《ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ • ᴋᴏᴋɪᴄʜɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ》Chapter 8


"U-Umm... Whats going on?" Tsumugi asked

"Hmm... Everything's a complete mess now. But if there's no final boss...then that means this killing game is cancelled!" Kokichi's eyes lit up

"Huh!? Cancelled!?" Gonta said, confused

"I don't think so. Monokuma's just a robot. There has to be someone controlling him." Rantaro looked around the room.

"Ah-haha, don't be such a worry wart! Everything's definitely over now! With the mastermind gone, continuing this game is pretty much impossible. Which means...we win!" Kokichi reassured

"Yay! We did it! Nyahahahaha!" Angie cheered in celebration

"So we're not in danger anymore?" Tenko asked, she looked unsure, fidgeting with her hands just a bit.

"Wait just a second! We don't know that yet—" I say but was cut off by a certain purple haired boy.

"Y/n, quit being such a buzzkill!" Kokichi said.

"Excuse m—"

"No need to be rude, Kokichi. Y/n's right, we still don't know—" kaede tried to agree with me but was cut of by Kokichi..again

"Shut up! Everyone's still annoyed with what you did!"

"She said she didn't mean it like tha—" I tried to defend her but was cut off by someone else. I was starting to get annoying of being cut off all the time.

"Or...is there still something you would have us do, Kaede? Korekiyo asked

"Don't tell me you wanna take on that underground passage again!?" Miu shouted

"Quiet. We know it's impossible." I say, slightly raising my tone. The room went quiet for a second

"Whatevs, looks like we're done here. Phew, what a relief." After Kokichi finished talking, everyone went their own separate ways.


Tenko and I were talking and we became pretty close! One of my favourite people I've met here by far. She promised me one day that she'll teach me Neo-Aikido, and I promised her that she'll get to see one of my performances.

"Y/nnnn!!!" I heard a voice from behind me and then felt a presence tug at my arm. It was none other than...Kokichi.

"Kokichiiiiii!!!!!" I mocked him teasingly, while Tenko just eyed the male.

"I'm bored! C'mon, entertain me or something. Everyone else here is boring me" he whined

"Hey you degenerate! Y/n and I were talking!" Tenko yelled at the male. However Kokichi just ignored her. I felt a tug at my neck and when I placed my hand to see why, I notice that my necklace I usually wear isn't there. Only to see Kokichi hold it up in his hands.


"The hell!? Give that back!" I yell but Kokichi started running. Probably because he wanted me to chase after him. And I will. That's my favourite necklace.

"Sorry Tenko! Talk later!!" I yell as I started running after Kokichi. I heard a faint 'okay' from Tenko.

"Kokichi you fucker! Give that back!" I yell, trying to catch up

"Nishishi!" Him and his stupid laugh. That's all he said.

I chased him around everywhere, for someone as short as him, I'm surprised he can run so fast. He suddenly stopped running and listened in on something that was going on in the library. I catch up to him, listening in too.

"—Also, you can see that the floor in front of the bookcase has noticeable markings." It was Shuichi and Kaede. What were they doing in the library? Alone? And what were they talking about..?

"Kokichi give me back my necklace." I whisper to him

"Shh! I'm trying to listen" he said, still holding on to my necklace. But when I tried to grab it from his hands, he just stretched it away further. So annoying.

"I noticed the markings the first time I came here with you. This morning, I came back to investigate. That's when I found this." He walked closer to the bookcase and moved it away, revealing a mysterious door. I was too far away to see any good details, I only noticed that the door was coloured half white and half black.

Kaede and Shuichi kept on talking for a bit, but once we noticed that they were starting to leave the library, Kokichi and I ran away quickly. Making sure we weren't caught.

"Phew, that was close" said the purple haired boy.

"Give me my necklace."

"Jeez, you sure are persistent." He tilted his head

"Necklace, now"

"Nishishi! And what are you going to do if I don't give it back?"

"I'll call Tenko to beat ur ass—" the second I said that he handed me my necklace right away. I started bursting out in laughter

"You're scared of Tenko!? HAHA LOSER" I say in between laughs

"Heyyyy! That's so rude, and plus have you seem her!? She'll slice me in half" he pretended to cry as I put my necklace back on and laughed.

