《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 12


Today the school was having a small festival and all the classes did something for it.

My class hosted bingo games.

Very boring...

They let me have a break to look around and now I am currently with the volleyball team.

"L/N!!??!!?" Hinata yelled.

I look over to where Hinata shouted at and there L/n was...

...In a maid dress-


I blushed furiously at this sight.

That dress looked tight too.

I was checking him out when my eyes landed on his legs-

"Wait legs-"

No Kageyama. Stop it. You're being weird.

Tsukishima then broke me out of my thoughts.

"Look at that, it's our dear upperclassman. Yikes, you must be so embarrassed," He teased. "That looks a bit tight on you L/n."

"Hey! Tsukishima quit it!" I said.


"It looks great L/n!" Sugawara complimented. "It shows off your body so well!"

"Sugaaaaa!" L/n said and buried his face in Asahi's chest.

"U-Uh, how about we all go in and have a cupcake, yeah?" Asahi suggested.

"Yeah!" Noya yelled.

They all went inside while I stayed with L/n for a bit.

"Hi L/n"

"Kageyama? Man, this is really embarrassing..."

"Eh?! N-No it's okay you look great! I-I mean you don't look good- I mean bad-!"

"Pfft, Kageyama it's alright," he said. "Go inside and have a muffin."


I went inside and took a seat with the team. Just when I went in, I saw L/n leave to go somewhere.

I didn't think anything of it so I minded my business.


It's been a while since L/n left. So, I went to look for him.

"Hey guys, I'm going to go to the toilet."

I was walking around the halls looking for him, deciding he wasn't in the building, I went outside. I checked everywhere, when I heard voices from behind the school.


"Disgusting, how can you wear that around school?" An unfamiliar voice said. "Boys shouldn't wear dresses."

"It's for the festival, Megami."

"That's L/n!"

I peeked around the corner to see three guys surrounding L/n.

"Yeah, but unlike you, they're not into other guys."

"Come on, can you let me leave?" L/n said calmly. "My classmates might be wondering where I am."

He tried walking away when he got pushed into the wall.

"Woah woah woah, we're not done talking. You don't want another bruise do you?"

"L/n lied?"

"No, I don't," L/n said timidly.

For someone so calm and collected, I've never seen L/n look so small.

"What? I couldn't quite hear you," the guy tormented.

"I don't want another bruise," he said more clearly.

"Then beg," another guy piped up.

I was about to step in when L/n started speaking again.

"Yea, no. I won't be doing that," he replied calmly.

'Megami' picked L/n up by his collar and pinned him against the wall. "Don't test me."

"Megami, you sure do pick on me a lot...for being visually impaired but mostly for liking guys?" L/n started. "Are you sure you don't have a crush on me?"

Megami got agitated and gave L/n a punch in the gut.

"HEY!" I yelled. "Leave him alone!"

"Kageyama?!" L/n coughed.

The three guys turned to me.

"Aw look, L/n, your little boyfriend came to save you," one of them said. "Here, you can have him," the other continued.

He dropped L/n in front of me, I bent down to help him.

"Listen here, if any of you two tell anyone, I'll make both your lives hell."

The three bullies walked out of sight and I was left on the ground with L/n.


"Why would you keep this a secret?! You've been getting bullied and didn't tell anyone?!" I said angrily at L/n. "What if you got seriously hurt, dumbass!"

L/n was clutching his stomach and gave a weak smile. "Sorry, Kageyama. You're right, I could've gotten seriously hurt."

"Damn right you idiot!" I was practically yelling at this point. "What if I wasn't able to get here on time, huh?!"

"I know. Sorry, Kageyama."

"I was...so worried," I finished and held L/n close to me.

"Sorry, Kageyama."

I gave out a long sigh and looked at him.

"I didn't mean to yell at you. Let's go to the nurse and take a look at your stomach."

"Getting bold now, are we, Kageyama?" He said teasingly.

"I'm still mad at you, so quit messing around," I said sternly.

"Sorry...Kageyama..." L/n said with a sad smile.


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