《Larry One-Shots and Sickfics》Harry- Kidnapping (flu) II


I wake up to the sound of quiet snoring. I look over to see the living room light on. Niall must be asleep in there. I sit up slowly and cautiously, trying not to be hit with another dizzy spell. Much to my relief, I feel no dizziness at the moment. My headache's turned to a dull ache at the back of my skull. I guess I feel a little better.

I stand up and make my way to the living room to check on Niall. The snoring gets louder as I approach Niall's slumbering form on the couch. "Niall?" I call.


I guess I should let him sleep then. I see my phone buzz on the table in front of me. Huh, I wonder who that could be. There's no light coming from the window so it must be pretty late at night.

I walk over to it and see the screen light up again.

It's Louis.

How am I? I don't know how I am. I have a lot going on. I can't tell Louis that though. I don't want to worry him and ruin his trip. I don't want to lie to him either.

I decide to just not respond for now. I'm supposed to be asleep anyway.

Wait what time is it? I check my phone to see it's 1:12 AM. That means Niall probably won't wake up for another few hours. I can investigate. I decide to leave a note for Niall on the fridge so he'll see it when he wakes up.

I grab my coat and make my way back to the pharmacy. I decide to take my car this time, not wanting to risk passing out again. It's not raining as heavily now, I can see much better.

I arrive at the pharmacy and park my car. Niall doesn't believe that I saw that girl get taken but I know what I saw and she needs my help. I walk around to the alley where it happened, carefully checking around the area for any clues that might give me some information on that girl or whoever took her.

I try to picture any details but it's all a blur. I walk around the alley for couple more minutes until I start feeling a tightness in my chest. Suddenly I'm hit by a coughing spell, I cough until my throat feels like sandpaper. I lean against a dumpster for support while I catch my breath.

A dark green van pulls up about 15 feet or so ahead of me in the alley. Something about this car looks familiar but I can't quite place it. Two guys step out of the van, one's tall and fairly skinny, the other is slightly shorter and more muscularly built. I crouch down behind the dumpster to stay out of view. They stand outside the van, leaning against it.

"Well then? Where is he?" I hear the shorter one say.

"I dunno man, he said he'd meet us here at 1:30," says the taller man.

"He knows we've got his girl. He can't afford to be late!" The shorter man says, clearly losing his patience.

What do they mean 'they've got his girl'? Maybe they're the ones who I saw the other night.

I feel that familiar tightness in my chest again. I try to hold back the cough but the pressure in my chest grows and I begin coughing uncontrollably. Oh no, they can probably hear me. I need to get out of here. I stand up quickly. Bad idea. I start seeing double and lose my balance, hitting the dumpster. A loud crashing sound echoes through the alley.


"What was that?" I hear one of the men say.

The sound of footsteps comes closer and closer to me. I try to stumble out of the alley but someone grabs my arm.

"Oi, what do you think you're doing?" I hear the voice of the shorter man behind me. Before I have a chance to turn around and answer, I feel something heavy hit the back of my head, a sharp pain pulses through my skull and everything goes black.


Niall's POV:

I wake up to the sun blinding me from the window. Crap, I fell asleep, I should go check on Harry. Walking into his room, I see his bed is empty. He's probably in the bathroom then, I'll just try to make us some pancakes or something. Harry must be starving, I know I am.

There's a note stuck to the fridge.

Dammit Harry. I need to go find him. He's really sick, he shouldn't be out wandering around. I hope he's alright.

I grab my stuff and head to my car, texting Liam to meet me at he pharmacy. Something tells me I'm going to need backup.

I park my car outside the pharmacy and see Liam standing by the alley.

"Hey mate. So, Harry's wandered off? He's a grown man Niall, I'm sure he can take care of himself." Liam says as I walk up to him.

"He's really ill Liam, he really shouldn't be out here."

"Ill? Is he alright? How bad is it?"

"I found him passed out in this alley last night. When I took him home he went on and on about this girl he saw get kidnapped or something. He's fixated on finding her, that's why he came out here again."

"Why didn't you call me?! Does Louis know? Is he on his way back from LA?"

"I tried to call you but Harry knew you'd call Louis and he really doesn't want to worry him."

"Let's just worry about finding him now and then call Louis." Liam says.

"Well he doesn't seem to be here and I don't know where else he could've gone."

"You said he saw a girl get kidnapped, did he talk to the police? Maybe they can help."

"He was really out of it Liam, I really don't think he actually saw anything. His fever was so high he passed out. I just don't understand why Harry would dream up some girl to rescue."

