《Nezu-Sensei MOST WANTED!!! (Assassination Classroom x mha)》Special Training announcements!


After what I did I could tell that people were looking at me differently. It was not only the way Nezu acted around me but also my classmates. They were all wary but at the same time they were not. It was strange. I could tell that they were scared of me but looking at how they act I knew that they were still the same classmates I had.

Class 1A is not stupid and by now I have earned my place in this class. It was no surprise and everyone knew that class 1A are only the students that had the most potential of being a brilliant hero. However, this year we were heroes trained of being worth assassins.

Me: Is everyone ready?

Bakugo: Yes, Deku!

I had earned my respect and everyone knew why I was in the class. The only one that didn't have a quirk and yet could bring down a pro hero.

Me: Momo, you know what to do?

Momo: Yes, group A is ready.

Me: Shoto?

Shoto: B is also ready.

Me: Tokoyami?

Tokoyami: Same with C.

Today we thought we might try something a little bit different. I used a gad I created and threw a gas grenade into the vent system. Every single one of us had a mask on filtering the air. With that I eliminated a path Nezu could chose to come into the class room.

Next, we all waited. I had Tokoyami and a couple of others float above the door ready to make an air attack on Nezu. Then I had Shoto and Momo go from the left and the right while I was standing in front of it. Then there was Bakugo and his squad sitting in place ready to attack after me. This time I was only a bait for Bakugo.


Here he comes!

The moment we heard the door light open we were ready to attack. Unfortunately for us the moment I saw a couple of red feathers, I needed to blow our attack up.


However, it was already too late. Tokoyami and the others from above used their quirk on Hawks as he quickly just flew in and picked me up before circling the class and landing on the back of it putting me down.

Hawks: Your plan?

Me: Yes.

Hawks: A good one.

Me: Thanks. Where is Nezu?

Hawks: Waiting for us.

Me: Huh?

Hawks: Listen everyone. Nezu managed to somehow bribe the hero commission to let you into USJ.

Me: He and his blackmail materials...

Hawks: You know about them?

Me: Hacked into Nezu's computer ones. Not pretty.

Hawks: You what?!

Me: Hacked.

Hawks:. .... You know it is illegal right?

Me: And assassination isn't?

Hawks: Fair point!

He went in front of the class and waited for everyone to go back to their seats before dropping the information down on everyone not only me.

Hawks: Now listen! Due to some reasons we are invited to come over to the USJ building.

Bakugo: USJ?

Mina: Wait the universal studio of Japan?

Me: No, you idiot Disney land Paris! USJ is the building where heroes train for rescue missions.

Iida: Sir if that is true then why are we going?

Hawks: Because Nezu want you guys to be the best heroes there is.

Me: Sounds like him.

Hawks: Also, it is a one in a life time situation.

Me: Say you said Nezu is waiting for us. You didn't mean that he was waiting there right?

Hawks: Yes. That is exactly what I meant.

Me: Are we allowed to try and assassinate him there?

Hawks: Yes, and this is also why I came here to get you. I don't know why he is soo keen on seeing what you guys are capable but he told me that he will be waiting there and he is also excited to see what you guys came up with.


Me: Sounds like him.

Iida: It does.

Uraraka: Why do I have a feeling he will go after you Izuku?

Me: Because he will.

Bakugo: He should be bet fucking watching out for me.

Kirishima: You mean us all bro!

Me (whispering): You guys don't have a deal with him....

Uraraka: Did you say something?

Me: Huh? Ah no.

Hawks: Well anyways you we have an hour of a bus ride there so you can get on planning. Also, there is a bus standing outside the UA building for you to get you there. We will meet up in front of the UA building!

The moment he said that everyone ran out of the classroom. One hour isn't something you wanted to waste. Not only that but everyone was rushing out completely forgetting that they left me behind.

Hawks: They sure are lively.

Me: Yeah... Hey Hawks, quick question.

Hawks: Just shoot.

Me: Can you fly me there?

Hawks: Huh?

Me: Well you are the fastest hero and I wouldn't want to waste any time on the bus ride.

Hawks: You have a plan?

Me: No but I want to see with what I am dealing first before I make any unnecessary plans.

Hawks: I see. Well I am on my way there after all so sure I'll be just taking you along.

Thanks to that we both went outside and he picked me up and we began flying through the sky. It was a lot easier to travel this way after all not only that but I could focus on making a little plan as well as get into the building and observe my target a little bit too.

Something feels off...

This feeling....

It's as if something will happen... something bad!

Nezu what the heck did you plan again?!

You trying to kill us like last time?!

I know what you were going after and don't you come with you are not allowed to hurt us...

There is a catch with that phrase!

You as a chimera are not able to hurt us but you are allowed to make other things hurt us. No one ever said that or even considered the fact.

After what you did with that spider last time...

But this feels different.

It's not like the danger you present...

Something else is bothering me but I can't tell what it is...

Hawks: You okay?

Me: Yeah...

Hawks: We will be there soon.

Me: Thanks again for taking me with you!

Hawks: No problem feathers!

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