《Loved Like a Psycho》20: Misunderstandings and patch up
Avneet was sitting and waiting on a stool holding a cotton pad on her finger from where they had tested her blood. She watched them check it, she was eagerly waiting for them to finish. One of the doctors turned to her and smiled.
"It matched, would you like do donate?" He asked with a grin, Avneet immediately got to her feet.
"Of course" She said at once, they made her sit on a chair opposite to a nurse. She tied belt on her upper arm and drew blood, which seemed a lot to Avneet. Siddharth had lost two and half liters of blood so it was nothing compared to it. After drawing blood, they gave her an apple to eat and asked her to go.
She was happy that she was asked to go back to college because she couldn't face Siddharth. The guilt which Avneet was carrying was too much. As soon as she went to sitting area, they were relieved to see the bandage on her arm. Lucky and Bhavesh got to their feet to drop her to college, others were staying.
She reached the college and watched the boys drive off back to hospital again. She pursed her lips and went inside, she reached to her room. People had shot her weird looks when she passed the corridor. Avneet laid down on the bed. She was staying with Jannat for a while because she didn't have the courage to face Siddharth.
She was dead angry at Riyaz and that group but wasn't in the mood for any fight or violence.
Siddharth was conscious but no body was allowed to meet him. Ritika composed herself Manjul was there holding Ritika, Jannat was consoling Bhavesh as he also felt guilty now. According to him he should've been with him. Everyone was busy blaming themselves. Ritika was guilty because she had left him alone. Bhavesh was guilty because he didn't punch Riyaz when Avneet had come saying that Siddharth cheated on her.
They left the place as the doctor said Siddharth will be discharged tomorrow, the injuries were not that critical but they feared about the amount of blood loss.
The group left for college, there was silence and disappointment on their faces. Ritika was about to kill Priya with a fork but Manjul stopped her. Riyaz totally disappeared, Manjul and Lucky had gone after him to beat him up but he was vanished, totally nowhere to be seen so everyone just turned back to their rooms.
Morning came, Ritika was getting ready Jannat was on Ritika's bed waiting for her in her room, Bhavesh and Manjul were already outside campus they arranged for a car to get Siddharth from the hospital
Ritika was done so came out with Jannat, she was without makeup after an eternity people were pretty shocked but she cared less. They walked out and joined the boys.
Avneet was still guilty so she didn't join them nor did they ask her to. Ritika gave her threatening glares every time she saw her Jannat was too angry at her now. She felt disturbed and locked herself in the room again.
The group reached the hospital and entered, they walked to Siddharth's room where they found Siddharth getting lectured by the doctor. They witnessed a change in his behaviour; usually he knocked the hell out of the person lecturing him with his arrogance but he wasn't the same this time. He was silently nodding at what the doctor was saying, they entered after a knock.
"We are discharging him but do tell his parents to look after him a bit" the doctor said before leaving, Siddharth face turned dull as he was already missing his mom, he didn't meet her in so many days. He looked around hopefully searching for Avneet but she wasn't there.
"Bhai you are an absolute idiot, you scared the shit out of me! What the hell is wrong with you?" Ritika ranted, Siddharth opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off.
"Siddharth you asshole whats up with you? Are you completely out of your mind?" Manjul took the turn in scolding him
"I am really angry at you Sidd, you shouldn't have done that!" Jannat said angrily. Bhavesh was the only one not ranting, he didn't look at Siddharth, he totaly ignored him. Siddharth sensed the anger level and ignored all three and snapped at Bhavesh who was showing attitude.
"Bro I Am really sorry" He said in an apologetic tone to Bhavesh.
"Huh really?" Bhavesh said with sarcasm dripping off his mouth.
"Dude you know I am mad I didn't do that, I mean I did but I was not in control" He said in a desperate voice
"Oh were you drunk?" Bhavesh said in the same tone as previous.
"No but uh I was .. I mean I wasn't in my own control" He said guiltily, Bhavesh sighed out the anger.
"Its okay but don't you dare do that again" Bhavesh glared at him and melted on the second moment as Siddharth made a innocent face .
"Where is Avneet?" Siddharth asked abruptly looking here and there.
"Why the hell do you care? She was wrong. Riyaz that bastard made that plan and she didn't even believe you even after you gave her so much love" Ritika ranted bursting out.
