《Tigh Na Faol: House of Wolf (A Wulvers Prequel)》Chapter 2 ~ Torian Lyall
Just a wee authors note. The father/Mother are always addressed by their last name (eg. Lord/Lady Lyall, Lord MacDhòmhnaill) the children their first names (eg. Lady Máili, Lord Torian)
Again, there will be mistakes, I'll try and catch then all later.
Beware of the wolves...
Chapter Two: Torian Lyall
I watched my luggage being thrown onto the carriage, my dresses and possessions that I couldn't live without. It was hard to believe that this was the last time I would call the manor home, that unless I ever visited my father after I was married, last night was the last time I would sleep in my chambers. My father did his best to ignore my presence, giving his last orders to his servants before we made the trek to Stirling.
Looking around, I commited everything to memory; my mother's herb garden, the trees, the manor that had been home all my life, the stables and even the gate that lead to the road. I tugged at the leather riding gloves I wore and then my hair net, unable to stay still. Staying still led to a panic that was overwhelming and I refused to cry as I said goodbye to my home. I feigned an indifference in the hopes to garner some reaction from my father, but he had barely acknowledged me, even as he asked if I was ready to go. I'd given him a nod but he was already walking away.
My heart clenched, my eyes squeezing shut. I couldn't bare his hatred of me, and I wished I looked more like him instead of my mother, if only to have kept his love and support.
John, the stable boy, brought my horse forward. My black stallion stomped heavy hooves as he greeted me, shoving his head into my shoulder. I didn't have it in me to give him my usual delighted greeting and shoved his head away. Breò-chlach had been given to me for my birthday and I'd fallen in love with him on sight, but even he couldn't cheer me up today. John held his hands in a cradle for me, helping me onto the saddle. I hated riding side saddle but my father had insisted I made a "ladylike first impression."
I gathered the reins, watching the first of the convoy make their way down the road. I stayed next the carriage of luggage, wanting to have privacy with my thoughts. Harry kept pace next to me on my father's orders, my gaurd should anything happen on the road. Not that I needed protecting, I had my own sword strapped to my saddle, hidden by a blanket. I'd been practicing with Harry himself since I was a small girl, my mother thought it important that I knew how to look after myself.
Breò-chlach tugged at the reins, snorting his want to go faster. Part of me wanted to let him, to run until we were free, somewhere I could start new, be my own person, be in control of my own life.
"Are you scared, my lady?" Harry asked, riding closer to me.
I lifted my chin, "Of course not. This is my sacred duty, to marry and have children. I am not afraid of my future."
He smirked and shook his head,"You know little, Lady Máili. Court is definitely something you should be wary of, though I suppose you will not be there long enough to worry. I imagine Lord Lyall will take you back to his home shortly after you are married to his son."
I faltered, my head whipping up to look at him.
"Do you think so?" I asked, my stomach curling at the thought of going even further from what I knew.
At least at court I had the presence of my father and the few friends I had. I could feel everything crumbling through grasping fingers and then being ripped away from sight. He nodded, watching me.
"Lord Lyall and his family aren't known for spending more time than they have to at court. They prefer their country home up in the Highlands, very private family, they stick to their clan." He replied.
How odd, but then my family were the same. Perhaps it wouldn't be so different living with them after all. I was used to being ignored now, what difference would it make being in a different place with people I didn't know?
We fell quiet after that, and I lost time to just watching trees and farms going past as we rode. The Highlands clung tight to their clans and lairds, it would be a change to live so, but perhaps a welcome one. Clans were strong in their family ties, it could either welcome me with open arms or cause an even greater barrier between myself and my new family.
Stirling castle appeared around the next bend, catching my attention. It sat high on a hill, one side shear cliffs and it amazed me that it was built so in line with the drop. The bricks seemed almost pink in the light, its beauty taking over the landscape. My stomach flipped again with the realisation we were so close, that I was so close to being a married woman. The urge to run came again, my hand sliding to the hilt of my sword under the blanket of my saddle but something wouldn't let me go through with it.
I fell to the back of the convoy as we entered the city gates, trying to prolong the inevitable. The climb up to the castle was steep and the carriages began to struggle and I somehow ended up right at the front again, close to my father. I had been to the castle before, but I never seemed to get used to the majesty of it. Servants scurried through the the courtyard with buckets of water, clothes and food, great Lords and Ladies watched us enter with judging eyes, faces crowded the window to get a peek of the new arrivals. Their scrutiny was tangible and I wished I'd donned a better dress, even though this one was comfiest for riding.
