《Nezu-Sensei MOST WANTED!!! (Assassination Classroom x mha)》Like Mother Like Son or NOT!


After what happened, the whole world somehow got the wind of it and my mother refuses to let me go to school. She was a lovingly mother but she was also very overprotective of me since I was quirkless. There was never a chance for me to even talk against her. If she zoomed out than that was it.

This was how I was locked up in my room and couldn't get out. The world wasn't a good one since I basically had the knowledge to escape but I was not that stupid to even try. She was willing to lock me into my room which was in the basement just to hold me in place, this meant that she was also able to do anything if I would even try to escape at all.

No phone, no computer, no laptop, no way of communication. That was how my mother was. She feared that I would try to escape again. It wasn't the first time I tried and certainly not the last time. However, if I learned something from the last time it was not to anger my mother at all.

The last time she found me, she grabbed me by my fluffy hair and dragged me straight back into the basement and punished me. Her punishment was 40 slashed with a whip. The whip was her favorite weapon and after 10 slashed my skin gets numb and I wouldn't feel anything anymore. I was lucky that it was a nice whip and not one that could rip my skin up immediately. Not only that but my mom also puts medicine on the wounds and sore skin as well as gives me some pain killer.

I never understood her. At a moment she was a nice woman and in the next moment she could be like a poisonous snake. It always depended on the mood of her and after the event of the USJ it wasn't the best at all. She feared losing me like she lost my father.

My mom refused to tell me how my father left us but I knew that he didn't let us but he died right after she even warned him not to do something. That was the situation that I found out myself other than that I only had a couple of clues whenever she would act and speak.


Me: *Sigh* How long will you hold me in here?

I was already 3 days in my room without anything to do and so I got bored. At first, I thought 3 days would be enough since it always was around 3 days but this time was different. She was still in the zoon and it was dangerous.

I need to get out of here!

This has gone on for way too long!

I need to fight!

I need...


I can ask him for help!

He did tell us to ask for help if needed any.

How do I contact him though...?

Thinking that Nezu could help, I began looking around the room for old electronic toys I had and started to destroy them to get to their main circuit board. I may not be from the support course but I still knew how to do this.

It took me a while but I somehow managed to build myself a mouse code transmitter. I knew that the rat couldn't bother but pick this signal up. Especially when I transmitted the radio.

Note: Rat Satan your class green bean needs you.

This was all I sent and there was nothing more I could do. I didn't want anyone else to catch the signal or figure out what it meant. It was dangerous after all.

Luckily for me 3 hours after I send the signal, I could hear Nezu's voice and my mother let me out of the basement while Nezu was waiting in the living room.

Thank god you manage to get my note.

I for sure wouldn't be able to stand this any longer!

She's completely crazy!

Once I entered the living room, I saw Nezu sipping on some tea but his eyes were observing and I could tell that he was watching us carefully.

Mom: Izuku, your teacher came here to ask why you were absent for 3 days.

Me: ...

Mom: Tell him how sick you were. Oh, I am soo happy to see that you recovered quite well.

Nezu: Let's cut this short shall we.

Mom + Me: Huh?


Nezu: I do not need to hear any lies. He doesn't look sick nor does he look exhausted or drained which people would look like if they just recovered. As for the real reason. Am I right to assume that all the attempts of pulling him out of the school were solely your doing?

Me: What?

Mom: Yes.

Me: MOM!

Mom: You are not fit to be a hero or anything close to that! It's very dangerous being one. You don't even have a quirk! You will only keep your classmate down and hinder them from reaching their potential.


How can you think like that?!

I am your son!

Have a little bit more faith!

I can fight!

I proved that!

I am not useless or helpless just quirkless!

Live is dangerous enough for a quirkless kid!

Being a hero is equal to living!

You never noticed Kacchan's behavior or his marks?

Me: And living is not?!

Nezu: May I interrupt here. Your son is one of the best in his class. He might not have any quirk but his wits are on a whole other level compared to his classmates. Not only that but he also possesses enough strength and speed to keep up with them. Your reasoning of it being dangerous or him not being capable are utterly nonsense to say the least.

Mom: And why should I believe a rat?

Me: Mom! Enough! This is Nezu my teacher and to tell you the truth he is far more than that! He at least listens and takes care of me!

Mom: Oh, now I am the bad one here?

Me: Mom. Stop it and listen!

Mom: I don't need to hear anything anymore! To your room! We will settle this later!

Nezu: Nothing will be settled later!

With that he put a whole folder with papers on the table. I could tell how heavy they were just by the thumb it made.

Mom: And what would that be?

Nezu: Evidence of how you treat your son as well as the whipping. Child abuse, neglectance as well as a couple of former criminal crimes like theft or drunken driving.

I could see how pale my mother became once he said that. Nezu had her right where he wanted her.

Nezu: As you see, I took the chance and did a little bit of background check. While I did that I took every evidence I could gather and put it in this folder. This is however not the only thing I did. When you open this folder, you will see a law case open for child custody. I would like you to just sign them and give him over to me. If not, you are leaving me no chance than going public with all these and ruining your life and career.

The moment he finished speaking, my mom immediately went for a pen and signed them.

Nezu: Good. As of today, Izuku you are in my custody. However, you may choose if you want to stay with your mother or stay with me.

Mom: Izu...

Don't Izu me now!

You barely looked at me!

Don't you think I didn't know how you were thinking about quirkless people and to tell you the truth...

I can't stand it!

Me: I.. I would like to stay with you Nezu.

Nezu: Well then, my pup, go and get your things ready!

I did as he said and this was how I got to live with my Sensei. The one I was after to assassinate or more like make a kill mark as well as the most wanted person. I had enough of my mother and her tantrum as well as how much she limited. For the first time in my life I felt free and I was sure I would pay the rat back for this.

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