《Loved Like a Psycho》11: Mom
He dragged me by my arm while using other hand to drag my luggage. What the hell does he think of himself. I am not staying with him. Nope, I can't. He disgusts me and sleeping beside someone like that hell no. He dragged me inside his room and pushed me. I fell down due to the sudden force but stood up firmly in a snap of time.
"I am NOT Staying here" I yelled.
"You are " he stated firmly.
"You can't force me like this" I complain-whined.
"I can actually" he stated coldly stepping towards me.
"Sure " I said sarcastically as I tried to take a step toward the door. He blocked me by his arm but I still moved, he held my wrist behind and twisted it bending my arm. I hissed in pain.
"Never. Disobey Me" he highlighted each and every word gritting his teeth.
"Leave me. I will never stay here" I stated boldly.
"You will" he raged.
"I won't" I replied calmly
"Don't force me to hurt you" he said desperately.
"You already are" I spat
He left me in a split second and turned me towards him softly as if I'm fragile and would break at one touch, he's so confusing.
"I am sorry Angel but please try to understand I need you, please stay here" he pleaded, his eyes full of unknown emotions, placing his hands over my cheeks.
"Why?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows, I was confused.
"Because your my solution. Just... Just understand it, I can't tell you. You will stay here and I can do anything to make you stay here" He whispered with desperate eyes.
"Please leave me" I said, I wanted to help but I can't stay here, it's against my rule book. I can't stay in a boy's room, I did once and I was still too guilty.
"No please stay" He said
"I am not staying here" I stated stepping ahead, he needs to understand I cant stay here, what will people say if they catch me coming out of boys room? He caught me by my waist pulled me and i collapsed with his chest.
"You will" he whispered in my ear dominantly ordering me, I shook my head no.
"Last time Angel, last time. Stop being adamant and agree to sleep here willingly or I know how to make people obey my word" he said in a cold dangerous tone. I nodded unwillingly and gulped down lumps of disgust because his nose was touching my neck. He left me and I jumped on Bhavesh's bed. Wow now I have to stay with this psychopath Like why? Why God?
I quickly turned sides not facing him I didn't want to see him while I sleep, please I don't want nightmares!
It was midnight Avneet in deep sleep while Siddharth kept changing sides in every minute. Wasn't Avneet supposed to be his solution? He could clearly see her from where he was but he couldn't sleep. He sighed and sat straight, he stared at the moon illuminated wall where Avneet was. He closed his eyes and sighed yet again as he opened the drawer to take his pills. The box was just in his hands when he remembered how actually he had fell asleep.
It was her rhythmic breathing and scent, they had drifted him to sleep. That was the fault in his perfect plan, he couldn't hear her breath from his bed or smell her scent from here. He turned the box in his hands and kept it on side table. He got up to shift Avneet to his bed so he could hear her breathing. He slowly walked to her sleeping silhouette. His eyes fell on her peaceful sleep in face, her cheeks so pink and her lips plump. Siddharth slipped his arm around her neck and she stirred, he pulled his arm away. He sighed looking around, thinking how was he going to transfer her?
His eyes fell on her again, her beautiful features were pulling his gaze onto her. She was magnetic for his eyes. Her angelic appearance brought a smile to his face, he sat on the floor and got hold of her hand. He looked down at their hands, he kept changing angles from which he looked at their hands, they fit so perfectly, like one jigsaw fits perfectly with other. His smile widened, he closed his eyes and took deep breath, inhaling her strawberry scent. He opened his ayes again and sat there staring at her and hearing the music of her breathing, his meditation, his zen. Slowly he started yawning, he kept his head on her hand, too lazy to shift her to his bed, he fell asleep there on floor beside her bed.
Morning arrived, Siddharth fast asleep on floor on Avneet's hand. She woke up and she felt something heavy on her hand she rubbed her eyes and turned to look at he other hand. She was shocked to see Siddharth on floor beside her, his head on her hand. She slipped her hand carefully under his head and massaged it, it was frozen because of weight.
"Why is he sleeping on the floor?" she asked herself still rubbing her hand "And with his head in my hand" she frowned she decided to wake him up and ask him.
"Siddharth" She shook him slowly, he got hold of her hand, she yelped but composed herself "Aww he looks so cute while sleeping" she awed admiring him sleeping.
"What eww no he is a jerk, Yuck" she said shaking her head vigorously. He was showing no signs of waking up so she decided to go for the hard way.
"Siddharth" she yelled
"Huh?" he woke up with the sudden sound trying to open his eyes "What?" he frowned rubbing his eyes and stretching himself, his body hurting fully from sleeping on floor while sitting.