"Its not her fault, that guy must've brainwashed her" Siddharth said waving his sister off, he couldn't hear anything bad about Avneet.
"Huh sure, she is not a kid Bhai" Ritika said with her arms crossed.
"Okay at least tell me where she is?" Siddharth asked again. He was getting restless with every increasing second.
"She didn't come" Ritika said shortly. His face fell down suddenly, he hung his head low and sighed deeply closing his eyes. And as expected he saw Avneet just like usual, whenever he closed his eyes.
"Um we are discharging him will you all please?" The nurse said as she entered the room and pointed outside gesturing to get out. The nurse did his dressing and took out all the pipes, she helped him get up from the bed and he was given a crutches that help him walk properly. The boys got him in the car. Manjul drove Ritika sat on the passenger seat constantly cursing Riyaz, Priya and sometimes even Avneet. She was making up plans and punishments for them but Sidd cared less .
"Bhai what do we do to them ? Any idea?"Ritika asked.
"Leave" He said zoning out again. This was the first time he wasn't interested in any violence, he was thinking about Avneet, what happened to her? Why didn't she come to meet him? Was she still mad at him? If she was then he had to go and make it up to her. They reached the college and they got him in his room.
"Hey Bhavesh where is Avneet?" Asked Siddharth at once when they reached their room.
"She's in Jannat's room" Said Bhavesh as he tossed him an apple
"I'm going" Said Siddharth getting up
"No!" Said Bhavesh and he made him sit back. Siddharth frowned.
"I want to go!" He protested
"No Siddharth! You're too weak besides she needs rest too, they took a bag of blood from her for you" Said Bhavesh in rage. Siddharth's eyes widened, he looked down at his arms, he stared at his veins.
"Sh-she gave me blood? Her blood is r-running in my veins..?" Siddharth asked in a tone with was mixed with high emotions of happiness and shock. He kept looking down at his arms.
"Yeah she did" Said Bhavesh he was surprised to see that Siddharth was constantly flexing and unflexing his veins on his forearms staring at them "What are you doing?"
"Looking at how amazingly our bloods mixed" He said dreamily, Bhavesh face palmed.
"It's just blood transfusion Siddharth!" He said, Siddharth didn't reply "Okay now sleep" Bhavesh ordered, Siddharth looked at him and nodded. He laid down.
Avneet spent her night battling with herself, weather she should or shouldn't go to him. She wanted to go but she was too guilty to show him her face. When morning arrived, first thing she did was that she bucked up some courage and walked to his room. She was just about to knock when some yanked her back from her shoulder.
"Avneet" She heard Arishfa's cold tone.
"Oh hey Ari" Avneet said with a smile
"Don't call me Ari it's only for close friends. Besides you're not allowed to go in there. Ritika and Jannat want you to stay away from him for as long as you can and so do I. He went through this because of you alright?! You are an asshole get lost" Said Arishfa, her voice rose with each syllable. Avneet could hear Siddharth ask about her from someone inside, but she decided to ignore it and walk away. Arishfa was right Siddharth went through that because of her. She had no right to meet him.
Avneet went to Jannat's room and took her things. She crossed the corridor and opened the opposite door. Reem and Aashika were laying on the bed, they immediately got to their feet looking at her. Avneet dropped her stuff on the floor and tears started streaming down her cheeks. Both the girls engulfed her in a hug.
"Avnu what happened" Asked Aashika while carressing her hair.
"It's all my fault" Mumbled Avneet, she was gasping for air and sniffed.
"Tell us what happened" Asked Reem
"They hate me" Said Avneet completely shifting to hug Reem. Aashika had left the hug to fetch her some water.
Siddharth was in his bed for a few days, the girls; Jannat, Rits, Arishfa pampering him. For those few days the boys got him whatever he wanted. Everything except Avneet, the gang had decided not to let the two meet. Because according to them Siddharth loved Avneet unhealthily and he needed some break. Though Siddharth complained a lot but they never listened to him.
He felt good, he never really received that much of pampering after his mom was diagnosed but he still was little lost he was thinking about Avneet, he missed her an awful lot. He was slowly going back to being sleep deprived, she was his drug and they weren't letting him have his drug.
"Bhai get some rest we'll come back later" Ritika said hooking on Manjul, Siddharth nodded and they left the room.
