《Tigh Na Faol: House of Wolf (A Wulvers Prequel)》Chapter 25 ~ Consequences
Chapter 25: Consequences
The wolf that dared to touch me walked out, smirking as he made his way to his Alpha's side. There was a slight limp to his walk which made me feel a little smug. I'd inflicted some damage. When sea blue eyes raked up the length of me, I felt the ghost of his right grip around my arm.
From the way I stiffened, Torian must have known this was the man. Lady Lyall kept me secure in her arms even as she growled. I wondered why my own Alpha didn't step in, but he was watching his son with his arms folded over his chest. Maybe he was waiting to see how his son would handle the situation.
I watched on, unable to breathe. Everything in the air told me to be wary and careful. There seemed to be a line drawn between our pack and the guests on our land.
Alpha Malcolm sighed as he looked over at his wolf. "Did you touch his female, Seumas?"
"We bumped into each other. We spoke for a while. She's not used to our kind, I might have given her a little . . .fright." The man who I now knew to be Seumas looked over at me and I felt my own growl rumbling my chest.
He and I both knew it had been much more than that.
"There doesn't seem to be any harm done. We shall depart in case of further misunderstandings," Alpha Malcolm said, eyeing the gathered women. A few looked uneasy now.
Torian took another step forward and shook his head. "You don't get to just leave after your wolf assaults my mate."
"Assault? That's a strong word, pup," Malcolm hissed back and motioned to me. "She's fine. There's not a mark on her. If Seumas said they just spoke, I believe him. Like he said, she's new to our world, it all must be overwhelming for her."
"So you're calling Màili a liar?" Lady Lyall spoke up, anger in her voice. "Trust me when I say this, Màili is no helpless and submissive human female. If she was frightened, it was for a very good reason."
I silently thanked her for that because at this moment, I did feel helpless and submissive. The tension rose and I didn't miss the way postures shifted into defensive stances. I flicker of fear made me more skittish as my eyes darted around.
"For your disrespect toward my mate, I issue a challenge," Torian announced, looking over at his father for permission.
Alpha Malcolm chuckled. "Don't be a fool. You've no reason to challenge Seumas, mistakes were made and I apologise on his behalf. Let us take the females and go."
"Do you think they really want to go with you now they've seen the low regard you hold for women?" I scoffed, glaring at the man who dared call me a liar when we all knew it was true.
Lord Lyall stepped up too, squeezing Artair's shoulders in a subtle way as he passed. All eyes watched this Alpha, waiting for his words.
"If my son feels his mate has been disrespected or caused harm, I will not stand in his way. This will be put right," he stated, standing at his son's side, a barrier of strength when Jasper moved forward too.
Artair stayed in front of the females with his sister taking position at his side. The wolves that had been working in stable came to watch, all of them puffing up and baring teeth. Malcolm didn't look so confident now.
"The deal has been made, Alpha Alsander. I don't want any trouble now we have an alliance with one another. I will keep my word they will not be harmed if that is what you are worried about." Hands up to show surrender, he kept his voice low.
"Of course we will care for them, those females are true Wulvers. Unlike the mutt you took to be an Alpha Female," Seumas added. He was smug only for a split second before my mate shifted, having had enough. Skin gave way to fur as he attacked with no warning and I cried out.
Alpha Malcolm gave Seumas an irritated glare but did nothing to step in front to defend him. In fact, all his wolves stepped away to make space for the fight to come.
Seumas cried out as he was tackled to the ground and he too shifted to his wolf. I gasped, eyes wide and terrified at their ferocity. Teeth flashed, claws raked over flesh to bring the smell of blood.
Lord Lyall peered over at me as if checking I was okay and his mate gave him a small nod as she tightened her grip on me. What did they think I was going to do? Flee from this scene of horror, or run to aid my mate which was something my body was indeed urging me to do?
The two wolves rolled and danced around the courtyard, their sounds of anger making me flinch. My heart was hammering fast as I tried to keep track of Torian amongst the blur of fur. Seumas didn't seem to have the speed my mate did but he was steady on his paws and lunged with the force of a bull.
"This is an outrage, Lord Lyall. Pull your son back!" Malcolm demanded furiously.
Lord Lyall shook his head and I could feel his power again. The strength that made him more of an Alpha than Malcolm. "That male disrespected my son's mate. A member of my pack. He is lucky it is only my son's teeth he will have to face. You will not interfere or I will not allow the females to go with you."
I was surprised Lord Lyall was still going to allow him to take them but I knew he must have had his reasons. Politics.
