《Mrs Levine 2》𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛


Me and Juliet's original idea was to find out the baby's gender and tell everyone, Maria on the other hand didn't like that idea and begged us to have a gender reveal party. We decided to have a mixed gender reveal party, so it's our gender reveal party and baby shower. Maria set up everything with me and Juliet's moms.

We went to the clinic a few days ago so the doctor could find out and tell Maria. Today is the day of the gender reveal party. The last few weeks my stomach has been growing...a lot and my energy is going down.

I bought a blue and pink dress and changed into it. I sit down on the bed and put on my heels then groan annoyed and threw them off.

"Are you okay?" Juliet peeks her head out of the bathroom.

"No. I'm not wearing heels." I huff and she laughs, Juliet is wearing a blue suit pants and coat and a pink bralette.

"You look all sexy and I look fat." I frown and she sits down beside me and takes my hand.

"Spencer you are pregnant, you are going to get a stomach over the baby growing. It's not a bad thing my love." She wraps me in a hug. Of course I wanted a bump until it got bigger than Jupiter.

She leans back and smiles at me and holds my hands.

"Wear your converse." She smiles and I smile back until I felt something, a kick.

"Julie...." My eyes widen and I look at her.

"What's wrong?"

"It kicked! The baby kicked!" I say and she laughs.

"The baby is telling you shut up complaining about them growing." She smiles and I roll my eyes.



We get to Juliet's parents house where the party was,Maria picked their house since it had the biggest backyard.

Me and Juliet get out of the car and I hold her hand as we walk inside, I see sage. I haven't seen sage in a few months.

"Sage." I say and she turns and smiles and runs over and hugs me and I hug her back.

"Oh my god. I am so happy for you too even though it's so awkward thinking about the fact that you married the person who used to give out to us for talking." She whispers in my ear and I laugh. She pulls back and looks at my stomach.

"I love baby bumps." She smiles and I laugh, sage has grown out of her comfort zone over the years too. The personality she used to only show to people she got closed to, is the personality she shows to everyone now and I'm proud of her for that.

"Come on come out to the backyard." She says and pulls my hand and I look back to Juliet and she smiles and nods for me to go with her.

She drags me out to the backyard and I see some of my family members and my friends and Juliet's.

"Spencer, where's Juliet?" Maria runs over.


"There I see her." Maria says and runs over. Music starts playing I walk around with sage as people congratulate me, some people I've never even seen before..

"So when's your due date?" My cousin asks me.

"September thirtieth." I smile and she nods, I've been answering the same question from different people for over an hour now and I'm starting to get nauseous and I haven't talked to Juliet since we got here. I look around as I stand with my cousin, I see Juliet and some other women and men and they were laughing and she was drinking a beer.


I walk over to Maria and poke her.

"Can we do the reveal now?" I ask just wanting to go home honestly.

"Mmm." She nods as she takes a sip of her drink and she goes off talking to a man then she grabs Juliet bringing her over and Juliet stumbles.

Maria brings over to balloon and hands both me and Juliet a pin and everyone starts counting down and takes out the phones recording.

They hit one and me and Juliet pop the balloon, it was pink. We are having a girl. Me and Juliet both smile at each other and then hug one another.

"I love you." I whisper to her and she kisses my cheek.

"I love you too." She rubs my back then people start coming over to talk to us again, Juliet goes back over to her group and everyone starts asking me more questions.

"Are you excited?" Someone asks and my head starts spinning and I feel really hot. I take a step back and keep my eyes on Juliet and she doesn't look over. People keep asking questions and I walk away feeling really dizzy. I quickly walk inside to the kitchen getting a glass of cold water.

I go to drink the water and nearly drop the glass, I still can't stand the smell of the water still but I have drink it.

"Are you okay Spencer?" Maria walks over and I put down the glass and nod.

"I just need a little space, I'm a bit overwhelmed and I'm getting really tired." I say and rub my eye.

"Spencer you can go rest in Juliet's old room, come on." Amy comes in and I nod.

"Thank you Amy, I can't believe I'm ditching my own baby shower and gender reveal party." I laugh as she leads me up the stairs.

"Honey you're pregnant, it can be hard sometimes and it really drains the energy out of you. I'm sure everyone will understand, Juliet's old friends from school came and she's catching up with them over a drink." She says and opens the door for me.

"Thank you Amy."

"Not a problem, get some rest." She smiles and walks out closing the door.

I look at the room, I've been in here a few times but didn't look around. Her room is grey and covered with band posters and other posters. I feel like I'm in Juliet's teenage mind, I go over to her desk and see a little photo. I pick it up and it's Juliet and Grace kissing at a photo booth years ago. I put down the photo and walk over to the bed and take off my converse before getting under the blanket and falling asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

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