《Her Given (Editing)》Chapter 12 - New Friends
Warmth. That's all I feel. Warmth. I'm sandwiched in between two warm bodies - another one lay at my feet. I definitely wouldn't mind waking up like this everyday for the rest of my life. I'm still pressed firmly against Xavier's chest, and I savor this moment as one of my new favorite feelings. Ashton and Cole are still in the same positions as well. We lay together as if we all enjoy the comfort and warmth of each other.
I feel movement at my feet, accompanied by a quiet groan. I turn my head to see the same alarm clock as last night.
6:30 am, it reads. We start school at eight. I know I need to get up soon because I want to make them a nice breakfast, as a special thanks for their kindness. Suddenly, I feel more movement on either side of me. It's as if these guys have a synchronized mental alarm clock engraved in each of their brains.
"Kitten," Cole groans, exhaustion lacing his voice.
"Mhm," I reply, still not awake enough to form a coherent sentence.
"Avelyn, it's time to wake up." Xavier's breath fans my ear, and I'm instantly aroused. I shiver in delight. Now I'm awake enough to actually speak.
"I know; I was about to get up anyway." Suddenly, I comprehend something. I have no clothes to wear today. Shoot.
"Guys, I don't have anything to wear."
"That's okay, babe. I'm sure Cole can figure something out for you," Ashton says.
"What do you mean?"
"Not to sound cocky or anything, but I've always been good with that kind of stuff. Fashion is just my thing. Not really for myself, because I look good in anything." Xavier hits him on the back if the head. Cole just grumbles something incoherent but continues.
"Like I was saying," he shoots a glare at Xavier. "I've always been good with that kind of stuff. I'll figure something out for you to wear today, but I'll make sure we go and buy you some new clothes and stuff later after school."
"You guys really don't have to do that. We can just stop by my parents' house and pick up some things."
Low growls emit from each of their chests. "No fucking way are you going back there. We'll just buy you some new clothes. It's not a problem, really. We want to get you nice things. We want to spoil you, so don't even try convincing us otherwise. Because I promise you, Avelyn, you won't win." Xavier's voice is full of determination, and I know that there isn't a point in arguing. So I don't attempt to.
"Alright, come on Ava, let's get you dressed and ready. You also need to take a shower." I nod and sit up on the bed, and Cole takes my hand. He helps me up and leads me out of the room and to the bathroom across the hall.
"Go ahead and use the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute with some supplies to fix you up. There're towels in the cabinet inder the sink and all the stuff you'll need for a shower. If you want to shave, you can just use one of the ones down there, too. They're mens, but it'll work just the same." He gestures to the room and the cabinet, turns around, and takes his leave. I shut the door and turn to look at myself in the mirror.
"Dear God! I look like a wreck," I mutter under my breath. My silver hair is all disheveled and my clothes are all wrinkled. I guess I probably should have changed before I went to sleep, but I was too tired. And it's not like I had anything to change into, anyway. I quickly use the bathroom, take a fast shower, and shave. I wrap myself up in a towel, and by the time I've finished, there is a knocking at the door.
"I'm back, kitten. Are you done?" Cole calls, and I answer by opening the door.
"Why hello there beautiful. Come here often?" He jokes, leaning against the doorframe, and sending me a wink. I just roll my eyes in response to his banter and clutch the towel closer to myself.
"Nope, it's my first time actually. Now come on, I want to be able to fix you guys breakfast before we leave." I pull him into the bathroom, and he shuts the door behind himself.
"Okay," he begins. "I was thinking, since we don't have any clean underwear for you, you can just wear a pair of my old boxers. They're the smallest we have, but I know they'll still be a little too big. You can just rewear your bra. I'm pretty sure girls do that anyway. Here put these on." He hands me a pair of dark blue boxer briefs and a big, white button down shirt. I look at him and raise my left brow.
"Don't worry, I'll turn around." And he does. Once he's facing the opposite direction, and I'm sure he can't see me, I unwrap the towel that was previously clutched to my bare skin.
Once I've faced the opposite direction, she drops her towel. I know, because I turned in the direction of the mirror. I meant to close my eyes, but I didn't have time before she started stripping. Her head is tilted to the floor, so she can't see that I'm watching her in the mirror.
I know it sounds hella creepy, but I just couldn't look away. She is literally perfect. A flat, toned stomach and round, perfect breasts. I don't dare drop my eyes, though. God, I sound like such a pervert! But I can't help it. What if the girl of your dreams was literally changing directly behind you, and you could see?
