《Tigh Na Faol: House of Wolf (A Wulvers Prequel)》Chapter 26 ~ Debts
Chapter 26: Debts
Aileen narrowed her eyes at me over the playing cards she held. I kept my own expression neutral. My father had taught me to play and I was every bit as good as the lord's that gathered to gamble in the halls. My mother had never approved but I quite enjoyed it.
Owen looked bored, spinning a Sgian Dhubh on a finger while sighing intermittently. He didn't care for card games, he wanted to be outside, working alongside the wolves in the fields, hunting or prowling the territory. He didn't hide his hatred at having to stay by my side, especially when I'd been told by my husband not to go further than the gardens.
Aileen pushed more coin into the middle of the table and smirked before revealing her cards. So certain she'd won and yet. . .
"You must be cheating!" she cried in outrage when I laid my own cards on down.
"I would have noticed if she was cheating," Owen muttered.
Aileen turned a glare on her cousin. "You haven't been paying attention to a single thing since you sat down."
He huffed and levelled her with a look that had her narrowing her eyes at him and baring her teeth. I was sure the pair had come to blows before. While it was obvious they loved each other, they bickered like children. I guessed Owen was as close as a sibling rather than a cousin as he'd grown up alongside them.
"I'm sorry we've bored you so much. What would you like us to do?" I asked Owen to stop the oncoming fight. I took my winnings and scooped them into my money bag, grinning as I tied the strings.
Aileen watched her disappearing coin with a pout but didn't try to change my mind on keeping it. She'd made a grand point of taking my money when she'd won the first game so I would show her no mercy either.
"We could go for a run," Owen suggested eagerly, putting his blade away. "Deer are grazing near the mountains, we could go and see."
"Torian would execute you," Aileen replied as she gathered up the deck of cards.
I laughed lightly at that. My husband had lost his senses when I asked if I could take Breò-chlach for a ride the day before. He was over protective but I didn't mind. It was nice to know he cared about me.
"If we head West and stay away from where Alpha Malcolm's territory borders ours, there won't be anything to worry about," Owen argued.
A run did sound nice but I'd only ever shifted in front of and run in fur with Torian. He was needed to keep me in line while I was still learning to find balance in my thoughts between instincts of fur and the rational of skin.
"It would be nice to get outside for a while, I suppose," Aileen mused before nodding and standing up. "We must return before my brother does though."
I hesitated, looking between them both with the inability to believe they would disobey Torian so. Owen smirked and leaned on the table in front of me.
"Are you scared?" he goaded.
Narrowing my eyes, I folded my hands on my lap. "No. Simply concerned that someone else will have to guard me when Torian kills you for even suggesting we leave the manor."
"Does that mean you're beginning to like having me around?" He grinned and stood tall, puffing himself up much to his cousin's amusement.
"On the contrary," I muttered.
He let out a heaving sigh of frustration and then suddenly changed his tune, his tone becoming pleading. "I cannot stay another moment inside. Please come. I promise I will keep you safe and if Torian gets angry, I will take the blame."
I considered his proposal that was backed by a pout from my sister-in-law. Torian was out at a farm miles away, perhaps we did have enough time to go out for a while and return before he did.
"You will be taking the blame because this was all your idea. . .Promise we will stay far away from Alpha Malcolm's land?"
Owen bowed his head and offered his hand for me to take. "Of course, my lady."
With a small laugh, I took his hand. I liked this new side of Owen, the playful glint in his eye and the smile that wasn't faked nor strained. He was still grumpy with me, still made rude comments about my heritage and once during a heated argument between us, he'd called me a mutt. That had been a step too far and when Torian had found out, Owen had been dragged out by the scruff of his neck. I wasn't sure what my husband had done or said to him but they'd returned with ruffled clothes and bruised faces. Nobody else looked twice.
But days alone together and we were on better footing; still shaky but getting there.
When we left the room, Owen dropped my hand and I rolled my eyes. It wasn't like Aileen would keep the secret that Owen and I were becoming friends but he wanted to keep his reputation unstained by association with me.
Aileen's arm wound through mine as we walked through the courtyard and I was a little pleased we were all seen leaving by others. They'd know where we were going in case something happened.
That errant thought made me frown. I couldn't shake this feeling that hovered over me but I didn't want to go back on my word. Aileen and Owen looked relieved to finally be outside.
I lifted my skirts as we crossed a path that was still muddy and wet from the rain last night. Aileen allowed hers to drag through the mud and I almost laughed. The ladies of court would be so aghast at her lack of care. Even more so with what we did next. While Aileen and Owen had no qualms about their nakedness, I took to undressing behind a tree.
The same exhilarating sensation took over my body as I allowed the wolf to be free. It wasn't as achy this time now that I'd grown used to shifting forms. I was still a little disorientated at first, needing time to get used to the way my vision became sharper and sounds louder. A bark from beyond the tree and instincts took over.