"Why are you on the floor?" She asked crossing her arms
He didn't reply but cupped her cheeks squeezing them along with a nose scrunch, he smiled as he entered the washroom. She was stunned at first because of his cute antics but then she stretched a little with a yawn.
Avneet shook herself getting up. She went through her luggage and took out a long skirt with a casual top. She kept it normal as its a weekend. She kept it on the bed and stood near the bed to charge her phone.
Siddharth came out of the washroom and stood behind Avneet, she turned toward him, he was running his arm nervously, he was trying to say something so she smiled at him which encouraged him.
"An- Angel" he stammered
"Hmmm?" She hummed questioning him.
"Thank you so much Angel" He said with happy eyes as he cupped her cheek caressing her skin.
"But why?" She asked leaning into the touch, she was liking it for the first time. Because for the first time he wasn't harsh or filled with rage.
"You'll know soon" He shrugged and removed his hand from her cheek and she smiled at him again sending butterflies in his tummy. Avneet went inside the washroom she freshened up and changed clothes then walked out when she saw Siddharth talking to someone on phone she could only hear him talking to someone she didn't know.
"Yeah I am coming" Avneet watched him say brightly "I will be there" he said before cutting the call. She decided to show herself he was about to rush out when she spoke.
"Are you going somewhere? " Avneet asked.
"Yeah, Mom" he replied before he rushed out of the room leaving her on her own, she was confused.
"What Mom?" she thought as she sat down on bed. She started thinking about Siddharth, thinking neutrally for the first time. She traced his behavior in her mind. Like how he zoned out randomly talking, his neck twitching, smiling creepily, not being able to concentrate, not being able to sleep (she knew this because she watched him shuffle last night until she was too tired to spy). Her hand shot to her mouth as she gasped and stood up. He had clear symptoms of psychosis. What was she doing all this long? She was student of psychology! She slapped her forehead as she cursed at herself for being so oblivious.
Siddharth's :
I left hostel for home I entered the mansion that suffocated me all along. I am here just for beloved mother if it wasn't for her I would not even show my face to this mansion.
Ignoring and avoiding my dad's bitch, my step mother, and my Dad. I went through the mansion to my mother's room. She was laying on the bed, I hated seeing her in this condition, her face was pale, she was getting weaker day by day, there were dark circles underneath her eyes and her lips looked dehydrated. It breaks me to watch my mother's condition get even worse.
She doesn't even recognize me now, her condition is getting worse. I sat on floor, got hold of her hand and rested my head on bed besides her almost life drained body. I miss her caressing my hair, I miss her loving words, I miss her scolding me, I miss her praising me, years passed her laying like that. She was discharged from hospital but she is same as I left her.
Even though she is just in front of me I feel like she is so far away from me. I felt her stir so I looked up, she woke up suddenly jerked her hand away trying to crawl back away from me, scared of me I wanted to cry.
"Who are you?" she asked me with a horrific expression.
How do I answer her who I am? How do I tell her that I am her son? How do I tell her who she is to me? How do I tell her that she is my mother, my life line, my reason to live, my everything. I tried calming her down but she was getting worse.
The nurse rushed in the room and she helped my mom calm and she helped her lay back down on the bed, my own mother was scared of me she kept gasping and look at me. The nurse told me to leave, I felt a pang in my heart I walked to the door and with one last look at my life line I went out of the room.
I laid down on the bed and stared at ceiling I was restless because of my mom, I need some escape for a while. I closed my eyes and drained my brain from the thoughts of my encounters with my mother and changed sides
I kept shuffling on my bed, images of my angel flashing before my eyes, a small smile crept on my face. She is the prettiest girl ever, she doesn't exaggerate with make up and pure natural beauty. Her voice is soothing. She is magnetic. She helped me sleep I wanna keep her with me forever.
The next morning Siddharth woke up scratching his arm he took his phone went through the messages, he had used the pills to sleep. He then took shower, wore a t-shirt with a black short that went up to his knees, he took his bag and went downstairs where he saw his already dressed up step mother and his dad eating breakfast. He ignored them and started walking out when his dad called him.
"What?" he asked as stood in front of the table.
"How are you Siddharth and how is she?" a woman said with a bright smile keeping her hands on Siddharth's
"Why do you care?" he replied jerking his hand away from hers.
"Siddharth learn to be a little less aggressive" his father advised taunting his own son
"Come to the point" Siddharth said rolling his eyes, he knew this wasn't just a piece of advice.
"Nothing, I have heard you have beaten this guy in your college" the man said calmly.
"Yeah he deserved it" Siddharth spat
"Leave all that for now and have breakfast with us " the woman claimed batting her fake eyelashes.
