《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》2: The Hot Bad Boy


As me and Hannah enter the room, we see it's not filled up yet so we head at the back.

I take the second last seat and Hannah sits beside me. We start talking about some stuff until the door opens and the class becomes silent. As soon as I raise my head I see a boy same age as me with black hair and blue eyes and the best part is that he is freaking taller than me.

The first thought that comes to my mind is how hot he is. Damn.

I stare at him continuously. How can a person be soo good looking. While I stare at him, he looks around and his gaze locks with mine.

He caught me staring at him.

Just great.

As he sees me staring at him, a cocky smirk forms on his face.

Jesus Christ that smirk!

I hurriedly look down to avoid looking at his face. Suddenly a chair is pulled up in front of my desk and I look up and see that he is sitting exactly in front of me.

Wow, congratulations to me.

I was just gonna ask Hannah about him until a girl , sorry ,until a caked faced Barbie doll made her way to him.

She wore a tight red tank top that was way too revealing for me and a short high waisted tight black leather skirt that came up to her mid thighs. It looked so tight that it could tear off if she soo much as sat down on a chair. Her feet were covered with a pair of red pencil heels. The most extreme part of her body was her face,caked with layers of makeup. She looked like a complete Barbie doll came to life.

I poke Hannah with my pencil and point my chin in the direction of the boy and the Barbie doll.


Hannah looks up and smirks when she understands what I was asking.

"Those,you are asking about are the most......"

Before she can continue,the teacher enters the room, asking for silence.

Hannah gestures me to continue afterwards and I nod.

The teacher starts her lesson until she says,

"I just remember that a new girl was gonna join us, I guess her name was Jessica, Jessica Jensen. Please Jessica if you are present ,stand up on your place."

I quietly stand up on my place, all students look at me including that hot guy and that Barbie doll.

"Hi Jessica, I am Mrs Winters, I'll be teaching you English, if you have any doubt you can come to me or ask anyone in the class."

"Thankyou Mrs Winters." I reply with a polite smile and sit down not before glancing over at the tall hottie. He gave me a small smirk.

After the English class,the rest of the periods passed smoothly and it was time for lunch.

I figured out that that hot guy was the school's most popular boy with a reputation as a womanizer. His name was Jace Brewer and the Barbie,Susan was the school's queen bee also known for being Jace's play toy when bored.

I was just making my way to the cafeteria from my locker when Hannah and Sydney joined me.

"Hey JJ..Wanna sit with us?" Sydney asked me.

"Yeah sure." I replied.

After taking our lunches we made our way to one of the unoccupied table at the corner. I was just walking there until I collided with something,to be specific ,someone. I was just gonna fall but thanks to the hands on my waist I did not. I was immediately held between a hard tonned chest and two hands that were really warm and inviting.


I was just gonna thank my Savior till a set of deep blue eyes met mine. I recognized those eyes immediately and got far away from his hold because those eyes belonged to none other than

Jace freaking Brewer!

Embarrassment was the biggest understatement of the year.

I looked up at him, he had his signature smirk plastered on his gorgeous face. His silky black hair were a hot mess and his deep blue eyes were locked at me.

"Thanks for not letting me embarrass myself. " I thanked him awkwardly.

"Oh it's nothing, just be more subtle when you want my attention." Jace replied with an arrogant smirk on his gorgeous face. How much I wanted to wipe that smirk off!

My jaw dropped at his words. Those were some harsh accusations.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are boy? Attention? I can have plenty of that without even trying. So before opening your big mouth, just go through your words okay? Because that much cockiness and arrogance doesn't take you anywhere." I was angry. I just wanted to bash his gorgeous head at the nearest wall. Who does he think he is?

I was just gonna walk off but turned around and addressed his surprised looking face. "By the way, enjoy your meal."

Without waiting for a reply, I took Sydney's hand in mine and dragged her to the table at the end of the cafeteria, Hannah immediately following us.

When we seated ourselves, I noticed that the whole cafeteria was silent and looking at me but I couldn't care any less. I just started eating my lunch looking down at the table.

"Wow! That was not what I expected."

"Are you really the Jessica Jensen that I met at the office this morning?!"

Both Hannah and Sydney said at the same time, shocked.

I just shrugged and continued eating pretending that nothing matters but inside I was asking myself , Was it really me, Did I just......Wow!!!

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