《ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ • ᴋᴏᴋɪᴄʜɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ》Chapter 16


"Everyone! Gather 'round!" Angie yelled, we came in just in time. "We all here? Good! Then let's bow our heads and pray to Atua."

"You're a real pain in the ass, ya know that!? Just tell us what you fuckin' want!" Miu shouted

"Alright then, check this out." Angie pulled out a weird looking flashlight.

"Uh, okay... a flashlight. Is it like...special or something..?" I ask

"Umm, I dunno what it is either. I inspected it pretty good, but in the end I couldn't figure it out. So I asked someone for help." Angie added

"Wait, you don't mean—" just as Shuichi was about to speak his thoughts, the famous Monokuma appeared.

"Tell us, Monokuma. What is this flashlight?" Angie asked

"Why, that's a . That flashlight doesn't shed light on darkness, it sheds light on your .. You guys seemed concerned that you couldn't remember how you came to this school, but if you use that flashback light, you can remember everything!" Monokuma spoke cheerfully

"What? With just this light..?" I mumble to myself

"So it's your fault we don't remember when we were kidnapped, huh?" Kaito said

"What did you do to us, and how did you steal our memories away?" Kirumi asked impatiently

"Hmm, maybe if you use the flashback light, you'll be able to remember that, too." Monokuma answered

"...I don't believe it. No way this flashback light will recover our memories." Maki spoke up

"Yeah...I agree. It seems far fetched.." I say

"I bet there were a lot of naysayers and skeptics when the telephone was invented, too. For your information, the flashback light can treat various symptoms of memory loss. The light it emits stimulates the basal ganglia and hippocampus. Not just that, but physical— Phew, I didn't realize how boring it would be to explain. Basically, it works like that.." The bear stopped himself before he continued to ramble on, but left shortly after he finished speaking.

"Hey! Don't just give up on explaining after a single sentence!" Kaito yelled after Monokuma

"So...what should we do?" I ask

"What should we do...? You mean, should we or should we not use the flashlight? No way! I refuse! It reeks of fishiness!" Tenko said

"Yeah. Gonta no can believe flashlight can bring back memory."

"Why don't we ask Miu, then? She knows a lot about machines...since she's the ultimate inventor." Ryoma suggested

"You're all a bunch of ultimate dumbasses! No fuckin' way that thing can treat amnesia! Then again... these aren't exactly normal circumstances..." Miu said

"So in such an uncanny environment as this, common sense has no place." Korekiyo added

"Well, I mean, there are those neuralyzer things. The flashy things from men in black.." Tsumugi mentioned

"Ahem...real life, Tsumugi. This is....real life...not a movie." I say



"I don't think we should do it. I'm scared it might cause some weird side effects..." said Kokichi.

"...Has everyone spoken? If we're in accord, I will consent as well. What about you, Shuichi? You have not said anything yet." Kirumi asked

"Alright! Then it's decided! Let's use it!" Kaito talked before Shuichi could even respond to Kirumi.

"Wait what? Who decided that? Weren't we all just saying how dangerous it sounds..." I say, a bit panicked.

"Geez, you guys are way too cautious. I mean, I understand why. We're in such a weird situation, after all. But... we can't win by just running away all the time! If you want to win, you gotta be a little reckless sometimes. If we can't face this danger, there's no way we'll be able to defeat Monokuma." Kaito said

"Kehehe... well, aren't you confident? But you've no idea how we're supposed to win, do you?" Korekiyo spoke up

"Yeah, I've got no clue. But still... If you wanna win, you gotta make a stand somewhere or you'll never move forward. If we run away, our kids will grow up to be the kinda people who run away from things like this!"

"...Huh? What are you talking about?" Maki asked

"If you still wanna run away, then go ahead. I won't stop or blame you."

"Okaaay, fine. Then, let's go—" Kokichi spoke up but he realized no one was going with him. ".....Huh? What's wrong, everyone? Aren't we going?"

"I'm...staying. After hearing that degenerate's speech, running away would just frustrate me!"

"Gonta also stay... is what true gentleman would prolly do."

"I also agree with Kaito. Our defeat is 100% assured unless we stand up to this. That's...how I feel, deep inside. Just a whisper—" Keebo got cut off by Kokichi

"You hear it in your ghost? I'm pretty sure robots don't have ghosts, though."

"Leave the poor robot alone, kokichi" I say

"I shall stay as well. I suspect I will be able to observe something most interesting..." Korekiyo said

"If anything happens to me, y'all better beg my fans, the world, and humanity for forgiveness!" Miu added

"Sooo, Y/n... what are you gonna do?" Kokichi turned to me

"Oh um...I guess I'll stay then—"

"I'll stay too! So what if it might cause some weird side effects? That's no big deal!" Kokichi smiled childishly. A few others had agreed to stay too.

"It seems everyone agrees with Kaito. Very well, I shall follow suit." Kirumi said

"Then I'm gonna turn it on!" Angie added quickly


As soon as she turned it on, it had felt like I'd been shocked. My consciousness had slipped away and I was left in my own mind, I could slowly see scenes pop up in my head.


Oh...that's right! We had been running from the Ultimate Hunt. People who were gifted with an ultimate talent weren't safe, they were being hunted. So I erased my memories of being an ultimate..to continue living a normal life as a normal student..