My hands were shaking as I slipped down from my horse, my legs aching from so long spent in the saddle. Harry was by my side, placing my hand on his elbow and leading me inside behind my father. We were lead to our rooms, our trunks and bags somehow beating us there.
I released my hold of Harry's arm, making my way to my room so I could take off all the uncomfortable riding clothes. I shut the door, relaxing as I was finally alone. The pins came out of my hair net first, that I then dumped into the nearest table along with my gloves. If I was to mingle with the nobles tonight, I wanted to look my best, to make a good impression when I was finally introduced to the man I was to marry.
A knock on the door as a servant entered, a girl that looked far younger than the rest. She gave me a quick curtsey.
"My name is Claude. I'm here to serve you during your stay here. Is there anything I can do for you, my lady?" She asked in a heavy french accent, looking up timidly.
With mousy brown hair, small stature and young face, I could practically see her timid nature. I gave her a small nod of acknowledgement.
"I need to change my dress to something more suitable for being at court." I stated, trying to keep my voice confident.
Claude gave another curtsey before starting on loosening the laces of my corset. Her fingers were deft in their work, her knowledge and familiarity obvious. She helped me take off the layers of the dress and then into the dark blue one. It had been my mother's dress, most of my newer clothes were hers. I breathed in and held my breath while Claude tied up the laces again before helping me into the sleeves over the overcoat, tying those into place too. The skirts were heavy, the over skirt cut at the front of reveal the embroidered skirt beneath. It really was one of my favourites and it accentuated my black hair and light eyes.
"Thank you, Claude. You are dismissed." I said softly, staring at the reflection in the murky mirror.
She murmured something that I didn't hear and scampered from the room. I wondered if she'd heard the rumours about my mother and that was why she seemed so skittish or if it was just in her nature. Another knock on the door had me wanting to scream in frustration until I saw the blonde head of my friend pop around the door, her grin making my own lips twitch.
She walked in and curtseyed dramatically low, "Lady Máili."
I laughed, curtseying back, "Lady Margaret."
She grinned again, pulling me into a hug, "It is good to see you! It has been far too long, and I hear you have arrived to be married too."
My delight in seeing my friend left at the reminder of my reason for being here. I nodded, trying to smile for her benefit.
"It is true. I am here to marry Lord Lyall's eldest son. I am to meet him tonight, at dinner. My father expects me to dance and flatter him, to make him sure of his choice of bride." I explained, unable to keep the disgust from my voice.
Margaret laughed, "I think you will find yourself rather smitten with him. He is very handsome, charming, and rich. He will provide a good home for you, you will want for nothing."
I sighed, taking a seat. Margaret frowned, watching me and sitting also.
"I want love, and I fear that is something I will not get in this marriage. We may be civil with eachother, perhaps even become friends, but I crave to fall in love. I cling to the hope he will hear the rumours about my mother and decide he does not want to marry the daughter of a known witch." I said firmly.
My friend gasped, her eyes flicking around as if looking for whoever could overhear my bitter words.
"You must watch your tongue! Words like that can land you in a fate far worse than a simple unwanted marriage." She scolded, "You must smile at court, laugh with the nobles, dance with me and make a good impression. Making the Lyall's displeased with you could mean you never get married at all."
And what a fate that would be, but I knew she was right. I could not escape my future, I could only make the best of what the gods had handed me.
"We should really make our way to the hall. Your father will want to make an appearance before the Queen before sitting down to eat." Margaret suggested, standing and smoothing down her dress.
I nodded, standing up too. We exited the room to see my father standing next to the fire beside two men I did not recognize. My father nodded his head in greeting to Margaret who gave a small curtsey to the men, his eyes didn't even flick in my direction.
"Lord Lyall, I am sure you are acquatinted with the lady Margaret, so I would like to introduce you to my daughter, Lady Máili, future bride to your son." He stated, giving me a glare that had me stilling.
My heart hammered in my chest, my hands shaking so violently that I had to clasp them before me. Lord Lyall walked towards me, a beaming smile on his face. His pleasantness caught me off guard as he took my hand and kissed the back of it. He had a strong jaw, dark brown hair streaked with grey and glittering eyes that shone with something akin to mischief.
I smiled back, the nerves dissipating at such a warm welcome.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, my lord." I greeted, bowing my head.