"In your dreams" Siddharth spat and got up to leave He took a cheese toast from the plate and went back to his room hissing at his sorry excuse of a father.
My equation with dad was never good and will never be. And my so called mini mother is a freaky gold digger, her care and love for me has always been because of my Father's money and not for me actually. If she ever did something good it was Ritika. I hate mini mum on part of my mother she took her place and made my life a living hell.
I hate this life. I don't wanna live this life I want to end me. I am useless I should not exist, I am pain in arse for everyone. Everyone hates me, everyone is scared of me, they all think of me as a psychopath I'm done with all this shit.
My own father doesn't want me, my mother doesn't recognize me, it won't hurt her if I kill myself anyway. The girl I love doesn't love me back. None of my friends would care if I just disappeared. I smashed the glass flower vase and took a shard. I put it on my skin and started digging it, it stung but not more than the pain my mom's disease gave me, it came like a storm and took everything away from me, it took away the life I loved from me. I kept digging the shard in my skin. My breath started picking up as I kept digging the shard. My intention was just to cut not write anything but my heart took control over my fingers and led them in words slowly and gradually I wrote 'A' then 'V' then 'N and I didn't know when I finished writing 'Avneet'. There it was name of the girl I loved, madly insanely and fully, carved perfectly on my skin.
I chuckled humorlessly and quickly went to the washroom and looked at myself, I didn't know I was crying until I saw my own puffy eyes, my ears finally started working and I heard my own sob. I was a mess, but who will care anyway. I gripped on the edge of the slab and cried out loud, cursing everything and everyone. My arm muscles were so tensed that the blood from cuts was oozing out, I kept shaking with every sob, my shoulders slowly giving away. My head started going light and I looked at my reflection it started going blurry, I fell on floor and then everything went black.
I was doing my assignment lying on the campus grass Jannat besides me, a whole day passed without Siddharth, he wasn't back from his house yet. Jannat miss Bhavesh. Why can't I get a guy like that and not a psychopath. My brain took me back to his words before he left with a genuine smile and happiness on his face Whats up with his mom? I should ask Jannat, I looked at her.
"Jannat do you know anything about Siddharth's mom?" I asked her abruptly.
"Hmm, I have heard from Bhavesh that she is hospitalized for some reasons" Jannat sighed as she looked up from her notebook and to me.
"Umm so Bhavesh knows it all?" I asked
"Yeah I guess, I have seen them being best friends since the first day of college" she said casually as she looked back at her notebook and wrote something down
"Hmm" I sighed.
"but what's up with his mom?" she asked.
"Nah nothing" i just ignored the topic.
I did my assignment and walked back to my dorm still thinking about the mom factor. The only person who can tell me all these clearly is Bhavesh and I am not asking Ritika because she is attitude queen so he is the only option, and Sidd won't be mad at me for talking to bhavesh... I hope at least, wait.. Why do I care?! Ew. I just called him up.
"Hi Bhavesh" I chirped when he picked the call
"Avneet?" He questioned
"umm yeah" I replied hesitantly
"Oh i am really sorry Avneet, you have to sleep with him just because I left, I swear I wouldn't have left but I had emergency" His voice had clear guilt.
"No it's okay, its not your fault" I said in a consoling voice.
''Avneet he is a good guy maybe all messed up but he deserves a chance" his voice seemed genuine.
"I don't know, I wanted to ask you something" I came straight to the point I was just too eager to know his truth.
"Ask away" He said
"Can you tell me about Siddharth and his mom?" I asked hopefully.
"Why?" he asked after a pause.
"I just want to know, just curious you know" I replied nervously I felt like this was a bad idea.
"Avneet as far as I know, his mom has been diagnosed with a fatal disease when he was young, that's it" He ended with a sigh, now I feel bad for him.
"Oh okay thanks Bhavesh and you know Jannat misses you" I chuckled teasingly.
"Really" His voice winded with excitement.
"Yes a lot" I chuckled.
"Okay bye i gotta go I'll call Jannat now" he said happily.
"Hmm bye and Thanks" I replied cutting the call.
I looked out of the window thinking about him, I felt bad for him, no wonder he was a psycho I need to think of something real quick now. I thought about my parents, I miss them so much. My eyes went teary, i wiped them away when I heard a knock at the door The door opened to Jannat and Anushka.
"Lets go to the auditorium there's a seminar going on" Jannat chirped and Anushka smiled at me.
I grabbed my phone from charging and walked to the hall. I saw tons of people there including our Psychology professor . I went toward him to greet him, being his favorite I am privileged enough.
"Hello Sir!" I greeted him.
"Hello Avneet, how are you doing?" he smiled sweetly at me.
"Fine sir" I smiled forcefully.
