《Dreams |○BYLER●|》8.


Baking cookies with love

Hawkins Indiana 1989 4th of December


(Holly's pov)

Finally the time has come!me, my brother and his boyfriend are going to bake cookies together! Nancy and her boyfriend will help us too, it will be fun!

I turned on the radio so it will be more fun, I love music! I heard that Mikey's boyfriend loves it too! I hope will is gonna sleep here again today, so we will eat the cookies and he will read me a bedtime story. His voice is so cute and calm! I really like him. I really want to tell my mommy about him but I promised Mikey that I won't tell her, and Im gonna be a good sister and won't break the promise.

W:" The ingredients are out on the table, what flavour of cookies do you want Holly?" Willy looked at me with a smile,

I hope he's gonna be often! I really like Mikey's boyfriend!

H:" Vanilla!" I quickly replied.

H:" Can we decorate it with rainbows tho?" I asked willy.

W:"Sure why not?" Will said. He's the nicest boy I've ever met and I hope I will see him for the rest of my life

As I came down the stairs in normal clothes, I saw will taking care of Holly. I knew he was great with kids but this much. Wow will, you really are something else..

The news on the radio ended and

The song "que Sera sera" started playing

When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother what will I be.

J:" i didn't know this song still plays on the radio, it was made in 1955!" Jonathan said while the song continued

Will I be pretty? Will I be rich? Here's what she said to me..


N:" Yeah, mom sings it sometimes." Nancy said while holly jumped off wills lap and ran up to me. She clinged to my legs while she told me something.

H:" Mikey your boyfriend is the best! Can he sleep here today? I want him to read me a goodnight story!" Holly seems excited for some reason, I can't blame her tho. Will is very good with kids and even i would fall asleep listening to his voice aswell. It's so charming and lovely and calming and.... Micheal stop doing this.

Will got red from embarrassment and hid his face in his hands.

Que Sera Sera, whatever will be, will be. The future is not ours to see, Que Sera sera

M:" I'm fine with it, but only if he agrees." I said and looked up at will.

W:" It's fine." He looked up at me and we started mixing the ingredients together. Holy and I were all covered in flour.

When I grew up and fell Inlove, I asked my Sweetheart what lives ahead..

Que Sera sera, whatever will be,will be,the future is not ours to see, Que Sera sera...

what will be,will be

Now I have children of my own, they ask Thier mother what will I be...

Will I be handsome, will I be rich? I tell them gently...

Que Sera sera whatever will be, will be the future is not ours to see Que Sera sera

What will be, will be...

Que Sera sera~


(Jonathan's pov)

Finally. We put the cookies in the oven and start making the topping.

M:" Are you sure you don't want to dance with me Byers?" Mike tells my brother, I'm not gonna lie to anyone but..

I made a mike hate club, yeah.


But it's not fault tho, we all hate mike.

There are only a few people in it tho.

Nancy,me,max and hopper. There should be more tho. But, I'm happy to see my brother with his love. And as long he's happy, I'm happy.

W:" No way, your all covered up in flour!" Will giggled and it made me smile to see my brother happy.


(Will's pov)

The cookies are done. We made the topping and put it on the cookies. Holly sprinkled them. Not gonna lie I was proud of it.


Mrs.Wheeler got home by the time we were done. Holly ran up to her and gave her the best made cookie but she was still covered up in flour wich was really cute, I was just looking at holly giving her mother a cookie when suddenly....

M:" That's for not dancing with me!" Mike Trew flour on my face.

W:" Hey! It's not my fault you can't cook!" I Trew some flour at him back.

K:" Looks like you had fun. Now clean the kitchen up, I'm not cleaning your mess." She said while holly handed her the cookie.

H:" mommy can will stay here for tonight? I want him to read me a goodnight story!" Holly said to Mrs. Wheeler.

K:"Sure, I'll call Joyce ." She said and walked off to call my mom. Holly was excited and ran up to me.

H:" You're staying! I'm gonna pick my favorite book! She took a cookie and ran off to her room to grab a book.

M:" You have no choice now but to stay." Mike said and put his arm around my waist.

I kissed his forehead, It was all good until I saw mrs.wheeler watching us.

I froze at first but to my surprise, she smiled and gave me a little wink as she was talking on the phone with mom. Holly then came downstairs in her PJ's and grabbed my hand,pulling me upstairs.

H:" C'mon it's my bedtime!" She said

We got to her room and she jumped on her bed already listening to me . Mike stood at the door and listens to me telling her the story. She fell asleep in no time

M:" Sence when are you so good with kids?" He whispered trying not to wake holly up.

W:" Maybe I am,Or maybe it's just Cinderella getting her prince." I whispered back as I stood up from her bed. We walked up to mike's room and sat down on his bed.

W:" So what do you wanna do?" I ask

M:" I don't know. Wait,I forgot to tell you, my cousin from Derry is comming a few days before Christmas and is gonna be here till the Christmas break is over. He will come with his group but they will stay at a hotel or something."

W:" that's cool I hope I will meet him." I said before hugging him. I just wanted him to shut up and cuddle with him, that's all. Eventually, we finally cuddled to sleep.

I felt safe in his arms but this was too much sleep for my brain.

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