《Nezu-Sensei MOST WANTED!!! (Assassination Classroom x mha)》Who do you think you are?


I was still in the vent system until I felt a gush of wind which I until now didn't feel at all.


What is going on?

The wind I could feel was a symbol that the ventilation of this building was activated which shouldn't be the case unless the filter detected something in the air which was a bad thing. Before I knew it, I opened the hatch and let myself drop to the pathway for the maintenance work.

Nezu: Everyone hold your breath!

Hearing Nezu say that made me very suspicious and it was as I thought something was wrong. That was until a mist started appearing and not only that but I could hear my classmates caught and I saw them drop to the ground. Hawks was the first one to drop down. For me it looked like whatever was in the air was a heavy mixture. Since Hawks was kinda just sitting on the ground with a bucked of chicken drums as if this was a movie show and not his class at all.

Looks like I am momentarily save up here.


Nezu was screaming for everyone to hold their breath and had a mask with him too. He must have thought that I might do something like this.



He definitely thought that this was my doing!

I am honestly upset that he thought that I would harm my classmates

But then again it was the most logical assumption to make since there is only us here.


There is only us here!

Who the hell is after us?

Or more like after Nezu!

As I was thinking that and carefully walking to the end of the maintenance path I could see a mist like portal open and all of the sudden a guy with a hand and a huge monster came out.


???: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Looks like you are not that tough you useless NPC!


What the heck is wrong with this guy!

Is he an assassin or a villain?

Maybe both?!

I don't care!

No one is messing with my class or our Nezu-sensei!

With that in mind I quickly made my way through the path until I was standing right above the creature that he brought with him.

Nezu: I see you know me but unfortunately you have the upper hand here. Would you enlighten me and tell me your name too?

???: Tomura Shigaraki and this is your end. NOMU!!!

The guy with hands only needed to point at Nezu before the creature began moving and running at the small creature with full speed.

Seeing as there was no way that I could jump down and land on the creature in time for me to eliminate it, I took out my guns. I always had 3 with me. Two were given to me by Nezu and then there was this one I had for self-defense purposes since I was quirkless after all.


This creature looks as if it was created...

The skin looks a little bit shiny. Does it have some hardening quirk like Kirishima?

A lot of scars... meaning physical attacks might not kill him at all if I aim at his heart or his body... but his brain may not be protected at all.

It is exposed after all.

Is this a flaw or is it a trick?

Not knowing if it would work or not but seeing as this was the most logical and obvious course of action, I decided to shot every single bullet I have through its brain and then take one of Nezu's bullets that would hurt and shot it inside the bullet holes I made.

Nomu: *Screeeech*

The creature began screaming in pain and seeing as it stopped, I took out my favorite dagger which was sharp and jumped down. It was now or never. With me now dropping right from above, I had enough momentum to force the dagger really deep into its brain before it simply stopped screaming and fell to the ground. I took that moment to jump into the air using its body as a spring board and taking the throwing knifes out. My target was the guy with hands.


What an obvious weakness!

Like bro!

Did you seriously think no one would go for an open brain?!

I mean yeah, he had some generation quirk but you can't regenerate something that is filled with a liquid inside!

The fake blood in this bullets are really handy!


Me: Firs I am not an NPC! Next if someone is an NPC then you! And come on! You really can't expect someone to not go after the brain when it is exposed?!

If I would create a monster then I would make sure that the vital parts are covered.

After all if it loses any vital parts then it's as he would say game over!

Nezu: Ahh what an effective way to get rid of it and here I thought I might need to take my A-card out of my pocked.

Oh please as if you had something like that!

Shigaraki: I'LL SHOW YOU!!!

With that I could see him run at me. However, with all my lethal weapon gone, I could only hope that he isn't that good of a fighter himself.

The moment I saw him ran at me, I dodged to the side and punched the guy in his face. Next a kick to his right side, then another dodge. Once behind him, I tried seeping him of the floor but he saw me and dodged that. Not only that but he immediately went for another attack which to I made a black flip in return.

He wasn't bad but he was a little bit to slow and so the moment my feet touched the ground I reversed my back flip to a spinning flip in which I kicked him in the face. The next time I was on my feet again, I was running at him and jumped to get around his upper body and began chocking him.

As I said I was no domestic cat. I was a tiger waiting to jump at its prey!

Nezu: Izuku enough!

I nearly killed the guy but once I heard Nezu was about to stop if not for the fact that the ground below us gave in and I found myself falling into the pool area in which I stopped holding onto the guy and prepared myself to dive into the water in the split second I had in midair.

A portal...

Damn it!

Once I came up to the surface again after hitting the water, I looked up and saw that the guy was gone.

They were after Nezu!

So, the hero commission did open a public bounty on his head. This is bad!

I need to end this game of cat and mouse quickly before something happens for real!


Did they really had to throw me into the pool?!

Like for real?!


I hate being completely drenched!

Next time I see you, you will for sure pay for this!

Like do you want to get drenched and dipped into water just like that?

I don't think soo o mister handy NPC!


And I don't even have a spare of clothes with me!

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