"I will leave too" Jannat said and gave Bhavesh a loving look before getting out of the room, Lucky and Arishfa left too.
"Bhavesh where is Avneet? Is she still angry at me? Please send her to me. I want to see her" Siddharth said in a desperate voice .
"C'mon Sidd she is not ready to meet you nor is she willing to meet you, so drop that topic will you?" Bhavesh said with an irritated expression.
"But.." Siddharth was cut off by Bhavesh
"Shut up and sleep" Bhavesh said before getting out and slamming the door, Siddharth huffed and laid down. He was dying to see Avneet but they would let him. He sighed and fell asleep, he was sleepy anyway.
Avneet was with Reem and Aashika, they both laid on their beds an Avneet was on the couch. Avneet was constantly turning sides on the couch. She was sleepless. She was the one unable to sleep without his presence around now, she kept looking here and there, she knew what would help her sleep, his collonge. But from where? She is not sneaking in his room. An idea popped in her mind, she sat straight startling Reem and Aashika. They looked at her.
"Reem" Avneet started, Aashika looked at her with a confused expression.
"What Avnu?" Reem said in a sleepy tone.
"Will you..." She hesitated "Will you please sneak in Siddharth's room and get his colonge?" she said in one breathe in a pleading tone "It's really easy, he keeps it on the table near mirror"
"What? I mean seriously?" Aashika said in disbelief as she face palmed
"Avu no I'm sleepy" Said Reem
"Please Reem I can't sleep without it" She said pleading.
"So you also...?" Reem said suspiciously.
"NO! No I mean habit, please Reem" she sheepishly requested.
"Okay fine" Reem agreed after a long thought and got out of the room. She sighed shaking her head, how crazy was this couple? Reem tip toed around the college and into the boys hostel area. She reached his room and pressed her ear on the door, listening for any noises. None came so she slowly opened the door.
Reem met with fully dark room. She was with naked feet so her feet made no noise. Reem went in, she could hear water running in bathroom. She squinted her eyes and found Siddharth fast asleep in his bed. Probably Bhavesh in the bathroom. Reem tip toed to the mirror and took the only Cologne present there. She tiptoed back out of room and broke into a run.
Reem ran to her room and upon entering she was met with a frustrated Aashika and a pacing Avneet
"Did you get it?" Asked Avneet eagerly when she saw Reem, Reem nodded and gave her the Cologne. Avneet squealed and hugged Reem, taking the Cologne from her hand "I love you Reemu!!" Said Avneet, she went to her couch, took her pillow spraying his Cologne onto it and some on her blanket. She got in there hugged the blanket squeezing her eyes shut and fell asleep in no time at all. Aashika and Reem looked at each other with amused expressions.
Few days passed with Avneet not meeting Siddharth. And his gang members making sure he went nowhere near her. Siddharth was still thinking that she hated him and believed Riyaz. He had also started to believe that she liked Riyaz more than him. Siddharth wanted to talk to her, and he had perfect plan. Away from the sight of his gang he waited for Avneet to reach him. He found her and her girl group he went and stood in front of her, blocking her way.
"Angel, I want to talk to you" He started. She was about to say something but he shushed her and started talking "See I know your still angry at me but I am really sorry for all those stuffs which happened. I know you like Riyaz more. He is a better guy than me for sure, he is good in studies, he is good looking, he will keep you more happy than I can and most importantly he is normal and not a psychopath like me" He said really fast, Avneet tried speaking but she was cut off again "But I just wanted to ask if we could talk once or twice a day its okay if you want to leave me but at least talk to me don't ignore, because I know I won't be able to claim you as mine but I wanna talk to you bec..."
Avneet had slapped him hard across the cheek. He stopped his blabbering and clutched onto his cheek staring down at Avneet with wide eyes.
"ARE YOU FUCKING MAD?" She yelled making him wince "NO ONE, I SAID NO FUCKING ONE. NOT EVEN YOU GET TO CALL YOU A PSYCHO" She fumed, Siddharth blushed hard core, his cheeks went red, one extreme red from slap and other from blush "And Riyaz? Seriously Siddharth he is GROSS!" Avneet gagged at his name.
"I thought you weren't talking to me because you like him" Mumbled Siddharth, he still had his hand on his cheek. Avneet's friends were looking at them with amused expression.