"I don't know, Niall. He hasn't really been himself since Louis' started spending most of his time in LA. Maybe he just needed a sense of purpose or something and this was just his subconscious giving him that purpose."

"Well whatever the reason, we need to find him and soon. For all we know he's passed out in another alley somewhere."

"Have you tried calling him?" Liam asks.

"Of course I have but he's not picking up his phone."

"Dammit. Well maybe it was off and he's turned it on again. I'm gonna call him." Liam says, pulling out his phone and dialing Harry's number.

Suddenly I hear the sound of a ringtone. "Do you hear that?" I ask.

"Yea it's coming from behind that dumpster."

We walk over to the dumpster and the ringing gets louder. I reach behind the dumpster and pull out a phone with a shattered screen that reads "Liam calling". It's Harry's phone.


Harry's POV:

I open my eyes to an extremely dimly lit room. The only source of light is the cracks through the double doors. There's a loud ringing in my ears and my head is killing me. I feel a cold spot on my head and try to feel it but I can't move my arms. They're tied behind me.


I blink rapidly, trying to adjust my vision to the darkness. I can't really make out where I am but I see a figure in front of me.

"Hello?" I croak, my throat feeling like razor blades.

"You're awake!" the figure exclaims in a female sounding voice.

"Where am I?" I say, my voice not rising much above a whisper.

"I think it's a storage container, they threw you in here a couple of hours ago. I've been in here for nearly a whole day, I think. They grabbed me out of an alley," she says.

What am I doing here? Wasn't I looking a for a girl who got kidnapped from an alley? I guess I've found her. We need to get out of here. "What's your name?" I ask.


"I'm Harry." I guess I'll just get straight to it then. "Why did they take you?" I ask.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I saw you get taken and when I came looking for you, they got to me first."

"You...you came looking for me? Why didn't you just call the police?"

"Well I passed out and then my friend, who found me, thought I'd hallucinated the whole thing and wouldn't let me call the police."

"Oh. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Why?"

"Well you just told me you passed out in an alley so..."

"Right yeah. Sorry. I just had a bit of a fever."

"Don't apologize, you are my knight in shining armor after all."

I attempt to laugh and get hit by coughing spell instead. "Pretty shit knight."

She laughs for a second then says, "You sound awful."

"I bet," I say, breathing heavily trying to catch my breath.

"Just my luck. The guy here to save me is defective." She says... "I'm kidding."

"Yeah," I say, laughing lightly so I don't trigger another coughing fit. "So why'd they take you in the first place?"

"It's a long story."

"I've got all the time in the world," I say, sitting up and leaning against the wall of the storage container, the pain in my head intensifying with every movement. I groan.

"You alright?" She asks.

"Fine." I say, squeezing my eyes shut and biting my lip to try to keep from screaming out in pain. "I believe you were about to tell me why those guys took you." I croak.

"Right yea. Well, my boyfriend got caught up with some bad people and they seem to think that he stole some of their product from them."

"Well, did he?" I ask, focusing on her answer and not that I'm shaking from chills.

"I honestly don't know but they won't let me go until he returns it to them."

"Oh. Well who're those guys that took us?"

"The taller one's name is Nathan, and the shorter one, Curtis, is their leader. Holding me hostage was his idea." She pauses for a moment. "If he doesn't get back whatever he thinks my boyfriend stole, he's going to kill me."

"We need to get out of here." I state.

"And how do you propose we do that, Harry?"

"Well we should probably get out of these chains first. Do you know how to pick locks?"

"I might have bobby pin in my pocket but I can't reach it." She says scooting over so I can grab the pin.

I get the pin out and hand it to Kelly. She takes it and wriggles it around in the keyhole. After a couple minutes there's a click sound. "Got it!" She exclaims, reaching over and picking the lock on my restraints.

I sigh with relief as my hands become free. I reach up to where the pain in my head is coming from, just above my left temple. It's wet. I must be bleeding.

"Well now what?" She asks.

I wipe my blood on my pants and tell her the plan I've been coming up with.


Niall's POV:

I stare down at Harry's shattered phone. A million horrible possibilities rushing through my head at the same time. "Liam! He wouldn't just drop his phone somewhere and leave, something really bad's happened!"

"Mate calm down. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation."

"Like what Liam!? What could've happened!?"

"I dunno Niall." Liam runs his hand through his hair, thinking. "Let's call the police."

"Right yea, good idea." I agree.


Harry's POV:

"Okay, yeah I can do that." Kelly says, agreeing to the plan.

"Do you really think it'll work? You're not exactly-"

"It'll work." I say cutting her off. "It has to."