I ran to meet my packmates who nuzzled into me and took on my scent. My wolf followed suit, sniffing and rubbing my scent into their fur. Once we were well aquatinted, Owen had to assert his leadership. I wanted to run any which way and he struggled more than Torian did to keep me focussed on following him.
It was all so overwhelming and I wanted to hunt every delicious scent I caught in the air. Once Owen started to speed up, stretching his legs, I retained a little of my thoughts. I ran easily next to him with Aileen on my other side. He didn't stop me when I began to pull ahead, merely nudged me in the right direction. Power filled my veins and we ran until the ground began to slope up into the hills.
Panting hard, my limbs felt like jelly. Owen and Aileen were breathing hard too. My guard took the lead again and we headed for a stream where we lapped at cool water. I couldn't resist jumping in to soak my sweat damped fur.
Aileen and I played like I imagined the pups did. We bounced around, yipping and jumping on each other before darting away. It was second nature, a way to get to know my sister-in-law law better. Her wolf was a beautiful grey and white with sandy tones on her belly. She was built like me, smaller than Torian and Owen, sleek and made for speed rather than brawn.
Owen didn't join in our fun. Occasionally he'd nip at one of us if we came his way but he was doing his duty of guarding is now we'd had a good run. He looked around the perimeter of the meadow, stopping every few paces to sniff the ground and then the air, ears twitching towards every sound.
A dark red wolf came out of nowhere alongside two others and they all went for Owen. He stood with his tail high in the air, head lifted and lips peeled back to reveal sharp white fangs. He was the biggest by far but against three opponents, I doubted he stood a chance. I'd never fought in this form, the play fighting Aileen and I had been having was nothing.
I followed her lead when she turned and snarled in their direction. Shoulder to shoulder, we made our way behind the wolves facing Owen. Only one turned, as if two females weren't anything to worry about.
Torian was going to be furious.
Aileen bumped into my side, nipping and nudging at me with sharp bites that hurt. I backed away in shock, not understanding what she wanted of me. She lifted her head and let out a short howl before going back to pushing her head into my shoulder. I understood now.
As two wolves attacked Owen, and the other Aileen, I lifted my head and howled. It caught the attention of our attackers and the biggest wolf that seemed to be the leader snapped at the one by his side. I howled again as loud as I could, desperate to catch the attention of anyone in the pack. Torian would come, I could sense him a little as my emotions flowed to him. More than ever I wished I'd marked him so I could communicate better the situation. Aileen said that mates could sometimes share fragments of images and sentences.
My cry for help was cut off when a body threw me to the ground. I narrowly avoided snapping teeth, raking my claws down the wolf's belly. Owen had dispatched of the first wolf and was running to my aid but Aileen was struggling too and she was closer to him than I was.
I doubled my efforts to get the wolf off me. He was so focussed on keeping me pinned beneath him he didn't notice my saviour approach. Owen gripped the wolf's neck between his fangs and forced him to the ground. I watched in shock as he shook his head about until he tore the attackers throat, blood splattering everywhere.
He quickly turned on the last wolf that had stumbled away from a growling Aileen. Red coated her muzzle and while she didn't have a scratch on her, her opponent was bleeding.
The wolf looked from his dead packmates to each of us but he didn't stop his posturing. Just as I was sure this was all about to be over, more wolves appeared from the trees. They were growing and snarling, and Aileen quickly darted back to stand by us. We were outnumbered again.
But it wasn't us these new wolves were growling at. I recognised Torian when he stepped to the front and he pounced with as much grace as a cat onto its prey. He disposed of the wolf with ease, snapping its neck in one swift move. When hazel eyes moved to us, I knew we were in trouble.
My husband shifted back to his skin and stalked toward us. A few other wolves behind him followed suit and I saw his father amongst them. He came our way too and looked just as unhappy as his son but hopefully not at us.
Torian dropped to his knees in front of me and ran his hands over my back, searching for injury. I gave his cheek a reassuring lick. Apart from a few small scratches and perhaps a few bruises, I was fine. Better than the state Owen was in by far.
"They were Malcolm's wolves," Lord Lyall's told us. "You need to get Màili back to the manor now. Bar the doors and stay inside until we get you."
A shiver went up my spine. I'd been right about Malcolm. Perhaps they would remember that next time they thought to wave me off as if I knew nothing just because I hadn't been born into their world. Now wasn't the time to gloat about being proven right.
"Can you run?" My husband whispered by my ear, fingers sinking into my fur.
I nodded, slowly realising that he wasn't coming back with me, he was going to stay and fight. Nipping at his shoulder, I whined my disapproval. He ignored me to reach out to touch Owen's head.
"You protected her today and I'm ever so grateful, cousin. Keep her safe until I return. If I don't. . ." he trailed off, expression grave and I panicked even more. "You know what I want you to do."