"The pleasure is all mine!" He argued, standing to the side and motioning to the younger man that stood my by father, "This is my eldest son, Torian Lyall, my heir and your future husband. I am glad you have both been able to meet. It is important that the two of you get to know each other before we journey home. My wife very much wished to be here but she had to take care of some things at home, she and the rest of my house cannot wait to make your acquaintance."
I barely heard what he said as I looked over the young man that stood so sternly before me. He brought the butterflies back to my stomach. There was something feral about him, my ability to get a feel for people, a gift from my mother, sending me feeling at the aura that came from him. Margaret was right, he was most definitely handsome. Dark blonde hair that almost fell to his shoulder gave him a regal look, his eyes a beautiful mix of green and brown, the opposite of my blue. He was tall, towering over my father and I could see the outline of muscle even beneath the layers of clothes he wore. Overall, I found him intimadating.
His eyes raked over me with the same vigor that I had studied him and when they finally settled on my face, he nodded. My father grinned, clapping his hands together. I had pleased them, the younger Lyall was happy with his choice of bride.
"The wedding shall be arranged quickly, we must return to our home before the next full moon." Lord Lyall exclaimed, kissing my hand again, "My son will make you an excellent husband and my family will welcome you with open arms. We are very pleased with you."
There was a glint in his eyes, something other. I tried to push down the magic in me that wanted to get a better feel of this man because something was screaming inside that the two were not what they seemed. I forced a smile.
Lord Lyall offered his arm to a delighted Margaret while his son pretty much took and placed my hand on the crook of his elbow without a word. I could see the smug face of my father out of the corner of my eye and I couldn't deny that his joy at seeing me taken away, caused further heartbreak.
We wandered down the to the main hall where I was then passed back to my father's arm to be greeted by the Queen. His arm was stiff as I placed my hand on his elbow, did even my touch disgust my father now? Our names were called and the grand doors opened for us. The grandeur of the hall never failed to make my catch my breath, its beauty and décor far beyond the majesty of any other great castle.
We walked together down the hall, tables and benches on either side where the lord's and ladies of the court ate and enjoyed the music. My father and I were not of much grand standing but I could feel the eyes of many, hear the whispered words and rumours that plagued my mother's life while she stayed here. All that became muffled to my ears at the sight of our ruler sat at the head table. Even sitting, she was as tall as every man sat near her. Auburn hair was tied intricately on top of her head, her skin clear and almost glowing. This was Mary, Queen of Scots.
I bowed low next to my father, not again rising until she addressed us.
"I welcome you both to my court and wish you well, Lady Máili, when your wedding day arrives. Such a beauty as yourself should have a spectacular day and I myself can not wait to partake in the celebrations." She smiled warmly, her accent also a heavy french like that of my servant Claude.
My father bristled at being so ignored for his daughter and it brought me a little satisfaction. I bowed again, smiling at the young woman who bore being Queen with the grace of one born into such high rank. I worried that evening elevated into my own marriage would show that I was no gracious lady, but a country lass who took more pleasure in riding through wild glens than dancing for the attention of men.
Our Queen dismissed us with a nod and my father led me to sit at the table next to my future husband where a tense silence quelched the the confidence I had gained at being so praised by the Queen herself. Hazel eyes appraised me, trailing up to rest on my neck. He leaned in with the barest of movements and sniffed. My eyebrow jumped up and his eyes suddenly snapped to my face and he straightened up, his lips quirking into to the barest of smiles. It struck me as entirely odd, had he just smelled me or was he getting the beginnings of a cold?
"Do you wear perfume like many women of the court do?" He asked me, his head tipping to the side while a confused look made its way to his face.
My skin flushed bright red and I was quick to shake my head, "I do not care for such fancies, nor have I ever had much need of it when I spend most of my time outside amongst animals who do not care much for pretty scents."
That garnered a real smile from him and a small laugh that had my heart fluttering in my chest. Something was pushing me to be nearer him, a need to inhale his scent as he had mine, to test the strength he held so confidently in himself.
"I suppose you are right, animals most certainly don't care for synthetic scents. I find yours exquisite enough without need of added fancy." Torian admitted, his eyes going over my form again.
Something in his words made me think I was missing some kind of joke but I couldn't find the laughter he seemed to at my statement. Perhaps he found the notion of a young lady spending time around animals amusing and strange but I cared not for his opinion on the matter. When we married, I would continue to favour my horses and dogs over the presence of people who were so quick to judge and accuse. People could not be trusted, and that was a piece of wisdom I had learnt from my mother and was proven by my father's actions towards me.
Trust no one.
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