《Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]》50 📞 perfectly the epilogue


Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

Y/N is at the grocery store deciding which flavor of ice cream to buy from the frozen aisle when her phone starts to ring. Without looking at the caller, she answers.

She hears a girl giggling and furrows her eyebrows. When she looks at the caller id, her heart drops.

"Hello?", she asks, worried.

"Autumn, give daddy the phone", she heard on the other line.

She hears more giggling and Y/N sighs, "What's happening?"

"Love, are you still there?", Sunghoon asks.

"Do you need something?", she askd, grabbing a tub of matcha and cookies and cream flavor of ice cream.

"We ran out of banna milk", Sunghoon says.

"Okay, I'll add it to the list", she says, smiling.

"I love you"

"I love you more", she answers, hanging up.

After she's done grabbing everything off her list, she goes to the check out line. A few minutes later, she loads the groceries into her car and drives back home.

She grabs the first batch of groceries and opens the door. When she opens the door to her home, she is greeted with Sunghoon and Autumn sitting at the dining table.

"Mommy!", Autumn says, making grabby hands for her.

"Hi baby", Y/N says, taking Autumn out of her high chair.

"I'll grab the groceries", Sunghoon murmurs, while kissing her on the forehead.

Autumn's small hand plays with the strand of Y/N's hair and she gently kiss the baby on her chubby cheek, "I love you so much", she whispers, causing for Autumn to smile.

Y/N starts to hum a lullaby and the baby girl slowly falls asleep in her arms. Sunghoon comes back with the last batch of groceries and starts placing them in the pantry, some of them in the refrigerator.


"How was she?", she asks to him quietly.

"She was fine in the beginning. But when I need to go to the bathroom, she started wailing. So I probably took the quickest shit ever, so I could return to her", Sunghoon says, laughing.

Y/N laughs along while taking her shoes off with her feet. She walks into the living room and settles onto the couch. She carefully lies down and Autumn snuggles closer to her.

Sunghoon follows and sits down at the opposite end. Y/N immediately lifts her feet up and places them on his lap.

She hears him chuckle and says, "Massage my feet please"

"Of course, love", he replies.

Surprisingly, Sunghoon obeys and Y/N relaxes. She starts to feel her eyelid shuts, but before she doses off, she murmurs to him, "I love you"

"I love you more", Sunghoon responds, knowing she already fell asleep. He glances over at his girls and smiles in contentment that this is his family now.

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Y/N wakes up feeling something moves on her chest. She looks down and see a small human on top of her that resembles a lot of her husband.

"Who are you?", she asks quietly, careful not to wake up Sunghoon.

Autumn frowns and looks like she's about to cry, "Did you have a bad dream?", she asks, "Was daddy in it? I'd cry too"

Sunghoon stops snoring and scoffs, "Excuse me, I'm a daydream"

"Just kidding, you know you're the man of my dreams", Y/N say teasingly.

Autumn grins and starts giggling. Y/N lifts her up into the air and whispers, "My super baby"

She brings her back down and sits up. She lays her head on Sunghoon's chest and he smiles with content.

Autumn beams when she sees her dad and tries to get out of her mommy's hold. Y/N passes her to Sunghoon and says, "I thought I'm you're favorite, baby.."


Sunghoon wraps his other arm around her and says, "Don't worry, you always have our hearts"

Y/N looks away and she hides a smile, "And you'll always have mine", she quietly says.

Sunghoon moves up to cup her cheek and she turns to face him. He brushes his lips against hers and she pulls him closer.

When they separate, Y/N looks down at Autumn, "Do you want me to place her in her crib?"

Sunghoon shakes his head and says, "I want to keep holding her"

Y/N glances at the time and says, "You want some ice cream for a midnight snack?"

Sunghoon thinks for a moment and says, "That disgusting flavor again?"

Y/N smiles and kisses his forehead before stepping out of the room to prepare the snack. While she scoop up some ice cream into a bowl in the kitchen, Sunghoon looks down at Autumn.

"I love you baby.. Please don't grow up so fast", he says to the sleeping baby.

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Both of the couple wakes up when they hear Autumn crying. Y/N sleepily moans, "Hoon.."

Knowing what Y/N's trying to do, Sunghoon turn to kiss her forehead and says, "She's your baby"

Y/N sighs and makes a move to get up, but he grabs ahold of her wrist and says, "I got her. Get some rest, okay?"

She presses a kiss to his knuckles and murmurs, "Good because I can barely walk"

Sunghoon chuckles and leaves to console Autumn. He opens her door and moves forward, he carefully steps over her toys and picks her up.

"What's wrong, my baby?", he whispers, cradling the baby. Autumn makes grabby hands for her penguin stuffed animal and Sunghoon grabs it for her.

While Autumn is crying, she holds onto her stuffed animal, one that Ni-ki's son had given to her in her first birthday. Sunghoon starts to rocking her back and forth, and she slowly stops wailing.

When Autumn fully falls asleep, he places her back in her crib.

He silently shuts her door and walks back into their room just beside hers. He slips into the bed and wraps his arms around Y/N's waist.

He places his chin above her head and whispers, "You and Autumn are the best thing in my life. I love you both with all my heart. I don't know what I did to deserve this family, but I am so thankful for everyday I get to spend with you two"

Y/N turns to face him and sleepily says, "We love you too. Now get some sleep"

Sunghoon dozes off, knowing the love of his life is safe in his arms.

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there's a bonus chapter for some of their kids..♡

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