Owen nodded his head and pressed his body against his cousin's. Aileen whined now too, trying to press forward but Lord Lyall held up a hand. "You stay with Màili and Owen. You're a good fighter, my daughter, I need you with our future Alpha Female."
She still hesitated, dancing on her paws until Owen nipped at her shoulder and turned her around. I couldn't follow, I feared what Torian had said. He spoke like there was a chance he could be killed and I wouldn't leave him to that fate. He'd saved me from a life of misery, shown me a world I could never have dreamed of. Most of all he'd shown me kindness, love, affection.
"I need to know you're safe. You defended yourself well but I need you to go. If you came with us, I'd only be able to focus on protecting you." He pressed his forehead against mine, stroking over my cheek before pushing me to where an inpatient Owen was huffing.
Everything in me told me not to go but I couldn't risk distracting this male when he was off to defend his pack. Another firm push from him and I turned, running over to Owen. Aileen pressed herself against my side and I didn't get the chance to look back before we were running for home.
My husband would find our enemy and destroy them, I knew that. He and his father would protect us all, and then we could live in peace. I would learn more about being a Wulver by his side, we'd kiss and laugh and maybe one day we'd confess feelings of love. I'd bear him children, pups. All these new hopes fluttered through my thoughts but we're darkness with the possibility I might never have any of that. What if Malcolm won?
I growled angrily at that, the sense of fear it caused making me stumble over my own paws. Focus on running, that's what I needed to do right now. Torian would come back to me.
We didn't return the same way we'd come, Owen led us off the beaten path, away from roads and over rugged land and many streams. I knew he was using the water to distort our scents in case we were followed. My heart was pounding and I wasn't sure I could push myself on. Fighting off that wolf had fuelled me with adrenaline that was now beginning to burn off. Only the two wolves on either side of me, forcing me on, kept me going.
When the manor finally came into view, it looked eerily empty. There was nobody in the courtyard and even the stables were empty apart from the horses. It struck me then that there was no way Torian and the others could have gotten from the farm to us in the time between me howling and Owen saving me. Had there been an attack before ours? All the warriors had been with them. . .
Owen shifted to push the doors open for us and held a finger over his lips in a sign for us to keep quiet. I had to concentrate hard to change back into my skin, more slowly and painfully than these Wulvers. There was no time to worry about nudity either. Supporting myself against the wall, I needed a moment to catch my breath and get control of my shaking before stepping inside.
There wasn't a soul in sight inside either apart from us. No servants, no stable hands or cooks.
"Mother should still be here," Aileen whispered.
We followed her to the room Lady Lyall had called her own private space. Stepping lightly, my ears strained for any sign of movement, and I scented the air for anything out of place.
Owen slid in front of his cousin to lightly tap on the door before peering inside. He turned and shook his head at us.
"She could have gone to check on the pack, or perhaps she's in her chambers," he suggested when Aileen looked decidedly worried.
"I will bar the doors, look for my lady mother, and search the rest of the manor. You get Màili to her rooms, I will meet you there," Aileen ordered, lifting herself tall.
Owen shook his head. "I cannot allow to do that. Your father told you to stay with us-"
"And I am staying with you," she interrupted. "He also said I was a good fighter and we need to make sure our home is secure. I promise I won't leave the manor and I'm certain you will hear if I need help."
"I can fight too. Let her go, we need to know Lady Lyall is safe," I spoke up.
With a grumble, he looked a little lost before agreeing. "Very well. Damn you females. Be quick and quiet, Aileen."
She nodded and immediately slipped away. Owen took a firm grip of my arm and began ushering me toward the stairs. The stone was cold beneath my feet and with Aileen gone, it made me overly aware I was naked and alone with an equally naked man. When we reached my door, he pushed me behind him.
I understood he wanted to make sure there was nobody we weren't expecting. He opened the door quickly, taking deep inhales of air before he allowed me to step inside too. We were alone and safe, finally.
As soon as I was in, I scampered for the bedroom and flung open my chest for clothes. Owen followed and I glared over my shoulder at him.
"Please have the decency to turn around," I demanded, holding the clothes in front of me when I stood.
Owen smirked. "I've already seen it all and we might need to shift quickly, there is little point in dressing."
With a huff, I turned my back on him and proceeded to pull on soft breeches and a tunic; clothes I could easily run or fight in if I had to. Once dressed, I was happy to see he had indeed turned his back to give me privacy. I reached under the bed and a clank had Owen facing me again. He raised an impressed eyebrow when I pulled out my sword.
"Have you ever truly used that?" he asked sceptically.
"No," I answered honestly. "But I am prepared to."
For the first time ever, I thought Owen's eyes held a glimmer of respect as he looked at me. He'd saved my life, and I was ready to repay that debt if I had to.
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