《Mrs Levine 2》𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛


I wake up feeling more tired than when I went to sleep. Juliet wasn't in bed so she must of already gotten up, I get out of the bed and start walking to the closet but freeze by the mirror.

"Julie!" I shout.

"Yeah? Are you okay?!" I hear Juliet shout then her running up the stairs.

"Look!" I say and I stand side ways at the mirror.

"There's a bump, it's small but it's there." I smile and she shakes her head smiling too.

"Jesus you nearly gave me a heart attack." She puts her hand on the door handle and laughs then walks over and hugs me.

"I finally have a bump." I say and she laughs and I hug her back and then pull back.

"Yes you do." She says and kisses me.

"It's sunny today, can we go to the park and get ice cream?" I ask her and she nods.

"Of course, I made breakfast come on."


Me and Juliet walk through the park eating our ice cream hold each other's hand, we smile watching all the kids play.

"We haven't discussed names yet." I bump Juliet's side and she looks at me.

"Well what names do you like?" She asks.

"Lots. For girls I like Mimi, Adeline, Elizabeth. For boys I like Noah, Eli and Liam. What names do you like?" I say and she hums and I lick my ice cream.

"I like all those names. For girls I love the names Cora, Jade and Maisie and for boys I love Charlie, Levi, Adrian and Joseph." She says and I smile at her.

"You want a boy don't you?" I ask and she smiles back at me.

"Maybe." She shrugs.


"I think we're having a girl." I say and she smiles.

"Whatever you have I'll love." She smiles and I hit her arm gently.

"Stop saying whatever I have, it's what we have Juliet it's our baby." I say and she nods and kisses my head. We continue walking past the park and a little boy was running and his parents weren't around.

"Juliet. Where are his parents?" I ask and she looks around and he falls, I block my mouth because my first instinct is to laugh. Juliet hits me and runs over to him. I follow her and she bends down and helps him up and he starts crying.

"Hey hey, don't cry your okay just a little scratch buddy. Where are your parents?" She asks him and rubs his back and he keeps crying and he shrugs.

"Breath with me, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Like this look." She looks him in the eye and demonstrates her breathing and he starts to copy her, I can't help but to smile as he calms down. She wipes his tears and opens her bag.

"Here you go buddy, come on let's find your parents they must be worried." Juliet hands him a sweet and stands back up but he holds his arms in the air for her to pick him up. Juliet looks at me and I just smile and nod.

She picks him up and holds him at her waist and we walk back to the main area of the park to find his parents.

"Adam!" A woman runs over and i recognise her, she's Avery. Jenna's wife.

"Oh my god thank you, We we're worried sick trying to find him after he ran off." She says and I look past her and Jenna runs over.


"Not a problem, little one had a fall but he's brave. I gave him a sweet, I hope that's okay." Juliet says and she nods and smiles and takes the little boy out of Juliet's arms and hugs him.

"Do you two have an instagram or something? We keep bumping into each other, I think we could all be good friends." Jenna says and Juliet and I laugh and nod.

"Yeah two minutes." I say and take out my phone and click into instagram and show her my account.

"Juliet's tagged in most of my photos so you can add her from them." I say and she nods and smiles.

"Have you found out what you are having yet?" Avery asks and I shake my head.

"No we are finding out in three weeks." I say and she nods.

"That's close, what do you two thinking you're having?" Jenna asks.

"I think it's a girl." I smile.

"Same with me, I have a strong feeling it's a girl." Juliet says. Jenna's phone starts ringing.

"Babe we better go, we hope to talk to you soon." Jenna smiles and we wave before me and Juliet walk away hand in hand.

"I nearly cried when you were helping the little boy, that was the cutest thing I've ever seen." I lean up on my tippy toes and kiss her cheek.

"I had to, you stood there laughing. What would you do if that was our child?" She smiles and I laugh.

"I'd probably laugh before running over to help them." I say and she shakes her head smiling.

"You're cruel." She smiles and I act offended and take my hand away from hers and start walking away.

I walk ahead and I feel her hands around my waist and she pulls me back, I start laughing as she kisses my face a lot of times.

"Stop acting mad, I know you just wanted more attention." She says and I turn and stick my tongue out at her and she shakes her head.

"You called me cruel, I have a right to be mad." I smile and she rolls her eyes.

"Oh so mad you're smiling." She says and I push her and she laughs.

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