《Loved Like a Psycho》18: Irritating
Avneet's POV:
We reached college, he parked the bike. The whole journey was hell awkward I felt like I could jump off the bike and walk my way to the college. Though he was nice and funny but it was awkward for me to be this close to any guy except Siddharth. With Siddharth it was a different feeling for me, I felt protected around him, it felt like I was safest around him and nobody could even scratch me.
"Hey wanna have some corn" Riyaz said abruptly pointing at the man selling corns outside the college gate. I was pulled out of stance.
"Umm sure" I said hesitantly and we walked there, he ordered two roasted corns and we stood there.
"So how is Siddharth?" He asked biting on the corn that just arrived, after handing me mine.
"Hmm fine, he is badly injured" I replied dully as I bit into my corn. It was tasteless. I took the spice box from the salesman and added it to my corn the man chuckled lightly.
"He will be alright, don't worry" He gave a consoling smile I smiled back.
"Any idea where we can get the equipments ?" He asked
"Yeah, I have talked to Professor Awasthi. He said he could arrange everything we need, so can you make the list?" I asked, he immediately nodded.
"I'll make it and submit it today" He said and smiled. Okay stop with smiling I'm not used to those. I awkward smiled and finishes eating my corn. We went inside the college i immediately caught the corridor to dorms. Rita's followed.
"Hey Avneet, I was thinking if we could prepare the presentation right now" Said Riyaz, I internally groaned but turned and smiled at him.
"Actually I'm kinda busy, so if you don't mind?" I said awkwardly giving him hints to go away. He frowned.
"Alright bye.." He said and left, I huffed and then sighed in relief. I went inside my room and dropped myself on bed. Boy I swear if I didn't need Riyaz in my project I would have beaten him up for being irritating.. Why am I talking like Siddharth?
Speaking of him, I miss him an awful lot. The room feels so empty without him. I grabbed my phone and decided to call him, after two rings a lady picked up.
"Hello, This is nurse speaking who are you, miss angel?" She spoke, did she call me Angel? Oh! It must be my caller id on his phone... How cute!
"Hi errr this is Siddharth's friend is he asleep?" I asked
"No his dressings are being changed wait a little please" She said and I sat there chewing my inner cheek. I was waiting for her to speak again which she did soon.
"Ah there we've changed the dressing I'll put on speaker so you can talk to him" She said, I heard a faint 'hurry up let me talk to her' I giggled knowing it was him.
"Hey angel! Everything alright? You called, are you okay?" He asked in one breath as fast as he could, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Calm down I'm fine I was just missing you" I said after I had finished laughing. He chuckled a little, it was so cute to hear, it was completely blessing my ears.
"Hai then!" He said and I laughed. We talked a little until the nurse decided to make him stop talking because he needed rest. Siddharth protested but I didn't I knew he needed rest. I dug into my studies and I studied till midnight. In between I was visited by my girls just to try and get me out of my room. But hey! I needed to study they had left me calling me a nerdy but I cared less.
At around 12 O clock I laid down on my bed when I heard a knock on the door, who was it now? I groaned and got up, I opened the door and Riyaz was standing there with sheepish grin and a box in his arms.
"Hey! Can I come in?" He asked, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked here and there.
"Um I don't think you're allowed here" I said thinking of a quick excuse
"Yeah.. But Siddharth lives with you" He reasoned. Okay that's a point, I awkwardly and creepily smiled then did a nervous chuckle. He chuckled too. Great make it more awkward, I just opened the door. He walked in, I grabbed my shawl and wrapped it around my self hiding my exposed shoulder and thighs.
"Why are you here so late?" I asked, make this quick. I need to sleep.
"Just here to tell you that I submitted the list and I came to give you this box of equipments" He said pointing at the box which he had placed on floor.
"Oh okay then, I'll keep them with myself till the final performance" I said with a smile.
"Yeah... Ima go... Now.. " He said and I immediately got up to open the door for him. He walked to it and paused on the doorway. I swear... WHERE IS MY SIDDHARTH?
"I was thinking... If I could drive you to hospital" He said scratching back of his neck
"That would be great, thanks, Goodnight" I said and slammed the door shut. Man he's irritating! I locked the door and laid down on my bed.
