《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 5


"L/n's going to play! I get to be on the same court as L/n!"

Kageyama was excited that was for sure. Finally being able to play with his upperclassman filled him with a new sense of determination.

Of course communication was vital if L/n was going to play. Any wrong moves and he could get seriously hurt.

"If L/n gets hurt that will be on me," he thought.

At last, M/n finished changing and wore a number 13 shirt.

"So, who am I switching with?" M/n asked.

"You're switching with me, L/n," Tsukishima replied.


"L/n over here!"

So far so good. M/n was doing amazing and completely synced with Kageyama and the others, but Kageyama had a sinking feeling, as Aoba Johsai's setter wasn't their official one.

Kageyama's feeling was correct as he saw his former upperclassman enter the gym.

"KYAAAAA~ Oikawa~!!" a bunch of girls started screaming.

Kageyama gritted his teeth.

"Oikawa? Who's that?" M/n questioned.

"Oikawa is my former upperclassman. I learned everything I know from him," Kageyama replied. "So, we shouldn't underestimate him, we're going to take that last set!"


It was 21-24 in Karasuno's favour. They just needed one more point and they would win the match.

Unluckily for them, Oikawa was switched in.

It was his turn to serve as tensions started rising.

Oikawa did his jump serve and it started heading straight towards M/n.

"He's targeting L/n!" Suga thought.

M/n failed to receive and landed on his butt with an "Oof."


"I just started watching, but it looks like I was right," Oikawa started. "Number 13 and number 5...You guys must be first years, your receives are terrible," he continued. "But...number 13's setting skills top my dear old Tobio's....Then again, you could just be another one of those annoying prodigies."


M/n felt a tick mark appear on his forehead. Not only did Oikawa call him a first year, but he also insulted his receiving skills.

"I could totally receive your serves any day Oikawa," he thought.

M/n was getting worked up till he felt a hand on his back.

"Don't worry L/n! We'll get him next time!" Hinata said from beside him.

M/n faced him, smiled and ruffled his hair. "You're right, Little Giant," M/n chuckled. "We only need one more point."

Everyone watched the two interact. "Way too bright!" They all thought.

Oikawa sent another serve to M/n.

Another failed receive.

"Calm down, M/n. Focus! Look for a shadow." he kept telling himself. Then Oikawa spoke up.

"Actually, you're a second year aren't you?" he started. "Yikes, imagine being in your second year and still not being able to receive." he mocked.

"Calm down, M/n. You've got this."

Everyone looked worriedly at the second year, but stopped when they saw the determined look on his face.

"You really don't think that a few words are going to bring me down right?" M/n said. "Cause you're dead wrong. So, send it to me with everything you've got!"

Oikawa smirked. "alright then."

Another serve.

"Focus, look for the shadow, M/n...."

Then he saw it.


And this time...The ball went up.

"Oh, you actually got it," Oikawa said surprised. "But, you just gave us a gift."

He sent the ball to onion head and went to spike it before Hinata caught up and got a one touch.

Kageyama and Hinata did their quick and got the final point.

They won against Seijoh.



They were all on their way back to the bus when they spotted the Aoba Johsai setter.


"It's the Great King!" Hinata said from behind Tanaka.

Oikawa turned to him. "Hey shortstack, that was a nice one touch and broad jump you did back there."

"O-Oh, haha," Hinata said bashfully.

"And you, number 13," he continued. "That receive...was alright."

M/n tilted his head.

"But your sets...just wow!"

Kageyama looked at Oikawa suspiciously.

"You're way better than Tobio over here!"

"It's just that, I've noticed something," he went on. "You always seem to be trying way too hard to find the ball..."

Oikawa started walking up to M/n. He gasped as he finally saw the setters shadow.

The Seijoh player was way too close.

"Oi! Pretty boy! Back off our friend!" Tanaka said irritated.

"Late reaction huh?" The taller male said to M/n. "...Are you blind, 13?"

Kageyama then stepped between the two. "Alright that's enough, Oikawa."

M/n then spoke up from behind Kageyama.

"My name is M/n L/n," he started. "And I'm not blind, I'm visually impaired. I'm not an official player on this team, so don't expect to see me play any more matches."

Oikawa looked at M/n amused.

"As for my sets...Kageyama could beat mine any day! And so could Sugawara!" M/n said. "This team could beat your team whenever they want to."

Kageyama's face started to burn. Even though the compliment wasn't directed to just him, he still felt flustered.

"The hell is wrong with me lately..?" he thought.


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