《Nezu-Sensei MOST WANTED!!! (Assassination Classroom x mha)》Sleeping Python


I knew that the class I took over as a PE teacher in order to train them to kill their own teacher was different. Something about Midoriya felt wrong. He was very clever and If anyone was to kill or even make him reconsider then it was him. I knew it!

I am curious to see how the class will evolve...

This class is sure something else...

Is this really what we need?!

Heroes trained as assassins?

I mean the hero commissions special training is no difference but still....

But this class... This kid...

It was the way he was looking at things. His sharp emerald green eyes were looking at one as if they were trying to figure out how one was working. The first time I saw him I had a shiver running down my spine but I still played it cool.

He will be the key in order to save the earth...

Question is if we really wanna sharpen his blades more...

Knowing that he found a way to not kill someone but make him reconsider was proof enough that a lot of people were underestimating quirkless people. Then the fact that he managed to tranquilize Nezu that was an achievement on its own.

Iida: Hawks-sensei, you are spacing out.

Me: Oh, sorry guys, my bad!

I was about to teach them a couple of new moves until I could hear them cheering and whispering to each other. Not only that but I felt someone walking towards me. Turning around I could see Endeavor coming my way.

Me: Endeavor, long time no see!

Endeavor: Spare me with your nonsense chicken!

Me: Why is everyone calling me chicken nowadays!

Midoriya: We don't Hawks!

Me: Thanks kid.

I went over to Midoriya and ruffled his hair. From the outside this kid looked very cute and was charming to say the least but I have seen what he can do and he is not to be judged by his cover.


Midoriya was the only reason the class was working properly as a class and doing good work at their group attacks without him, there would be only 19 individuals trying to assassinate a person without even making a plan. He was the one that taught them to think and use their quirks to the fullest as well as make combination attacks.

Me: What are you doing here Endeavor?

Endeavor: The hero commission thought you were going soft on them so I am here to exchange you.

Me: hm?

Before I could even realize what happened, all the students of class 1A were standing in front of me shielding me from him.

Midoriya the kid that was just standing right next to me went in front of the group as if he was the pack leader. The term was very feeding to say the least. He was the head of them and if you were in their class they wouldn't even admit it. That kid was scary. The way he managed to manipulate every single student in letting them think that they were still doing everything out of free will was dangerous.

Midoriya: He is an excellent teacher. No one needs a huge trashcan like you.

Endeavor: What did you just say?

Midoriya: I said there is no need for you flaming ass here!

I finally snapped out of it and flew up and towards Midoriya only to see that Endeavor was already in mid attack to punch the kid. However, I knew that no speed in the world could have stopped the hero or made me be able to pull the kid away.

Though as I was flying there to at least catch Midoriya and bring him to the infirmary room, I was meet with a sight I didn't thought I would see.


He only dodged the attack but he used the hero's hand that was in mid attack and climbed onto it with a jump. In the next moment both were on the ground and Midoriya was dislocating the hero's arm.

Endeavor: YOU LITTLE-

Before he could do anything to the kid, he let go and rolled to the side and kicked the hero that tried to get up right below his chin. After that he jumped away as Endeavor was now using his flames to attack him.

Midoriya: Hawks, can I borrow 2 of your feathers?

I was completely taken aback and did what he asked before I knew what I just did. He took them from me and immediately charged with two feathers in his hands as knife, dodging every single attack and went behind him cutting his leg. It was a fatal wound and I knew that.

And here I was thinking that he didn't had sharp blades...

He is a natural born assassin!

The way he sees things. The way he reacts and the way he moves.

I know that very well. He knows how to calculate and observe.

This is only something you get from countlessly being beaten up to an extend you already can predict what will happen...

Quirkless or not. He is dangerous.

Like a sleeping python.

He is still not completely ready for his final streak but he will be soon.

Note to myself.

Never provoke that kid.

Like ever!

Nezu: All right that is enough!

Before the kid could do anything else I watched Nezu come in and putting a hand at the kids' hand.

Midoriya: No. That trash doesn't deserve to be here! Do you even know how many people he killed and got away because it was collateral damage?

Nezu: I know but you are still here to be a hero.

Midoriya: Correction we are trained to be assassins and I am pretty sure I am doing an amazing job in that one.

He was not laying. This kid just took a pro hero out.

Nezu: Hawks, get him to Recovery Girl!

Me: On it.

Even if I hated to do it since he was threatening my position, I had no other choice as to do what I was told. Though I was sure that after today's display that they would let me continue teaching this class.

You are lucky he didn't go for an instant kill!

Now I knew that my intuitions were not wrong...

It does take a special individual to take on another one.

Nezu you better be ready for him. Something tells me that what we just saw was only the tip of the iceberg.

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