from a No to a maybe."

"Threesomes aren't even that good, it's better with four people." Juliet says and I look at her.


"Juliet is even freakier then I thought." Maria says.

"Oh relax, I was a teenager." Juliet says and I stare at her.

"With Grace?" I ask her and she looks at me.

"How'd you know?" Juliet asks me.

"Wait a minute, you told me you met Grace in college." I say and sit up.

"Okay I'm gonna dip because I'm not gonna stay here for world war three. Love you see you later." Maria stands up and leaves.

I look at Juliet and she sits back on the couch.

"Was Grace at the baby shower?" I ask her.

"Yeah but so were some of my other high school friends." She says and I laugh.

"So you have threesomes with all your high school friends and lie that you met them in college?" I ask and she looks at me and her eyebrows furrow.

"Spencer you're tired and you are getting mad let's just go to be-"

"No Juliet why did you like that you met her in college first day? Are you hiding something or what?" I asks and she sighs.

"It's nothing Spencer, I just didn't tell you because I thought you'd get mad over me being with her for four years and then we broke up in college and we stayed friends." She says and I get a bit taken back by that.

"You two were together for four years?" I ask and she nods.

"Well....It was on and off thing." She says and shrugs.

"And you just didn't think to tell me that." I say.

"I thought you'd be mad about it, clearly I was right." She says.

"Mad is right, I'm going to bed I'm tired." I say and walk up stairs.

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