"No your not fine Avneet, I am sure something is wrong, meet me after the seminar " he commanded I just gave a obeying 'okay' bided him a goodbye and walked to where Jannat and others were sitting, I looked around, I didn't know why but my eyes were constantly searching for Siddharth I mentally slapped myself. A girl sat beside me with a very revealing dress, her cleavage screaming for mercy. She shot me a fake smile.
"Hi Avneet" She greeted me
"Hi" I ignored her and my eyes started searching for him again. Wasn't he coming back to college? I mean this seminar is important! Jannat elbowed me diverting my attention to her.
"She is Siddharth's ex, Roshni" Jannat whispered, ew okay I hate this girl already, what is that on her face? Ohoo artificial lashes? Gross. Looks like there was make up in her water tank this morning. Avneet why are you judging this girl? You don't give a damn about Siddharth's exes.
"Yeah so what?" I retorted facing Jannat again.
"Nothing, just saying" Jannat just smirked and I rolled my eyes, why did I do that? No idea. I turned my attention back to the stage, my eyes still searching for Siddharth.
"So Avneet, Siddharth and you are dating now?" Roshni asked catching my attention. She had a fake Innocent expression on her face.
"Nope, he is forcing" I fake smiled with a glare.
"Oh you know darling, he doesn't love you , he doesn't love anyone. He just wants your body. Girls who are easy for him, he has them and leaves them. Maybe you're playing hard to get. So if you want to get rid of him just let him use you" She said being a know it all, spoiled, pain in arse scholar! Breath Avneet. She faked sympathy and pity. My blood boiled, now she wants to pity me? I felt my hands burning to slap this bitch.
First of all I am not like her, who'll stake her dignity, second of all she's wrong about his love and Third of all she needs a lesson. I stood up, snatched the hot coffee cup from a guy sitting in front row and spilled it on her cleavage. She gasped and screamed, but that didn't catch much of attention. So I was safe, being official 'mine' of Siddharth the probable rouge and boss of the college, no one dared to protest.
"O I am so sorry" I smiled meanly, she looked at me in disbelief.
- In Serial29 Chapters
The Trespasser
Synopsis Following his di—instincts, David finds himself in a weird situation; the next thing he knows, he's in a different world, dying, and manhandled by a big-ass alien. When the Source comes to his aid, granting him the access that—like every other sapient—he's due, David barely manages to get out of the fight with his life intact, but is that enough? Of course it isn't. The very Source giving him powers is also poisoning him to death. Oh, there she is, the petite female alien. Will that be enough to save him? Of course it won't. If he wants to be saved, he has first to save himself. The only way to do so is by getting to know the world around him, but even before that... Why the bloody hell did I have to be called Deviant!? *** Blurb? Blurb. The Trespasser starts slowly, I believe I've written a decent world, and I want you to find out what it's all about, won't just throw it in your face because of *levels*. I do not like stories that don't make sense. David is not a murderhobo, he respects life and answers to the world and the weird situations thrown at him with irony and sarcasm; so you are looking for easy killing streaks, you will not find them here. So, a man finds himself into the wild? It's a different world, and yet he can breathe its air? Finds himself in a lucky-low-level zone? Oh, look at that, people speak English—how likely is that? So, nope, not for me, gentleman. You won't find anything of the likes here. Again, a man finds himself in a new world but only thinks about the system? Yeah, that's not exactly how it works. David will try to find out what it's really all about, what the aliens want, how they work, why is that Fay really helping him? You can kill somebody to get levels, and yet there is not even a form of police? Not gonna happen here. Man becomes suddenly overpowered in a world where people can live for thousands of years by having enough luck to face only lower-level people? Hahaha—nope. Lastly...Spaceships and fantasy with LitRPG... say what!? Well, what's wrong with that? Let's make it happen, shall we? *** You want even more info? Really? Alright... David will start from the very bottom of the food chain, so there will be a settling arc—it's inevitable. David will find true companions, with personalities and backstories, and they will have a life of their own. There will be enemies, and those enemies will have a life of their own, too; there will be no evil just because. The world-building will have true depth; it will not exist just because the protagonist visits it. There will be both Fantasy and (Soft) Sci-fi—yeah, you heard that right. There will be rationality to every action taken, as long as the characters are aware of what is going on. There will be a godly system. You will come to read because of the world-building, but you will stay for the characters. The dead stay dead, and you will weep for them. There will be no action without a reaction. Lastly, there will be laughs. Are you still up for it? Then get in but fasten your seatbelts because it's going to be a wild ride. *** Release Days: Twice a week Release Time: ~09:00 PM UTC Words per chapter: ~3000 This web novel is also available on other platforms.
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