《Jealousy | Pico x Boyfriend |》Chapter 10


I turned around hearing the door creak. My pupils started to shrink at the sight.

" BOYFRIEND! " I shivered

" Girlfriend, who is he? Why did he take my recording. " he said firmly.

" God damn it. " I'd quietly whisper

" Fine, you caught me. I told him to take the recording. But here's the thing! It's for your own good! This recording has so much horrid and despicable words about me! I didn't want this to be the reason why we broke up! "

Boyfriend look me dead in the eyes.

" But- "

" I'm not gonna say it again, if I'm in a open relationship I want to know everything. " Boyfriend said, holding onto my hands.

" I'm sorry, Boyfriend. I can't do that " I'd let go of his hands and run away, along with Senpai running inside the car.

" God damn it. " I'd start chasing after her.

" Girlfriend please! Don't do this! "

I lost sight of her. I had no one else to ring. But I don't want to ring him again, I've already got his help.

I'd keep running and running. I felt a presence behind me, which made me stop. I stood still, seeing pitch black hands around my eyes. I swatted them off looking at the back of me. It was

" Maybe I could further assist you, Boyfriend. You look like you need help on your mission. " he grinned

" Yeah I do, but how can I trust you? You partook in Pico's kidnapping. " I looked up.

Lemon demon turn away, grinning.

" You don't have to trust me, but what other options do you have. " He said, turning around.

" God damn it. Fine, Ill take your offer " I sighed.


" Before I help you out, I want a little something in return, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't get anything out of it after suggesting such a kind offer now would it, Boyfriend. " He looked down at me, creepily smiling.

" Alright, what exactly do you want from me? " I said, a little nervous.

" We'll see after we accomplish your motive, for now my answer is on standby. " He said.

We both started walking, lemon demon held up a tracker, surprised at how he has that, or where he even got that from, I didn't want to ask any questions. I didn't want to trigger too many conversations with him unless needed.

" Why so quiet, Boyfriend? " He looked at me, with a sadden look.

" I just want to get this over with, I'm tired. " I said

" What a pity, you know I wanted to conversate with you a little more. " He sighed.

" Now Boyfriend, you see this tracker in my hand. This is the exact location of where Senpai is. Considering he's still isn't properly rendered to his human form yet I'm able to easily track him down. " He said, handing me the tracker.

" If you have any questions, feel free to ask, the tracker has a button on the back to communicate with me." He smiled


" Fuck. " I sighed, following the trackers directions

" Fucking Bastard, he had to ruin everything now did he. " I groaned.

" Senpai, step on it. We're taking a trip down to Pico's place. " I grinned.

I watched Senpai as he drove, I started to rethink, I started to get jealous of how good Pico and Boyfriends relationship is, it isn't fair. It isn't fucking fair, he's my Boyfriend, not his. I started tearing up a bit, wiping my tears away looking forward at the car.


We finally arrived at Pico's house.

Senpai opened the case of lock picks in the car, I grabbed a lock pick that looks like it'd be a snug fit. I started to walk up to Pico's house door, unlocking it.

" Senpai, get the crowbar. " I huffed.

Senpai looked at me, sighing. Opening the trunk to get the crowbar. I slowly opened Pico's door, me and Senpai carefully searched around, we went upstairs to see Pico sleeping. I'd grab the crowbar from Senpai.

I whispered.

" I should've done this along time ago, I should've known you were gonna be a pest.


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