"Yes, I remember everything now! In order to escape the Ultimate Hunt, I erased my own memory—" Shuichi was the first one to speak up

"Oh...you too...? So it wasn't just me getting chased down in this Ultimate Hunt..!?" I say

"Yes, you were not the only one. I...no, we were being chased as well." Kirumi added. Silence quickly filled the room as everyone looked to each other with a shocked expression.

No one seemed to be able to remember what the Ultimate Hunt was, they only remembered being chased by it.

"We can still figure something out. I mean, if we were all running from the same thing, could it be that we were caught by the Ultimate Hunt? And maybe that's why we're stuck here..?" I suggested

"You mean, we tried to escape by erasing our memories, but they found us anyway.. and subsequently, we were captured as part of this Ultimate Hunt?" Keebo thought

"Then, this killing game.. might be the work of the Ultimate Hunt" Ryoma said

"If that is so... then I am all the more concerned about this Ultimate Hunt." Said Korekiyo

"But, how disappointing! No one can remember anything! Nyahahahaha! What a disappointing disappointment!" Angie added

"Quit laughin' about this, you little shit!" Miu shouted

"It seems losing him made a far bigger impact than we expected." Kirumi said

"...him?" Maki asked, confused

"Rantaro. He seemed to know more than he let on. Remember? He mentioned the Ultimate Hunt before any of us even remembered it." I say

"Hmm... Our mild-mannered mystery man said that, huh...?" Kokichi questioned

"But then...why did only Rantaro remember the Ultimate Hunt?" Shuichi asked

"Did his memories return faster than ours? Hmm, or maybe his memories were never erased...?" I tried to think of how it was possible

"There is no point discussing that now. After all, he is already dead. But if you truly wish to hear his words, I could preform a seance for you. Hmhm~" Korekiyo suggested

"Stop it! Don't bring up weird stuff like that!" Kaito yelled, and then Monokuma entered the room.

"Yep, death can be real heartless."

"Says the root of all evil..." Himiko mumbled

"Puhuhu... Looks like you guys safely got your memory back."

"What the hell's goin' on, you stupid ass bear!? This Ultimate Hunt makes no goddamn sense!" Miu asked

"Looks like your sealed memories are more stubborn than I thought... just one use of the Flashback Light wasn't enough to restore all of your memories..."

"You're such a terrible liar. You totally did that on purpose." Kokichi added

"What connection do you have with the Ultimate Hunt..?" I asked

"Puhuhu... I can't reveal that. Regardless of my true identity, my goal is crystal clear, and that is to make you guys participate in the killing game! That is my only desire!" The bear snickered as he spoke and then quickly fled the room.

"Wh-What!? Killing game!? I will never do that ever again!" Tenko shouted

"We just gotta work together. If we cooperate, we'll make it out of here alive. Just like a certain someone said.." Kaito said

"I believe cooperating with each other is the most logical course of action—" Keebo was cut off by the loud snoring of Kokichi. "...Why are you sleeping!?"

"Whoa! Huh, what!?" Kokichi pretended to act surprised

"Hey, Kokichi...we're having a serious conversation here." Tsumugi said

"And is it written somewhere that I have to take serious conversations seriously?"

"Tch, quit acting so immature!" Kaito scolded

"Hm? I'm a teenager...so duh, I'm immature. Aren't you guys forgetting to act your age?"

"He's.....right...." I muttered and quietly laughed

"What were we talking about again? Something about working together to escape, right?"

"So you were listening, you horrible degenerate." Tenko said

"We don't have to work together, though. Let's just ask how we can get out."

"If we ask Monokuma, he'll say the only way out is to win the killing game." Maki said

"Oh, we're not gonna ask Monokuma. We're gonna ask the mastermind among us."

"A-Are you already goin' senile!? I thought we agreed that there is no mastermind?" Miu raised her voice

"Hm, oh yeah. We did, didn't we? If we tried to sniff out a mastermind again, we'd just repeat Kaede's screwup." Kokichi said calmly

"You'd better quit messing around!" Kaito looked angry

"Eh? You think I'm messing around right now? Aw man, you really don't get it. I'm trying to get this through to everyone... if you keep saying all this uplifting stuff about working together and cooperating... then you can expect to receive some painful retaliation. Get it?"

"...Kokichi?" I looked to him confused

"Argh, that's enough! I'm gonna slug him!" Kaito punched his fists together

"Aaahh! He's gonna punch me! Y/nn!" Kokichi then ran behind me, using me as a shield..!?

"Kokichi what the hell—"

"Stop hiding behind y/n you coward!" Kaito yelled, he walked towards me a bit. "You're lucky I don't hit girls."

"Excuse me—" I honestly wanted to punch Kaito myself for saying that, who does he think he is??

"Hey you degenerate! Don't talk to y/n like that!" Tenko yelled

"Nishishi! Thanks for being a shield, byee!" Kokichi then quickly ran out of the room while Kaito was distracted.

After a bit, Kirumi made everyone a meal and after we ate we decided to go to our rooms.


A/n: sorry for posting this chapter out so late! It took me like 3 days to complete it because I kept losing motivation😭

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