《Jealousy | Pico x Boyfriend |》Chapter 11


" holy shit, what have I done.? "

I looked up to my hand, seeing blood.

" Don't worry Girlfriend, I can take care of this! I just need to bury the body and we'll be fine! Right? I can come up with something to trick Boyfriend with, right Senpai? "

Senpai looked up at me, he just stared at me in silence, like he had no soul at all.

" Fuck. I.."

Senpai came closer to me, pressing on my shoulder with his hand

" girlfriend, you aren't gonna manage to get out of this. You know for a damn fact you won't. "

I looked up to Senpai, tears start rolling down my face. I felt panicked, I've did something I shouldn't have done. I cant excuse this. I just can't.

Senpai patted me on the back to try to relive my stress. I looked up to his face to see he was looking at something else. I turned around to see..

I panicked, I grabbed my weapon again and swung before he was able to get up but, a figure came to stop my movement. I then hear a whisper behind me.

I looked behind me with a surprised expression. It was Nene who stopped me.

Nene tightened her grip on my weapon, " I knew something was up when Pico didn't answer my calls. You fucking maniac. "

Darnel then walked towards Pico, carrying him up." Alright Pico, I owe you one. She is crazy. I thought this was because you were full on jealous. "

" What the fuck are you guys doing here. " I'd scream

" You know, the usual. Saving your crazy friend out of trouble. " Darnel grinned

" God damn it, you guys can't just mind your own business can you? " I'd huff


" Not when our friends in danger, yeah " Nene looked up at me.

" Now, it's either you get the fuck out. Or we put you down " Darnel said, holding his gun up to my head.

Nene would drop me down, holding the weapon I used.

Darnel looked at the window, then faced up to me. " Nene, give her weapon back, we gotta go "

Nene looked shocked, she stopped her focus onto me to Darnel. " ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? AT LEAST BRING PICO! "

" Just, trust me on this Nene, we don't have much time ". Darnel grabbed Nenes hand, making her drop the weapon onto my lap. They then jumped out from the window. Surprisingly left Pico there.

I was too shocked to move, to do anything. I stared at Senpai.

" You can go now. I'll find a way. "

" Are you sure Madam-"

" Yes Senpai, just go. "

I finally arrived to my destination, it looked like Senpai was driving away. I don't see any trace of girlfriend in that car, so I just let him be. I saw it was Pico's house. Strange that the doors unlocked.

I slowly grabbed the handle, opening the door.

I started investigating the house from the downstairs. Nothing seemed weird yet.

I decided to go upstairs, slowly walked up as quiet as I can. Hoping to see if Girlfriends here.

I then opened Pico's bedroom door slowly.

Girlfriend starred at me, with her lap having a blood covered weapon. Tears dropping down her face. She stood silently

I ran up to Pico, checking if he was okay.

Pico started to open his eyes, stuttering words were coming out of his mouth.

" Holy crap. "

I faced towards Girlfriend.

" What the FUCK is wrong with you?! Are you fucking insane? "


Girlfriend just kept staring, staring and staring.

I carried Pico up, coming closer to Girlfriend.

" Don't EVER talk to me. You hear me? "

I walked out, still having Girlfriend stare at me as if she was soulless.

I placed Pico down on the couch trying to find a med kit, I had no luck finding any, only some small band aids. I took them anyways and put them on him, better than nothing.

He looked up at me, smiling at what I just done.

I looked up, my face started going red.

I started putting my fingers through his hair.

" I'm surprised that you can still smile after what happened, Pico. "

Pico took a deep breath, finally being able to speak.

" That's because I'm relived you'd still save me after what I've done. "

I blushed even harder, I shook my head to stay focus. I then carried Pico outside, trying to find the nearest hospital.

I then saw a Van, drive up.

The driver rolled up his window, turns out It was Lemon Demon. He looked at me and Pico with the creepiest smile ever.

" I owe you one, Lemon. "

He let me inside the Van, placing me and Pico down.

" Now, I'm assuming we're heading to the hospital, correct? " Lemon Demon looked at me.

" Yeah, pointing out the obvious "

Lemon Demon let out a chuckle and started driving to the hospital.

While riding, Pico then put his tired head on my shoulder. I looked at him, all passed out. I smiled, looking forward to the drivers window.

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