《Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]》00 📞 perfectly bonus chapter


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Autumn was in love, or so she says at the age of five.

Sunghoon had been horrified to discover that not only was his daughter was in love, but that she was certain she felt it to the son of one of his friends.

At first, Sunghoon had refused to acknowledge it and completely ignored any mention of Kenji, Ni-ki's son.

But that soon faded until he was completely against it.

It made the atmostphere at home a little bit tenser, but not by much. Autumn was not going to allow herself to be cowed and was steamrolling all over Sunghoon's attempts to make her change her mind.

"He is not allowed to step foot in this house", Sunghoon warned as he looked across the table towards his little daughter.

Autumn rolled her eyes as she cut through her toast. Sunghoon made a sound of disapproval and Y/N found herself casting an amused glance between the pair of them before sharing a look with Sooah who was quickly growing sick of hearing Sunghoon disapprove of her son.

"And why not, dad?", Autumn shot back, making Y/N regret making her spending too much with Sunoo's daughter, who's more sassier than her dad nowadays.

"Because you are only five, still practically my baby", Sunghoon protested, looking at Y/N for support.

She simply shrugged and averted her eyes, deciding to be a neutral party.

"You are far too young, and why don't you choose Uncle Jake's son than him? He is much well disciplined than him"

"You don't even know Kenji!"

"I do not need to know him to tell that he's just like his dad", he shot back before picking up his coffee as if he thought the conversation was dismissed.

But of course, Autumn had no intention of allowing things to finish so quickly, and especially not in her favour.


"But you should know Uncle Riki better than anyone!", she gestured towards the table over to Sooah, "Auntie, tell him that Kenji isn't who he think he is"

"He's right. Kenji is much of a headache than his dad for me", Sooah piped up only to fall silent when Autumn looked at her with obvious betrayal in her eyes.

"Regaedless Autumn, you couldn't have a crush on anyone", Sunghoon dismissed with a scoff.

"You're speaking, Dad, as if you don't secretly want me to be with Uncle Jake's son", Autumn protested, looking at her mom for support and this time, Y/N was forced to intercede.

"So Kenji, huh?", Y/N said with a polite curiousity. When Sunghoon begun to grumble under his breath, she swatted his hands as she leaned forward in her chair, "What do you like about him?"

"Well", Autumn said with a smile, pleased that things are beginning to look her way, "He is so cute and the fact that he always tease me about my cheeks made him more interesting"

"Oh dear Lord", Sunghoon scoffed, cutting her off before she could say something else, "He's just making fun of you, it doesn't mean he likes you"

He cut himself off with a hiss when Y/N reach out to pinch his side.

When he glanced at her, Sunghoon met her disapproving gaze and smiled apologetically, knowing how their upcoming son can be testy whenever she got annoyed.

And she was becoming very annoyed. She rubs a soothing hand over her bump to calm his second child. Sunghoon shook his head while she silently gestured for him to apologise to their daughter who's eyes were getting watery as she jumped onto Sooah's lap.

"Autumn", Y/N called out and making her stop looking upset at her dad, "Why don't you invite Kenji around for the next weekend with your other friends like Hayoon?"


"Really?", she asked excitedly and when Y/N nodded, silently daring Sunghoon to disagree as Autumn let out an excited screech.

Pushing roughly away from the table, she ran up to her room to no doubt call Kenji who is hanging out with Jake's, Jay and Heeseung's sons in their owk house.

Sunghoon watched as she retreated from the room before turning his eyes to Y/N.

"You spoiled your daughter to death, that's why"

"I just want to give her the childhood that I didn't experienced", she insisted with a shake of her head.

"I want her for my son", Sooah piped up suddenly, taking a bite of her toast.

She looked to Sunghoon who was no doubt thinking of ways to keep an eye on his daughter around Kenji when he got here.

"If you scared my son, I'll kidnap your daughter and take her to our house", Sooah said with a shrug, trying to lighten up the mood.

"I think I may truly go insane if you think about matching him to my baby", Sunghoon confessed and Y/N hid a smile behind her cup of tea.

"You need to wait for another ten years for that", Sooah agreed, just to see the way Sunghoon reacted.

He didn't disappoint.

Sighing to himself, Sunghoon pressed his forehead to Y/N's shoulder as he grumbled about how his daughter could not remain small for much longer.

Y/N could already imagine having to go through all of this all over again if the visit of the other Enhypen members' kid at weekend.

"You have ten years to prepare yourself", she suggested which didn't help.

If anything, it had Sunghoon whimpering a little at the thought of future.

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