She starts putting on her bra, and I finally find the nerve to close my eyes. She may be perfect, and I may get a hard on everytime I see her or hear her voice, but I still respect her privacy. I care too much for her to violate her trust. Well, more than I already have. At guess it's a good thing I never saw past her chest.
'God, I'm such an idiot!'
"Okay, I'm done. But this shirt is definitely way too big on me." Her voice breaks me out of my thoughts, and I shake my head to clear it. I'm definitely uncomfortable, and my pants are definitely way too tight on me right now. I turn around to face her, trying to keep the lustful look off my face and clipped tone out of my voice. I clear my throat before speaking.
"Well, that's the point Avelyn. Just trust me on this one, okay?" She nods her head in confirmation. I don't think she suspected anything. Good.
I grab the thin, brown belt that I brought in with the rest of the supplies. I wrap it around her waist, adding a cute touch to the white button down that she is wearing. It's one of Xavier's, so it's certainly big on her. While it fits snug on Xavier, it's more of a dress on her - ending at about her mid thigh. The belt adds a cute and stylish flair - cinching at her waist, bringing out her glorious curves. It also helps the shirt to fit a little better on her.
She most definitely looks adorable. Though, she always does, so that's not much of a surprise. All in all, I'm pretty proud of myself. It could be better, but it's also great for having nothing else to wear. Plus, it'll look great with the tan ankle boots that she wore yesterday.
"Alright, now all that's left is to do your hair. Then you can brush your teeth and you'll be good to go."
I make quick work at doing her hair and decide that putting her hair in a messy side braid will go perfect with her outfit and silver locks. Once I'm done, I grab her by the shoulders and spin her around. She giggles, and the sound fills my heart with joy.
'I could listen to that sound all day.'
She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles a big, genuine smile. It seems like she likes what I've done, and I feel a sense of pride at her approval. My pride only grows with the next words that leave her mouth.
"Oh my God, Coco. This is amazing! I love it!"
"Good, I'm glad you like it."
"What time is it?" She asks me. I check my back pocket with my phone in it.
"7:01," I answer. She gasps, horror spreading throughout her face.
"Oh no! I still have to make you guys breakfast, and school starts at 8:00. Not to mention it'll take, like, 15 minutes to get there."
"Chill, kitten," I sooth her. "Why does it matter so much anyway." She looks at me with surprise and answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Spoiler alert. It's not.
"Because it was supposed to be like a thank you for everything you've done for me."
"Avelyn, you really don't have to do something like that. We can just stop and get something on the way."
"Just like you guys and taking me shopping, I will not be swayed on this decision. I am making you food. And that's final." I give up, finding it pointless to argue. I mean, if she wants to make me food, I'm not going to complain and try to stop her. The girl's a pretty damn-good chef. I leave to let her brush her teeth and finish getting ready myself. Once done, I walk into the kitchen, finding my brothers there about to make something for themselves like we normally do.
"Don't worry about making anything to eat. Avelyn insists on making us breakfast. I tried to convince her we'll be fine, but that girl is pretty relentless," I tell them, gaining chuckles in response.
"Now that we have a moment away from her, I think this would be a good time to discuss the issue with her parents." Xavier spits the word parents out in hatred.
'Me too, brother. Me too.'
For a split second, the image of Avelyn's perfect body come filtering into my head. Damn, what is this girl doing to me?
Once I've finished brushing my teeth, I make my way down the stairs, finding the way to the kitchen fairly easily. This place is really big. Not as big as mine, but it's definitely big.
I stop just outside of the kitchen when I hear the voices of my boys filtering through.
"So, what are we going to do about her asshole-parents?" Coco asks.
"I don't know, but we need to figure it out quickly. She isn't eighteen yet, so we can definitely get into trouble if anyone finds out she's here. But I will not let our angel go back to that hell house." Ashton concludes. Aww, how cute! He said our angel.
I don't mean to eavesdrop, but this conversation is getting interesting. So I take one step closer, trying to get a better vantage point to hear what they're saying. But I land on a faulty floor board, and a quiet creak is heard. It's almost too quiet for even my ears. But they're werewolves, so I'm pretty sure they heard it. My assumptions are proven correct when I hear Xavier's voice.
"Shh, guys. I think Ava is coming." I try to play it off like I wasn't listening by casually walking into the kitchen - like I wasn't just listening in on their conversation. I mean, it was about my parents, so I do have a right to hear. Right?