"I wasn't talking to you because I was guilty and also scared of your reaction" She said sheepishly.
"Why were you guilty?" He asked in disbelief.
"Umm shouldn't I be?" She asked rubbing her arm nervously "Its all because of me I should've believed you" She said dully hanging her head low. Siddharth found this guilty Avneet even cuter, he grinned widely.
"They made up the story in such a way that anyone would've believed" He said using his index finger to lift her face.
"But still I should've believed you and not raged liked that" She said immediately "And you seriously thought I have something with Riyaz, Ewugh"
"I mean yeah why not?" He said scratching his head
"Speaking of that bastard asshole. He needs a lesson, he has come to college today we need to teach him a lesson" She said grinning evilly. Siddharth laughed at her and hugged her tight lifting her off her feet she hooked her arms around his neck and wrapped he legs around his torso, monkey hugging him.
"AHHH I MISSED YOUR HUGSS" Squealed Avneet and buried her head in crook of his neck, Siddharth chuckled and squeezed her. They stayed like that until they were startled by squealing of the girls. Avneet immediately jumped off him. They found all of them holding up their phones probably recording something. Reem immediately started typing something in and within few seconds both of their phone dinged.
"What the hell reem" Avneet said as she opened her phone and checked the notification. Reem had posted all of that video with caption 'cutest patch up ever! #sidneet'
"Thank me later" She said and giggled. Avneet looked at Siddharth he had an ear to ear grin. Siddharth and her walked to the canteen hand in hand and sat on a table away from gang.
They were planing on what to do, the group saw them together, Jannat and Rits still angry rest of them were chilled out. Avneet melted Ritika with the perfect plan to embarass Riyaz. They went well Sidharth was shocked he thought he was the only one to get such creepy idea for punishments but he made quiet a bad effect on Avneet. He needed to scold her for that, once the punishment was over because who was he to miss the fun? Avneet stood on the table and clapped her hands, catching everyone's attention.
"Alright! Auditorium after college I want each and everyone of you there" She announced and she heard a murmur of yes and okays. She got down and sat beside Siddharth, he smiled down at her.
College hour ends, almost all the students gathered in the auditorium The group had evil grins on faces, Avneet was on the stage preparing the mic there. She stood in the middle and started her speech
"Everyone here?!" She asked and she hard a chant of 'yes' "Okay so, I am here to talk about someone special in my life. Someone close to me" She said and smiled evilly, she looked at Siddharth and he was controlling his laughter "I met him only a few weeks ago but he is really close to me. That person is Riyaz please welcome him with a huge round of applause" She said, people were confused but clapped anyway. Siddharth grabbed him by neck and pushed him towards the stage, for few seconds only voice was clicking of his shoes. He awkwardly got on the stage, all eyes were on him.
"Hi Riyaz, do you know why I called you here?" She asked in the microphone batting her eyelashes as him.
"N-no" He said nervously, some people chuckled.
"Well you'll know, honey" She said and turned to others "Who is the biggest Asshole here?!" She announced, Riyaz had a horrified expression.
"RIYAZ!" The group chanted, everyone laughed
"Who is the biggest jerk of the century!?" She asked again
"RIYAZ!" The group along with some people in auditorium chanted. Avneet took glass of water and spilled on his pants.
"WHO PEES HIS PANTS?!" She asked
"RIYAZ!!" Everyone chanted and burst out laughing.
"Who is the biggest duffer of the college!?" She asked again and everyone chanted his name. Riyaz immediately got off the stage and ran off, out of the auditorium. Everyone laughed and mocked at him.
"Thankyou for being a lovely audience! Adios fellas!" Said Avneet, she grinned and got off he stage, her hair bounced. She skidded to Siddharth, both of them left the auditorium to find Riyaz. He was in the campus grounds. She gestured Siddharth, he nodded and went to the other side of him.
"Hai Riyaz" Said Avneet placing her hand on his shoulder.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Riyaz cried
"Oh honey no" Said Avneet cracking her knuckles, he turned to run but hit Siddharth's chest. He looked up to see his face, it had a evil grin plastered.
"Where you going buddy?" Asked Siddharth, he punched Riyaz in face which made him be passed to Avneet, Avneet caught him by collar.
"You know that, you are a big fat donkey" She said and slapped him hard passing him to Siddharth.
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