I flinched when Seumas sunk his teeth into Torian's shoulders but my mate shook him off like it was nothing. I'd seen soldiers duel but I'd never seen anything as savage as this. Nobody else seemed to feel that way. This was part of life to these people, I reminded myself. Perhaps one day I'd be as numb to it as them. Even the women watching behind me didn't seem overly concerned about the meaning of the fight. I wondered if it would make any of them change their minds.
I clutched the sleeve of Lady Lyall's dress, looking up at her and whispering, "Are they trying to kill each other?"
She gave me a motherly look and pulled me closer into her side. She wasn't worried but Alpha Malcolm was, that had to bode well for Torian.
"My son is one of the finest fighters in the country. That sorry excuse of a wolf will submit." Her voice was so certain, the beast in me let its hackles soften.
I forced myself to look back at the battle of tooth and claw to see that Torian had the smaller grey wolf pinned beneath him, fangs against his throat. My husband looked glorious in his fur that shimmered with hints of blond as his growls filled the air. As his mother had said, I spotted the signs of submission. Seumas whined and stretched his neck out, tail tucked between his legs.
Torian only needed to see his father and Alpha nod to release the cowering wolf. I blushed and averted my gaze when he morphed back into his skin. Naked and panting, I could hear him walking back to his father. The action made Alpha Malcolm bristle and I couldn't figure out if it was because he'd won so easily or because Torian had given him his back.
Forcing myself to make sure he was okay, I scanned over his muscles form. There were a few scratches on his chest and side but nothing that seemed serious. Feeling his eyes on me, I met his gaze, hoping he could see I was grateful he'd taken to defending my honour. But I was surprised to see anger in his eyes and he looked away when he reached his father's side.
Alpha Malcolm motioned for two wolves to help Seumas off the ground. He stalked toward Lord Lyall a growl in his voice as he said, "You will pay for that."
"Do not threaten me on my own land, Malcolm."
The wolf growled when Lord Lyall purposefully missed out his title and I worried another fight was about to break out. He was outnumbered though, he would be stupid to attack when he and his few wolves were surrounding him.
"Keep your females," Alpha Malcolm spat, backing away toward the waiting horses. "I won't have she-wolves from you pack infecting mine."
Lord Lyall barely reacted to such gross words. He watched as Alpha Malcolm climbed onto his horse and waited impatiently for Seumas' beaten and bruised body to be thrown over his own mount. They clattered out if the courtyard and with quiet words, Jasper shifted along with two other wolves and began to follow them.
"Let's get you inside to the parlour and something to drink," Lady Lyall urged, pushing me toward the door. "Aileen, Artair, make sure our females get home safely."
The siblings nodded. As I suspected, they all looked relieved to be going home instead of with the obviously easily angered and unstable Alpha. Torian took my hand and lead me to the parlour where the family sometimes gathered in the evening. We were the only ones there for now and the room felt too quiet.
"I will deal with you once I have gotten dressed. Stay here," he ordered harshly, turning to leave until I grabbed his arm.
"Why are you upset with me?"
He turned slowly, eyes narrowed. "Do you really not know? Did I not order you to stay inside our chambers where you would be safe? You put yourself in unnecessary danger. Sit and wait for my mother and father. We might have to start preparing for a fight now."
I flinched and dropped his arm, stumbling back and falling into the nearest chair. My head ducked down and I listened to the sound of him leaving with a heavy heart. Sitting in silence, I went over his words again and again, staring at the decorating thread over the cuff of my sleeve.
Lord and Lady Lyall came in but from their auras, I was sure they were my Alphas in that moment. A delicate hand placed a mug of water into my hand.
"Drink, Màili. Are you alright? Did he truly hurt you?" she asked, taking the seat next to me.
I shook my head after taking a few grateful sips of water. "He grabbed me and it hurt but nothing is bruised. His words were more worrying than his actions."
"What did he say to you?" Lord Lyall asked from across the room to where a small desk covered in papers was stood.
Swallowing, I kept my gaze on the patterned cuff. I didn't want to repeat what he said. His words had been so crass that my skin felt as if ants were crawling across. Fingers played through my hair and a soft, comforting rumble came from the woman next to me. Neither of them pushed me to speak.
I half listened to the conversation they shared when it was clear I needed some more time in my sullen silence. Torian returned still carrying the scent of anger on his skin. He went to stand by his father when I wanted to feel his touch.
When the door swung open yet again, my mate's anger seemed to spike.
"And where the hell were you, Owen?" he yelled, making me lift my head. There was blood dripping from his nose and I frowned when he swiped it away. Seumas had inflicted at least one proper injury.