"Alright," she says. "Let's do it."

I nod, immediately regretting it when the pain in my skull intensifies.

Kelly starts banging on the walls and screaming. "Help!!! Someone HELP!!"

The loud noises aren't doing anything to help my head. I fell like my skull is being drilled into with a jackhammer. The chills are getting worse and I'm sweating. I really hope I can hold up my part of the plan before I pass out.

I hear the door rattle and open. A blindingly bright light illuminates the storage unit. I groan squeezing my eyes shut. I slowly open my eyes and see the shorter man walk in, his name was Curtis I think.

"Can you quit your screaming? You're really starting to piss me off Kelly." He says.

"All the more reason to let me go, don't you think?"

"Nice try."

I start coughing and he looks over to me. "Sleeping beauty is awake and well I se-" Suddenly he's rushed by Kelly. He stumbles backwards, caught off guard.

He quickly regains his balance and pins Kelly to the wall. "Let go of me you son of a bitch!" She screams. I muster up all the energy I have left and stand up, tackling Curtis to the ground. "Run!" I croak.

I look up to see Kelly hesitating to leave me. "Go!" I yell and Kelly runs out of the storage unit.

"Ugh" I groan from the pain of yelling. I roll off of him and hold my head in my hands, breathing heavily, trying not to pass out from the pain.

Curtis stands up and tries to run after her but I grab his leg and pull him down. I try to keep him down for as long as possible so Kelly can get away.

He over powers me and stands up. "Nathan!" He calls. "Find her!"


Niall's POV:

The police arrive at the 'crime scene', where the kidnapping took place, and we found Harry's phone. Liam explains what happened to the police officer while I try to keep from having a panic attack.

The police officer listens and takes notes. His radio goes off, "excuse me one moment gentlemen," he says.

"A girl?...long brown hair... She says she was kidnapped?... there was a guy with her?" I hear him say.

Wait a second. "That's Harry!" I exclaim. "Did they find the guy?" I call out.

The police officer walks back to us. "The guy that was kidnapped, that was your friend Harry?"

"Yes!" I say.

"Well the girl escaped somehow and has given us the location of the storage container they were being kept in."

"Have you found him yet?" Liam asks.

"My team's headed there right now."


Harry's POV:

Curtis comes back into the storage unit, fuming. "DAMMIT!" He screams.

"This is all your fault! Why did you have to get involved, this had nothing to do with you!" Curtis yells.

"I wasn't going to let you hurt her." I croak.

"You don't even know her! This was none of your business!" Curtis yells, rushing over and kicking me in the stomach.

"Agh" I groan, which sends me into a coughing fit. My head is pounding and stomach is killing me. I scream out in pain, not being able to hold it back anymore. I hear the sound of sirens in the distance as my vision goes black.


I hear a constant beeping and see a bright white light as I slowly open my eyes. I look around and don't recognize my surroundings. There's someone sitting in a chair next to my bed, holding my hand.

"L-Louis," I croak, my throat dry and soar.

"Harry!" He exclaims, jumping up from the position he was in, where his head was resting on the bed.

I groan at the loud volume, my head still pounding.

"Oh, sorry, Haz. They say you have a concussion." He whispers apologetically.

"It's okay, Lou, where am I?"

I see him furrow his brows as he sits down next to me on the bed, not letting go of my hand. "Baby, you're in the hospital. You've got a really bad case of the flu and a concussion. Do you remember how you hurt your head?" He asks.

I think about it for a moment but it's like my memories are covered in a thick layer of fog. "I-I don't.

"Haz, it's okay if you don't. The doctor said you might have trouble remembering for a little bit." He says, reassuringly.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You were kidnapped, Niall says you were trying to find a girl? That you saw her get taken."

Some of the pieces of my memory start coming back to me. "Kelly!" I croak, not being able to raise my voice.

Louis tightens his grip on my hand, trying to calm me down. "Haz, she's fine, love. She got out of the storage container and got to the police. They arrested those two guys that took you. She also left this note for you," he says, pointing to a little card with a "get well soon" balloon attached to it.

Louis hands it to me. It reads:

I smile and put the card back down on the table beside the bed.

Louis runs a hand through my hair, careful not to touch the bandage covering my head wound. "Does it hurt?" He asks.

"Not now that you're here." I say.

"I hate that I wasn't here for you."

"You're here now, Lou." I say, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

"I love you." He says.

"And we love you too, Haz." Liam and Niall say in unison, walking into the room.

"I told you there was a girl Niall."

Niall laughs. "I know, mate, I know. You're a hero."


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