I stared at ceilin before closing my eyes. It was uncomfortable so I turned sides. I did it again and again and again until I was left being a shuffling insomniac mess. I was missing Siddharth's smell. I got up and went to his empty bed. I sniffed his pillow and smiled once my nostrils were blessed with similar smell I laid down on it and used his duvet to heat me up. I fell asleep.
Just another fine day of Siddharth in the hospital bed, he was gradually healing, he still had scars on his body which he smiled at everytime. He got those for his love, what else did he want? He had a souvenir for what he had done for the love of his life.
His eyes waiting to see his Angel. It was the time of the day he dreaded to have. The visiting hours, it was finally the time when Avneet was going to come and see him. He was being impatient he wanted to hug her but he wasn't allowed to. Her images flashing before his eyes made him smile abruptly.
A knock on the door pulled him out of stance, he eagerly waited for it to open. It revealed Avneet she happily bounced upto him and hugged him.
"Missed ya!" She said
"Me too" Said Siddharth, he noticed that someone else had come in he room with Avneet, it was a boy with round face and huge eyes. His hair spiked up and he had a scar just under his left eye, he was of average height and his skin was chocolate brown.
"Who the hell is he?" Siddharth asked possessively. Avneet broke the hug and turned to look at him.
"Oh, he's Riyaz my project partner" Avneet said casually. Riyaz shakily waved at Siddharth.
"And what is he doing here?" Asked Siddharth completely ignoring him.
"Nothing he just joined me midway" Avneet shrugged and sat beside his leg and gripped his hand firmly. He felt relieved and got lost in her eyes, she was smiling down at him. Riyaz sat on the stool beside his bed and smiled nervously. He was already shit scared which was visible on his face.
"I think I should go now" he stammered as he got up. Siddharth wanted to tell him to fuck off and leave him alone with his Angel, because 1, His presence was annoying 2, Avneet was acting nice towards him. Before he could tell Riyaz to go Avneet spoke.
"No, wait we'll go together" she said stopping Riyaz he sat back and dropped the nervous smile.
"I missed you Angel" Siddharth said Caressing and cupping her face making Riyaz partially jealous and uncomfortable
"Me too" She said softly and Riyaz looked away. Siddharth totally ignored someone else's appearance in the room and was lost admiring Avneet.
"Did you see sir Awasthi's face today when Sumit said that he didn't get the lecture" Said Riyaz and made a funny face. Avneet cracked up laughing, she moved her face out of Siddharth's to look at Riyaz.
"Yeah, it was weird" Said Avneet with another laugh. Siddharth frowned a little, he did not like it at all, but chuckled anyway. He admired a laughing Avneet.
"Oh and did you know that Miss preeta just slipped on Aakash Sir's coffee then she had slapped him RIGHT in front of everyone i was there" Said Riyaz with a chuckle, Avneet laughed again
"I did not know! Everyone ships them by the way" Said Avneet, Siddharth kept quite throughout. He knew if he spoke it would be bad and Avneet would be mad at him for misbehaving so it was better to stay silent
"Oh I'm one of the Preekash shippers" Riyaz said and laughed, Avneet laughed too
"Same pinch!" She said and they high fived. Siddharth's eyes widened he wanted to slit Riyaz's throat right there. He would if he was the Siddharth before meeting his Angel. He composed himself and decided to join their convo.
"Yea me too" He said looking at Avneet, she giggled looking down at him. She turned to pick the glass of juice from his side table, Siddharth took a chance and glared at Riyaz. Riyaz knew he was dead, he had to get out of there now.
"Avneet.. Let's go.. Err" He said, Avneet snapped her head in his direction.
"I wanted to spend some time with her alone, so if you please" Siddharth spoke first gathering all the politeness left in his veins, which by the sounds more like a threat than a request.
"Yeah sure" Riyaz said nervously, he didn't even say bye to Avneet he just ran out of there.
"What was that?" Avneet frowned as she handed Siddharth his juice.
"What I want to spend some time with you. Why did you bring him?" He asked demanding a quick answer .
"C'mon I told you I found him midway so we came here together" she explained he wasn't convinced "Siddharth" She forced her voice, he looked away like a cute grumpy kid, he even let out a huff "Stop being a jelly" She giggled. Siddharth immediately snapped his head in her direction
"I am not being a jelly" Siddharth whined. Okay that was cute.
"Aww baby you are" Avneet said, it shocked both. Siddharth's eyes widened, he used his good arm to pull her closer. Her face was just an inch away from his, she felt their breaths mingling.
