《Is This Love? ||Byler|| (Finished!)》Hospital


The car ride was silent other than Wills whimpering. Lucas felt like crying. He didn't know why. He just felt so bad. It hurt to see Will in pain.

Once they arrived at the hospital Steve and Lucas walked Will inside.

We need a doctor! Yelled Steve as he walked into the lobby.

Some doctors came and put will on a bed and carried him away to his room.

Lucas and Steve sat and waited in the waiting room.

You need to get to the hospital now. Its your brother. Steve called Jonathan.

Jonathan burts into the waiting room along with Nancy, Mike, Dustin, Max and Eleven.

Is he ok!? Yelled Jonathan.

Yes. Just a broken arm. Said Steve.

Jonathan got real serious. Who did this. He asked.

Troy Harrington.

That douche is still at it? Its been years. Why did he do it?


Everyone looked down.

Because of who he is!? Jonathan yelled.


Everyone sits down.

A doctor came out. Two at a time she said.

Jonathan and Mike go in.

When they opened the door they saw will with his arm in a thick cast that was being propped up.

Jonathan stood shocked in the doorway while mike ran over and lied his head on wills stomach.

Will put his good hand on mikes back and smiled.

What happened with troy? Will asked.

Im not sure. Mike explained.

Jonathan came over and kneeled on the ground next to will and mike.

He looked at both of them and said: listen guys, theres always going to be people in the world who believe being gay is wrong. Its not wrong! But some people are assholes. There trying to get you to like "normal" things, and you shouldn't like things because people tell you youre suppost to.

Mike and will look at eachother and smiled.


Thanks Jonathan. They say.

Will hugs both of them.

Here ill leave you guys be. Jonathan leaves the room.

Mike and will look at eachother.

How did you know? Will asked.


How did you know I'd be in trouble. You were asleep in your bed. How did you end up at school?

Im not sure. I guess I had a feeling. i wasnt gonna stand there and let it happen.

What did you do? To troy? Did you hurt him?

N-no. I didn't h-hurt him. I just talked to him.

Talked? Will knew he was lying.


Will laughed. Mike I love you.

I love you too.

Mike leaned in for a kiss.

I knew it! A voice from the door said.

Mike and Will both shoot there eyes to the door.

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