"She chose to leave the room. What would you have had me do, tie her to a chair?" Owen snapped, glaring over at me.
I ducked my head. He had a fair point. All that had happened was my fault. I should have stayed with Owen. Now I feared what was going to happen, would I be punished for my disobedience? Lady Lyall tipped my chin up, making me meet her eyes.
"One way or another, Malcolm would have found some reason to break the deal and demand more. I don't doubt what happened with that wolf was orchestrated. Do not shoulder the blame. We will be fine. Alpha Malcolm's pack does not have the wolves or the warriors to defeat us," she comforted, watching me until I nodded. Then her eyes narrowed on Owen. "You were entrusted with Màili's safety. You should have stayed with her even if she left the room."
Owen offered her his neck, mumbling a quiet apology that didn't do anything to sooth my raging mate. Lord Lyall gripped his shoulder, turning his son's head one way and the other, studying his injuries.
"I'm fine," he grunted.
His father hummed but nodded. "We need to have more wolves patrolling our Eastern border. I want to have letters sent to every Alpha in the country."
"Why, my love?" Lady Lyall asked with a frown.
He gave her a grim look before his eyes fell on me. "I want to make sure they aren't in line with him. I want to make sure Màili is safe."
"Why would he go after Màili? He never truly wanted her in the first place," Owen put in.
"True. But now he knows that Torian and Màili aren't simply mates but they care for each other. If something happened to her. . ."
Lord Lyall didn't need to finish. I understood. If he took me, or harmed me, Torian would be nothing but a wolf filled with rage. Alpha Malcolm was hoping it would weaken one of the strongest wolves in this pack. I wasn't so sure that was the way to go. Torian wouldn't stop until he'd avenged me, for some reason I was completely sure about that. I'd seen it in his eyes when he'd attacked the wolf that dared touch me.
"And in the meantime, what do I do about these two?" Torian grumbled, gaze flicking between Owen and I.
I stiffened, staring at him. Lord Lyall sighed and nodded slowly to himself. "They did both disobey."
"She's new to our world, mate if mine." I was glad Lady Lyall was trying to defend me but I could tell it was no use.
"All the more reason for her to learn quickly, my love," Lord Lyall replied.
With a small heave of my shoulder, I stood from my chair. "I will accept whatever punishment you deem fit."
There was silence for a moment as the two men considered me. When my husband opened his mouth, a hand grabbed my shoulder and Owen shoved me a little too firmly out of the way.
"Do not punish her. It was my fault she left. I was being. . .unkind to her." Owen bowed his head to Torian. "I will take both of our punishments."
I blinked in shock. Of all the things I'd imagined Owen doing, I had expected him to force more blame on me, not shield me from it entirely. Lord Lyall looked like he was trying not to smile as he patted his son's arm. "There now. The truth comes out. Owen can start the first evening patrol at the Eastern border until morning, how does that sound?"
"A good idea, but I would like to add to it," Torian mused with a smirk. "When I cannot, I would like Owen to be by Màili's side until we are sure we have thoroughly dealt with Alpha Malcolm."
Owen made the same noise of protest I did which for some reason had him glaring over at me. Even Lady Lyall laughed quietly behind me.
"A brilliant idea," our Alpha decreed. "You are both family. It is time you learned to get along."
I wanted to argue that I'd been nothing but decent to the man that seemed determined to hate me and make me feel weak and unimportant but I knew it would be useless. Hopefully Alpha Malcolm would be dealt with quickly.
Forgetting for a moment that Owen and I were being punished with each others presence, I focussed on the more important.
"Do you think Alpha Malcolm is going to attack?" I asked.
Lord Lyall sat at the small desk and clasped his hands together. He looked to be deep in thought and I wasn't the only one that wondered what he thought I'd the situation.
"I believe Malcolm is young and power hungry. Whether he is also foolish and bloodthirsty as well remains to be seen," he finally replied. I chuckled at his careful phrasing and was sure he had done his fair share of careful words with men at court.
Even still, a small part of me was afraid. Perhaps I should be glad that a strong man like Owen would be left to defend me. I looked at him from the corner of my eye, wondering what exactly he thought about the situation we found ourselves in. Did his shoulders carry the heavy weight of guilt like mine did?
"You better get yourself something to eat from the kitchens, Owen. Night will fall soon and you won't have the chance to rest until dawn," Lady Lyall hinted with a small amount of humour.
Begrudgingly, Owen bowed his head to his Alpha pair and left the room.
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