《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 1


"That idiot, getting us into trouble. If you can't receive properly, you shouldn't even be on the court." I thought bitterly. We now have a match on Saturday since that little shrimp and I couldn't get along. My position is on the line too.

As I was mumbling angrily to myself, I didn't notice I was about to run into someone.

"Ow.." a male voice said softly. "Sorry about that," the kid apologized. "Do you mind helping me pick up my things?"

"Tch," I let out as I helped pick up the kid's stuff.

I looked up at whoever dropped their stuff and paused.

The kid had the most beautiful (e/c) eyes I have ever seen. I just realised now how close we were and backed up a bit.

"Uh, h-here," I said as I stood up. I helped the kid stand up too and saw that he was only an inch or two shorter than me.


"Kageyama Tobio."

"Thanks Kageyama, I'm M/n L/n," he laughed lightly. "I need to go to the gym, but I hope we bump into each other again. Not literally of course," he said as he gave a small smile.

"Yeah." I said

He then started walking away....In the opposite direction. "Is this kid an idiot or something?"

"Hey! You're going in the wrong direction. The gym is the other way." I yelled to get his attention.

"Oh, silly me," he chuckled. "Later Kageyama!"

I gave him a nod. "Yea, Later L/n," I thought.


I was at the gym early in the morning since Tanaka said he would help us prepare for the match on Saturday.

I was with Hinata waiting for Tanaka to show up while the two of us were bickering.


"Man, 5am is wayy too early." We heard Tanaka's voice and turned to look over.

Tanaka was walking very tiredly towards us with....L/n? L/n's hand was on Tanaka's shoulder as if he was guiding L/n. "Huh..?" Does he play volleyball too?" I thought to myself.

"Tanaka who's that??" The shorty exclaimed loudly.

"Oh, this is another one of your upperclassmen, L/n, he used to be a setter on the team," Tanaka replied.

"Used to be?"

"Oh! Does that mean you could send me some tosses L/n?!" Hinata said excitedly.

"Oh...uh...sorry I don't know your name," L/n said sheepishly.

"Hinata Shoyo! And I'm going to be the next Little Giant!"

L/n smiled. "Okay then Little Giant, how about we go inside first, yeah?" L/n said as Tanaka started unlocking the doors and went in.

Hinata's eyes sparkled and he followed Tanaka.

"Hello, L/n," I said as we were last to go inside.

"Oh? Kageyama? Hello," He said pleasantly surprised.

"Did he only notice me now?"


After an hour I decided to get some water.

L/n was just sitting there, staring into nothing. He didn't do anything for the past hour. Tanaka would check up on him every 15 minutes, asking if he was okay.

Then Hinata broke me out of my thoughts. "Hey!! L/n! Can you send me a toss please?"

M/n hesitated before he gave a firm nod. "Woah, L/n are you sure about this?!" Tanaka said worried. "Does he have an injury?"

"Yep, it's alright Tanaka, It couldn't hurt to try," L/n smirked as Tanaka held his hand and lead him onto the court. "Hinata, call my name alright? As if we were in a real game."



Hinata and L/n got into positions. Tanaka threw the ball above L/n. He was moving around a lot and squinted his eyes, like he was trying really hard to find the ball.

"L/n!" Hinata called out. Just like that, L/n clicked as he set the ball to Hinata.

Just then...

A loud smack was heard.

Hinata landed panting, while the ball bounced on the other side of the court.


He had perfect form and the greatest accuracy from a setter I've ever seen.


"What the hell," I thought as I clenched my shirt. Of course, Hinata decided to start being loud again.

"WOAHH! Did you see that!?! L/n was like whoosh! And then I went pow!! And it was so cool! Did you see my spike L/n?! Kageyama, Tanaka?!?" Hinata said very, very loudly.

"Alright, we get it dumbass!" I yelled back. Then Tanaka started being noisy too.

"WAHH! L/nn!" He said with comical tears. "It feels like forever since you've set to someone! That was so cool, man!!"

I piped up. "What do you mean by that Tanaka?"

"Oh...L/n's blind."

"HUHH?!" Hinata and I exclaim.

"How is that possible?!? Unless he has some super powers or something, how did he do that?!" My thoughts were racing when I heard L/n speak.

"Not blind Tanaka. I'm visually impaired," he explained. "I can see faint shadows and outlines. My eyes aren't completely dead."

"Oh! Is that why you asked me to call out your name?" Hinata asked.

"Mhm, because my vision isn't great I have learned to use my hearing instead. I can also feel vibrations and movement."

"Why aren't you on the team then L/n?" Hinata asked further.

"My dad thought it would be dangerous if I kept playing volleyball, so he took me out."

"L/n is amazing. It's such a shame he isn't allowed to play anymore," I thought. "Maybe I could get him to mentor me for a bit."


I clench my shirt again. "This is getting annoying."


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