《hunter x hunter》When He Thinks HE Is Gaining Weight


-He has been pigging out lately on snacks while binging Netflix

-Feels a little slow during his workouts and his shorts are kinda tight

-Has a practical attitude about it all

-Resolves to cut carbs and skip dessert for a few weeks and figures that will take care of it

-He never has gained any excess weight in his life and he's freaked out

-Says "OMG do I look like my older brother"

-You tell him it's totally not cool to body-shame his brother

-He growls and gets annoyed

-He makes a pact to avoid all chocolate and candy for a little while

-He didn't realize the lbs were creeping up on him because he'd been working late nights

-He'd grab something quick to eat usually around midnight and pass out

-One morning he suddenly grabs his gut and goes "Holy hell, look at this"

-You tell him it's not THAT bad, just a little flub

-He gives you an annoyed look and marks down in his phone calendar to visit the gym that evening

-Leorio is already so skinny so it's not physically possible for him to gain enough weight to make a difference

-If he did, he'd strut around feeling proud of himself

-He isn't personally cognizant of the difference between muscle tone and poundage, despite being a medical professional

-Would be in total denial

-He literally cannot see himself as anything but in perfect shape

-You tease him and say "Ha, ha! Chunka Lunka Fatty Pie!"

-He calls Bisky, and says he'll let HER check him out head to toe, and see what SHE has to say about it


-Whatever weight he gained, it's just an anomaly, he probably was going to too many parties with lots of food and alcohol as part of his assassin assignments


-It will drop off naturally without him even thinking about it

-Silva will notice and raise an eyebrow and worry about if it slows him down, but Kikyo will say "Oh, he's been working so hard lately, leave him alone"

-Chubby-gut Illumi is kind of adorable

-The kind of guy who weighs himself daily

-He didn't weigh himself for a couple weeks because he was crazy busy

-Does a double-take at the number on the scale

-Instantly goes into a horrific mood

-Refuses to eat anything but grilled chicken breasts, cucumber slices, and vinegar for three weeks

-Does not know he gained weight

-Does not know how he gained weight

-Will not care if you point it out to him

-Will not do a damn thing about it or waste a second worrying about it

-Has a sneaking suspicion he's gaining weight because his clothes don't feel right

-Ignores this for as long as possible

-Finally bursts out to you, "I'm fat! Just say it! Right?"

-You protest that it's not that big of a deal and maybe just a few pounds

-He calms down and says you both need to quit eating out so much

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