Soon, we reached the dorms and went to our rooms for the night.



It was the next morning, and I went to the dining hall with the others. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood, even in our situation. Which made me a little happier.

"Maaan, for a moment I had no idea what was gonna happen! I'm glad it turned out like this!" Kokichi rested his arms behind his head.

"Yeah, seriously..." Kaito agreed

"I surprisingly slept well last night!" I add

"Woa that's great!" Tenko cheered, walking up next to me

"Praise be to Atua. Surely he helped you in his own mysterious, miraculous way." Angie held both her hands up and closed her eyes

"This Atua seems to act in secret a lot..." Tsumugi said

"Because Atua smells of danger," Angie replied

"But...when someone coming to get us?" Gonta asked

"Whoever does... I assume they will come today. There's no need to worry." Keebo reassured

"..." Rantaro looked a bit unsure of what Keebo had just said

"Why the long face?" I ask

"It's..nothing. I figure no one would listen to some guy who can't even remember his own talent, right?"

"No, say it. I'll listen!" I tried to encourage him into speaking his mind, but it wasn't working.

"Really, it's nothing. This is...quite the happy ending. " he rubbed his head

"But...is this really how this ends?" Kaede asks. Everyone shifted their attention to her

"She's right, it just seems too easy. I don't think it'll end like this." I defended her

"I wonder... Do you wish the killing game would have continued?" Korekiyo asked, directing the question to both Kaede and I.

"N-No, not at all—" Kaede tried to speak

"Then don't ruin our happy moment, you fuckin' skanks!" Miu yelled

"Hey, Y/n, Kaede... I don't know what you're so worried about. But Monokuma is dead now. There's no way the killing game can continue, y'know?" Kokichi spoke up

"You really don't think he has a sp—" my sentence was cut short when another Monokuma appeared. Wearing some kind of...costume?

"And that's my cue to appear, kuma!"

"...What?" Kokichi looked shocked

"GAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Tenko screamed

Everyone was shocked, saying things like 'he's still alive?' While kaede and I just looked elsewhere. We know it was too easy to just end like that.

"No, no, are you guys blind or something, kuma? I ain't no Monokuma, kuma. After dying in a tragic car accident, I've been reborn as a Yo-Kai! Call me Jibakuma, kuma!"

"Jibakuma....?" I say

"From now on, I'm the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy, kuma! You might feel uncomfortable at first, but eventually you'll get used to it." The room fell quiet. The silence felt so loud and the tension in the air was growing.

"...huh? Did I slip up?"

"No duh, ya fuckin' fraud! Go find another car to run you over! And this time, stay dead!" Miu yelled

"Ah geez...it's such a low-level cosplay, I can't bear to look." Tsumugi said

"I have an important question... Haven't you mistaken ghosts for yokai? Yokai are mythological creatures first created back when humanity lived closely with nature. Back then, they were the embodiment of unexplainable natural phenomen—" Korekiyo's explanation was interrupted by Monokuma.

"Man, you guys are buzzkills! I was all set for adventure before you started yelling at me! This is why I hate teenagers! I'd have cash for days if I was dealing with the under 10 crowd!" Not long after Monokuma finished talking, the Monokubs showed up. They were shocked to see their 'father' still alive.

"Does this mean....the killing game is going to continue?" Tsumugi hesitantly asked

"What a pain.." Himiko said,

"That's not the problem, donkey face!" Miu raised her voice

"Wh-What do you mean...the killing game...is gonna continue?" Kokichi had tears brimming the corner of his eyes. But then his personality completely switched as he spoke up again. "I mean, it sounds a lot less boring...so I guess it's okay!"

"No, it's definitely not okay!" Tenko yelled back at him

"So that's how it's going to be... If we want to end this... We have to take down Monokuma and the person behind him." Rantaro spoke up

"I knew it. I knew he had spares." I say

"Ahem! Now then, I'm pleased to announce an ! A time limit is now in effect! If a murder does not occur by Then every student participating in this killing game will die! So unless you wanna end up as pink smears, you might wanna take this game seriously!" Monokuma then laughed.

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