《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》1:New day


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"Hey honey, it's time to get up."

"Ugh Mom!Just a few more minutes"

"Jessica get up honey, otherwise you will be late for your first day!"

"Oh shit!" I get out of the bed and rush towards my bathroom at an alarming speed.

Jessica Jensen,a 17 year old girl just shifted to a new town with her parents and an older brother named Ashton.Today was her first day at Springfield Highschool.

"Come on Jessie! You were in there for at least half an hour."Ashton shouts while pounding on my bathroom door.

"Wait up! Just 5 minutes!" I shout back at my impatient brother.

"You said the same think before. Just get down in 2 minutes or else I'll leave without you for school." Ashton threatens me and goes downstairs.

I sign and examine myself in the full length mirror in my bathroom for the last time.

I look at the image of me in the mirror, wavy jet black hair that comes to the small of my back, dark and long eyelashes that hides my light brown eyes and a slim tall figure covered with a black high waist jeans and a plain grey crop top.I sigh at my image.

I like my body, slim and fit with medium curves but the main thing I don't like is my height:5'9. I am taller than most boys in my class and that sucks really bad!

Satisfied with my outfit and and the little makeup I have put on(eyeliner and lipgloss) I rush downstairs, grabbing my back pack and sneakers on the way.


"Ash I am ready, let's go."

"Wow Jessie! Aren't you soo early?"

I roll my eyes at his sarcastic remark and move towards him.

Ashton Jenson,10 and a half month older than me is a good looking guy with hair the same color as me and eyes dark brown.He has sharp cheek bones and jawline that draws girls towards him.

As soon as we began to move towards the door our mom came up to us and gave us both a big bear hug.

"Mom! My hair." I complained brushing my hair with my fingers.

"Okay okay drama queen ,I am sorry but just be safe and good luck both of you."

"Ya mom thanks but now let us leave, we are already late."Ash says.

After saying our goodbyes we head to our new school in Ashton's car.

I take deep breaths to calm my nerves as I walk towards the entrance of Springfield highschool with Ashton.

I look around catching glimpses of other people. They all our staring at us. I suddenly feel uncomfortable and look down at my shoes. Knowing what's wrong, Ashton gently squeezes my hand and murmers in my ear

"Never thought that you of all people would feel uncomfortable because people are staring. Jessie be strong and show them who the real crack head is."

I hit his stomach playfully with the back of my hand but now I feel better thinking of him by my side.

I catch his eye and wink at him before going off on my own to get my schedule at the office.



I enter the office and see a girl already busy with the woman behind the desk. I patiently wait till she is done with her.

The girl talking to the woman behind the desk is tall. Shorter than me of course, I think she is around 5'7. She had dark brown hair with light brown streaks in it. She had a friendly and confident aura around her that I was immediately able to relate to.


As soon as I was going to ask the woman for my schedule,the girl turned towards me. I smiled at her and she returned the smile.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey, new girl?" She asked.

I nodded.

She smiled and put her hand forward for me to shake it."I am Sydney Jackson."

"Jessica Jensen" I replied shaking her hand.

"Oh JJ ,huh?" Sydney asked with amusement in her voice.

I smile cheekily at her, "Never heard that one. But sure, yeah, you can say that."

She chuckled at my reply. "Cool then. Do you know anyone here?"

"Um.. no actually." I say, smiling sheepishly.

"That's okay. Do you wanna join me?" Sydney asks.

"Yeah sure..Just let me get my schedule." I reply gratefully, thinking that highschool will not be as bad as I think.


I start walking with Sydney to our lockers. Our lockers are side by side. How convenient.

Sydney was a lot like me, I observed. We had the same sense of confidence and humour. To top it all, she was also a great fan of one direction like me. That was really cool!

She was telling me the gossips of our school until a voice called,


We both turned around and saw a girl approaching us.

She was a slim girl with a short height(lucky). Her long brown hair were pulled up in a pony tail and her face had a big smile on it. Her chocolate brown eyes gave off a warm glow. I immediately had a liking towards her.

"Hey Hannah, what's up?" Sydney greets the girl with a small smile.

"Nothing ,just got my schedule, did u get yours? What's your first class? Answer me you idiot." Hannah, I assumed, kept on babbling.

"Goodness! Calm down girl. Breathe." Sydney replied rolling her eyes."I know that you are excited for returning back to school but first let me introduce you to JJ, the new girl."

"JJ?" Hannah asked looking puzzled.

"Jessica Jensen." I say.

"Oh, Hi Jessica or let's say JJ. I am Hannah Chase." She introduced herself, grinning.

"So yeah what was I saying, your schedules, you got them or not?"Hannah asks us impatiently.

"Yeah we did, my first class is History and JJ's first class is English." Sydney replys.

"Oh great, my first class is English as well." Hannah says while grabbing my hand and pulling me with her to the English class.

I look back at Sydney ,she is looking at me and doing an action of a cut throat.I laugh at her action and let Hannah lead me to the class.


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