《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》15: Peanut Butter And Jealousy


The things between me and Jace were thankfully back to normal. At first it was so awkward. We approached our friends near the cab and they asked us with smirks on their faces that where were we. We replied with shrugs and spoke nothing.

"Did something happen?" Hannah asked.

"No." I reply with a glare. I didn't want to say anything what happened back there to anyone.

"Thanks to you." Jace mumbled under his breath that was not meant for anyone to hear but I heard it as I was standing close to him. After hearing that I tried controlling a smile that was trying to pop up on my face. I was feeling so giddy,he wanted to kiss me as much as I wanted to. Maybe,by any chance,maybe he felt the same way as I felt for him. Oh god!

In the cab,the tension between us melted a little as we were squished against one other at the back seat and had no company but each other for the next 3 hours. The rest of our friends were either asleep or not interested in talking. Us,we were wide awake,the exhaustion long forgotten after our little moment. At first there was silence between us but I decided to break it,to let the awkward air around us loosen a bit. We started talking casually after a bit,talking about everything but the moment we shared a little while ago.


We were back to normal the next day,joking and laughing together,the awkwardness long forgotten. The whole group was sitting in the cafeteria,eating lunch together as usual. Jace was sitting opposite me,beside Brad and I was sitting between Sydney and Veronica. We were talking about yesterday's concert when a voice called out behind me.

"Hey Jessica!"

I look behind and see Caleb standing there. "Hey Caleb."

"Happy belated birthday! I was searching for you yesterday but you were nowhere to be found." He said.


"Oh yeah I took the day off yesterday." I say standing up as it didn't seem fair that one was standing and the other was sitting and eating with her friends.

"I was about to give you your birthday present yesterday but since you were not there I decided to give it to you today." He shrugs.

"You didn't have to." I say when he starts removing the present from his bag.

"Oh come on it's your 18th birthday,the one where you turn into an official adult." He says and passes a small box to me. It's the same size as the one Jace gave me and I know what's in it before I even open it.

I open it and inside there is a pendent with a plain star charm attached to it. "Wow Caleb it is really pretty! Thank you soo much!" I say giving him a small hug. He kisses my cheek in return to which I am taken by surprise.

"Turn around,I'll put it on." Caleb says.

I am wearing a long sleeved black turtle neck top thankfully otherwise he and the others would have seen what I am wearing underneath,the bird pendant Jace gave me. I haven't told anyone about our moment or the gift,it was like a secret between us.

I turn around and pull my hair ahead. I look up at the table on which my friends are sitting,they all are looking at me. My eyes immediately move towards Jace because this was the same thing that happened yesterday. I wasn't the only one that remembered,Jace was tapping his fingers on the table repeatedly,looking frustrated and his jaw was clenched. I thought he was looking at me but then realised his eyes were not on me but behind me,on Caleb.

When Caleb puts on the pendent I turn around to him and give him a smile,hoping for a goodbye. But no! Caleb is not a bad guy,in fact he is cute and polite but now I really want to talk to Jace.


"Umm Jessica I wanted to talk to you about something." He says nervously.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"In private please." He says.

Before I can respond a voice,to be specific, Jace's voice speaks up "Why private? Talk here,in front of us,she is our best friend,she is going to tell us eventually."

"But..." Caleb starts to say.

"But what man! Come on! What were you going to tell her?" Jace pushes.

Caleb looks between me and Jace then our friends on the table and then again at me.

"I guess I'll talk to you later Jessica!" He says and rushes off.

I give him a smile and sit down again on the bench. "What's your problem Jace?" I ask glaring at him. Caleb would have wanted to talk about something important but didn't get the chance because of the great person sitting in front of me.

"My problem seriously! He was trying to get you alone." Jace starts.

"Yeah,talking in private means getting alone and talking!" I speak up furiously.

"He was getting soo touchy,he would have done something. We are friends,I was looking out for you." He also answers back with the same tone.

"Done something! Are you serious? He is the most polite guy I have ever came across." I say.

" A polite guy! Ha!" He scoffs. "You know what,just do whatever you want Jessica,I don't care!" Jace says and leave.


He never called me Jessica,never. I have gotten used to it and liked it when he called me birdie. But today,the tone he used hurts,the way he said my name hurts. Our argument turned into a fight just because of a guy,because of a small reason. Wow!

I look around and see my friends all looking at me. I shrug and start to leave. Hannah and Sydney joins me too.

"What was that?" Hannah asks.

"I seriously don't know. One minute we were talking and the other we were fighting." I shrug.

"Do you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?"Sydney suddenly asks with a smile on his face.

"What?!" I ask.

"He was jealous you blind woman. Didn't you see him,he was straining himself to launch at Caleb when he kissed your cheek. The whole time you were talking to him he was looking at you both,not moving at all." Sydney says.

Him and jealous! Yesterday I would have believed her but today, not a chance! The way he talked to me said that much.

"Not at all Sydney, just get it out of your head. Bye,I have a class now." I say and rush off to my class.


"Hey." Jace says when I enter the library.

"Hi." I reply not looking at him.

"You are still mad at me?" He asks when I refuse to meet his eyes.

"Oh wow you have a brain!" I say.

"I am sorry I acted like a jerk today,I thought I was looking out for you birdie." He says in a pleading tone.

There is the birdie word again. I look up at his face,his eyes were sad. I smile at him. "It's OK softie! Oh god I forgot how big of a softie you were." I tease. He smiles then pulls out his tongue at me. The level of being immature. I just laugh at him.


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