"What did you just call me?" Asked Siddharth, he could clearly see her red cheeks. He smirked
"N-nothing.. " She stammered as she tugged her hair behind her ear, Siddharth still had grip on her wrists with one hand.
"No I heard something else" He said in a husky tone.
"Sh-shut up" Said Avneet, at this proximity her mind always felt clouded. Her ability to think straight always used to vanish somewhere. He smirked wider at.
"Oh? I heard something along the lines of 'aw baby you are'" He said, Avneet opened her mouth to say something to defend herself but she failed. Siddharth smiled once, before pulling her into a small kiss. Avneet had tomato red cheeks when he broke the kiss. The stood there shyly looking anywhere but him. The door opened and a nurse came in to tell her that visiting hours were over. She swiftly left waving him a good bye. Siddharth sighed dreamily. He watched the nurse giggle looking at him. She simply came and showed him his face in mirror.
"I think you'd like to wipe that lipstick off" She said, Siddharth went tomato red and wiped his lips off.
It was Saturday, Five days later. Riyaz and Avneet were in class revising their presentation. The equipment were already in front. They weren't paying attention to what others were presenting.
"Thankyou, Tanya and Mansh you may take a seat. Next up are Avneet and Riyaz. Please move forward" The professional announced both of them got up and walked to the front of the class, those who had already done were actually listening and Ines who were up next were revising. Avneet went behind the podium while Riyaz set the equipments.
"Good morning everyone. I'm Avneet Kaur and this is my fellow Riyaz Aly. We are going to prove that acceleration due to gravity is independent of it's mass, I'll explain and my fellow will demonstrate" Said Avneet, she had taken the explaination because she was clumsy in front of huge crowd. Riyaz did that demonstration and Avneet explained each and everything while on the projectior their prepared slides were playing too. Once finished they were asked to go back to their seats.
"That was good!" Said Riyaz
"Yeah" Said Avneet nervously. Soon all the presentations were done and now the positions were to be given.
"... Physics is really important for us it is a subject on which everything depends on" Their professor kept on ranting. The presentations were over and now it was time to announce the position, the professor wasn't coming to the point.
"... Well I must say you all did amazing! Let's announce the positions now. 3rd position goes to, Aman and Sara" He announced finally. Aman and Sara went there and thanked the professor "2nd position goes to Tanya and Mansh" They both went there and received their certificate
"And now.. " He said and dramatically leaned on table eyeing everyone "1st position goes to... Any guesses?" Nobody really cared about guessing they were all sitting with bored expressions "Avneet and Riyaz!" Avneet and Riyaz happily looked at each other before going to the front and receiving their certificate. It was that moment when Riyaz engulfed Avneet in a hug. She very awkwardly patted his back and pulled away smiling at him.
"Sorry bout that I'M JUST SO HAPPY!" he said rubbing the back of his neck, class was dismissed from auditorium and they all went to Canteen. Avneet didn't want to waste another second she ran out of the college. It was the day Siddharth was getting discharged. The gang was waiting there for her.
"Sorry sorry" She muttered, she was late because of the presentation.
"It's okay get in Ritika an Manjul's car" Said Bhavesh. He was going to go on bike with Jannat, while the car was for Siddharth. Arshifa and Lucky were going on bike too. Yes he recently learned. She opened the back door to sit down but immediately closed it with wide eyes when she had found Ritika and Manjul intensely making out in there.
"Whaddup?" Asked Jannat, Avneet made a gagging expression and she understood, she made a disgusted face and cringed. She got off the bike and came up to her she opened the door.
"YOU TWO! MAKE BABIES SOME OTHER DAY WE GOTTA FETCH SIDDHARTH" Jannat yelled at them, Avneet watched Bhavesh whistle while fanning himself. Ritika and Manjul jerked off each other and moved to front seats, Avneet sat in they left for hospital. Ritika and Manjul kept touching each other. God how much lust did these two have for eachother?
They finally reached hospital and went to his room. Avneet hopped up to him and hugged him, he resisted the urge to spin her around because some of his wounds were still not fully healed.
"I got First!" Avneet said
"Congratulations Angel!" Said Siddharth. Everyone came up to him and hugged him. They lead him to Manjul's car and made him sit in the back seat, Avneet sat with him and held his hand in hers. Soon they reached the college
See ya next time!
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