"Hey guys," I say, slyly.
"Hey princess. So I hear your making breakfast?"
"Yup," I say. "Sure am. That means you all need to leave the kitchen. Your girl has work to do, and I don't need any distractions. But first, what do you guys want to eat?"
"Pancakes!" Is Cole's reply. I giggle at his enthusiasm.
"What about you?" I direct my question towards Ash and Xavier.
"I'm fine with whatever, princess," Xavier answers.
"Me, too," Ash agrees.
"Alright, now go." I shoo them out of the kitchen and make quick work at fixing up some pancakes, bacon, and eggs. You know, the staples. After about 30 minutes, the food is done, and I call the guys back into the kitchen. They quickly fill up their plates and chow down, complimenting me on the food in the process. I feel my heart swell with joy at their affection and gratitude.
I check the clock once more. My eyes widen when I see the time.
"Hurry up guys! It's 7:40!"
"Oh shit! Let's go guys, grab your bags and put on your shoes," Xavier orders.
I couldn't find my shoes, so I asked Ash. He said they were by the door. I put them on and found my bag at the kitchen table from when we were doing our homework last night. We're efficiently out the door in less than five minutes and on our way to school. We decided to just take their car, as it would be make our travels faster and more efficient.
They tried to make me sit in front, but I protested saying Xavier's legs were much longer than mine, so he should sit shotgun.
We made it to school with about 2 minutes to spare. In that time we found a parking spot and rushed inside. I noticed people watching us, probably wondering why we showed up together. We're all obviously new, so why would we show up together?
My answer to that - shove it, that's why.
Xavier and I split up from my other boys because we have first period together. When we reached our classroom, we found the same seats we sat in yesterday and sat down. As soon as my butt hit the chair, the bell rang.
Mission accomplished.
The teacher walks into the class, meets my eye, looks behind me - at Xavier, I presume, and looks back down to the floor. I guess the dilemma from yesterday has not been forgotten. Good, that guy is a creep. He gives us an assignment to work on individually. It's about electron configurations, so it's safe to say I finished it in about ten minutes.
I'd say I'm good at Chemistry - anything school-related, really. I've never really been aloud to go outside or make any friends, so I always stayed inside and taught myself new things. I've always excelled in school because I love learning new things.
Suddenly, I feel a tap on my left shoulder, and a note falls onto my desk. I look over to my left and see a girl with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I think she's cute. .She's casually looking down at the paper we were assigned to do, but I think she's the one who wrote me the note. She did give it to me...
"Hi, I'm Sarah," it says. "I know you're new, and I just wanted to say hi and welcome to Saint Hill High. I didn't really know how to approach you with those guys following you around all the time, but I figured you might want a new friend. Love your outfit by the way."
A new friend. I can't believe this! I've never had any friends, and suddenly, I transfer to this school, and I have four. And a girl too. I quickly write back a reply and slyly hand it to the girl next to me. Sarah, I'm assuming. I mean, she is the one who passed me the note.
My reply:
"Hi! Thank you for the welcome and the complement. I really appreciate it. And yeah, I'd love a new friend. You probably already know this, but my name is Avelyn. It's nice to meet you."
A minute later, the note lands in front of me again. I feel a kick on the back of my foot. I turn around to see Xavier with a puzzled look on his.
"What are you doing?" He mouths, silently. I shrug and slyly point to the girl next to me, as if that's a good enough answer. I turn back around and read the note.
"It's nice to meet you, too. I also saw you yesterday in my gym class, so we have another class together. We can talk then; I'll be able to give you an official welcome. Bye, I'll talk to you later!"
Four friends in two days. I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.
'What has my life become?'
Alright, so that was chapter 12. I'm so sorry I didn't post yesterday. I wrote a chapter and everything. It was somewhat similar to this one, but I honestly think it was so much better. I was really proud of it, too. And then a mess up occurred in the saving process, and it was deleted. Ugh! I worked really hard on it, and it was a long chapter. Which I'm sure most people appreciate. I know I do. *cries internally*
I was going to rewrite it and post it later that night, but I decided I needed a break before I had a mental breakdown. So here it is - a day late. Better late than never, I guess. So forgive the mess ups, I didn't really have it in me to edit this. At least I tried. But thanks for sticking with me anyway and reading this book!
*insert signoff here*
So, until next time...
The Annoying Author Lady
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