《The Lies and the Lives of the Taken》Frank 28


I quickly double check the text. 602. This is his apartment. Or maybe I'm in the wrong building. No, the GPS said it was here. Or maybe they met one across the street? It's fine. Just knock.

I hold my breath and a moment later, I hear footsteps from the inside. Thin walls I guess if I can hear him walking. The door opens and I see Gerard. "Uh, hi," I say, smiling.

"Hey," he says, stepping out and shutting the door behind him. I stand awkwardly, just staring at him with a smile. As always, he's dressed nicely.

"Hey, um, how's your shoulder?" I ask, noting he doesn't have a sling anymore

"It's better now," he says. "I'm going back to work sometime next week."

"Oh, that's...good, right?"

"Yeah, staying home has been driving me crazy. It'll be good to have something to do again."

"That's good. Just don't wear yourself out again." He smiles at me and I laugh softly. Gerard reaches up and cups my face, leaning down and kissing me. I take hold of his wrists as my eyes fall shut. I feel him smile against my lips before he pulls away. "I missed you," I whisper.

"I missed you too, it's been a while since I drove up. Which reminds me." He takes a step back, lowering his hands but holding my hand still. "What are you up to in Maryland?"

I glance down, nervously laughing. "I'll catch you up at dinner. Have a place in mind?"

"Oh, of course," he smiles. "Only the best for you."

"Mr. Way?" Gerard snaps his head up and takes a step back, slamming into his door behind him. I glance around, seeing a little girl with her mom step out of the elevator. The little girl smiles brightly, waving at Gerard.


"Uh-hey, Marie, Tanya," he says in a gentle voice, holding the back of his head and his gaze drifting off.

"You good?" I ask.

"Yeah," he mumbles, shaking it off and puts on a smile. Something tells me he's not fully healed yet.

"See you, Gerard," the woman says, holding her daughter's hand and walking a few doors down.

Gerard waves to them then takes my hand and we step in the elevator. "Nice neighbors?" I ask.

"Yeah, little girl, Marie, she's friendly, but there aren't any other kids on the 6th floor." He pushes the ground floor button, missing the first few times. He gets it and the elevator dings, the doors closing.

"You're good with kids," I smile. He awkwardly chuckles and shakes his head. "Oh, don't give me that. Would you ever have kids?"

"Absolutely not," he says, reaching back and grabbing the railing tightly. "I'd be a terrible father."

"What?" He just chuckles under his breath. "I don't know much about how you interact with children but the little girl seems fond of you"

"Marie is...she reminds me of..." He presses his lips together and sighs, slumping against the wall

I look at him sincerely. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, don't worry," he dismisses, closing his eyes.

"Well, I'm going to worry about you. Something doesn't seem right-"

"Migraine," he cuts in. "I'm okay. Give it 20 minutes."

The elevator slows down as we reach the ground floor. "What happens in 20 minutes?"

The doors open and Gerard straightens himself up. "Hopefully the pills I took."

"Painkillers?" He looks at me and the two of us step out.

I offer to drive and Gerard gives directions on where to go. He takes us to a really nice restaurant and we sit down. "So what is it you're going to tell me?" he asks.


"Um, well, you know I graduated now," I start. He nods, resting his head on his folded hands. "And I've done a lot of expos before and submitted pieces around, just to get my name around, you know? Well, since I got back from Austria, I've been getting a few jobs offers here and there. Mostly just intern programs that I could work myself up to a higher position." Gerard smiles endearingly as he listens but I can tell he's suspicious of where I'm going with this. "But two weeks ago, I got this fantastic opening as a freelance photographer for D.C. politicians. And they're paying me so much money and providing me with this hotel for me to settle down. I just, I can't imagine how great this all is."

"You took the job?" he asks slightly hesitant.

"Yeah," I smile. "I hope you don't think I did this all just for you." He doesn't say anything but I know it's what he's thinking. "I did this for me. Had the job been in Maine or Pennsylvania, I still would have taken it. It's an offer I couldn't refuse refused and honestly, I still can't believe I got this job right out of college."

Gerard pauses, glancing to the side. "I mean...you're very talented from what you've showed me. It's not that surprising."

"Thank you," I say. "I don't know, just feels like the stars aligned for me here. And it also brought me closer to you." He becomes hesitant again and I try correcting. "Which wasn't anything like a deciding factor. Honestly, I swear. It's more of like I'm going to do this and the fact that you're closer is a bonus that had nothing to do with my decision."

"If you say so, I believe you," he says. "And they've provided you with a place to stay?"

"Yeah, for as long as I need until I get a place of my own."

"Wow, they really do want you in D.C."

"Yeah, right?" I laugh, "I mean, technically Maryland but just on the border." His gaze falls as he nods his head. "You good?"

He looks back up at me. "Yeah, yeah, I'm just as surprised as you are. Pleasantly though."

"I'm glad." I smile at him. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, like I said, don't need to worry about it."

The two of us stay in the restaurant for another hour as we finish eating and catching up. Later, I drive back to Gerard's apartment building. There's lights illuminating the building walk and the front lobby now that it's dark. It looks rather pretty for an apartment building.

"Are you heading back?" Gerard says, resting his hand on the door handle.

"I was going to...do you not want me to?"

"I'm not keeping you here but you're welcome to stay if you'd like."

I glance at him and he smiles at me. "Yeah, I'd like that." I smile back.

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