《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 8


I walk into the gym hearing the other guys talk about Asahi.

I frown just a little.

"Hey guys," I greeted.

"Hello L/n!"

"Woah, L/n where'd you get that bruise from?" Nishinoya asked.

"Oh, I ran into a door by accident," I lied.

"Idiot," Tanaka said. "Hey! What's that in your hand?"

"Oh, a girl from first year gave it go me. But I can't exactly read it..." I explained. "Cause I can't....y'know.."

"We can read it for you!" Tanaka and Nishinoya said.

"W-Wait! Tanaka- Yuu-!"

They took the letter from me and started reading it.....Out loud...

I will murder them one day.

My face was starting to heat up from embarrassment. Then, Suga came to my rescue.

"Oi, quit it you guys. This is L/n's business, not ours," He said as he gave me back the letter. "But, this first year sounds adorable. I think you two would look so cute together!"

"S-Suga!" I said getting more embarrassed.

"Look at that. Our upperclassman likes younger girls, such a pervert~" Tsukishima said.

"Tsukishima!" I yelled, my face looking like it might explode. "I respect girls! And we're only a year apart!"

"L/n please introduce us to her next time!" Hinata said loudly.

"You're so lucky!" Yamaguchi cheered.


"Don't break her heart," Daichi chimed in.

"You too Daichi?!"

"Bring her flowers," Ennoshita said.

"And chocolate!" Narita and Kinoshita added.


They kept talking over me. I was about to yell again before I was cut off.



"Leave L/n alone, like Suga said, this is his business not ours." He said calmly. "Can we get back to practice, now?"


"I'm home!" I said loudly.


"M/n!" My younger sister yelled.

"Hey there, Teacup," I said as she ran into my arms, she is 10 years old. "Where's dad?"

"He's upstairs sleeping-"

"Before you woke him up," A voice came from the stairs

"Glad you're awake, lazy ass," you said jokingly.

"Hey! This ass is what made your mother fall in love with me!" He retorted.

"Ew," Me and S/n said in unison. "I think we should run away, dad is being gross," she said.

"I agree.." I said.



We were at the dining table having dinner, when dad spoke up.

"Hey, M/n. Where'd you get that bruise? You're not being bullied are you?!"

"No, I just ran into a door by accident," I lied again.

"Oh...how's the volleyball club?" He asked.

"Oh, they're doing well," I responded. "We got four new first years this year, they're really something. I wish I could see them play."

Ok, so here's the thing. My dad lets me hang around the volleyball team, as long as I don't get physically involved in any of the matches or training.

But, I never really told him I joined the team during the Aoba Johsai match, nor did I ask for his permission beforehand.

It was only one set though, so it wouldn't really be a full match.

Still, if he found out he would be quite mad.

"That's nice M/n," he said. "So anything nice happen at school today?"

"Yeah, actually....I got a love letter."


"Woaahh, does that mean I might get a brother?!" S/n said excitedly.

"Uhh...No... Sorry, it's from a girl..." I said.

"What?? I thought you liked guys??" She asked confusedly.

"He does, Teacup. The poor girl probably just didn't know," dad explained.


My dad and sister already know that I like dudes, after I told them, they were so quick to accept me. We were all crying.

I know some people don't have it as easy as I do, so I'm very grateful.

I love my family so, so much.

"So! Who's doing the dishes tonight?" My dad asked.

"M/n is!" My sister responded.

"Hey!" I exclaimed while chuckling.

"Aw man.."


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