《I am not your Daddy》8


When he saw tara with that bastard his senses clouded with anger.

He wanted to beat him good but stoped when he saw tara's scared face. Her facial features affected him, in another words it control him.

Her long hair were opened and that bastard touched her hair.

When they returned back in their tent. He wrapped her head in his scarf and sweetly told her not to open her hair again infornt of another man.

Poor girl just nodded meekly.

She was his and he won't let any other male come near her. This much he knew.

After he spanked her ass mercilessly, she was avoiding his gaze making him go crazy.

Her face became so gloomy and was serenely quiet for the entire day. He regreted spanking her.

He couldn't stand another man touching her.

His heart would frequently beat looking at her. He can't blame himself. She walks in Beauty, like midnight. She already had wrapped him around his finger.

He apologized for his behaviour. But she wasn't in mood to settle things between them.

He didn't knew punishing her was good or bad decision, however, it was torturous to him. His mind wasn't at peace looking at her trembling body while she stood in front of him in fear.

Her quivering soft lips were asking him to kiss them with intense passion he left in his body after touching the most beautiful and innocent girl. Her innocence played with his heart.

After torturing him enough. She hugged him from behind told him she wasn't angry at him anymore and requested not to slap her butt again. He chuckled at her remark.

They connected their foreheads together to make a deal between them.

Everything was so beautiful. He braded her hair beautifully, While tara asked random question about him and the reason to leave this country.

She was his wife and own him. Without giving a single thaught he told her everything.

How he was betrayed by his best friend, Shahbaz. Oman was loyal to his sultan, had won big wars and braugbt glory to this nation.

Sultan was happy with him and promoted him to be general of the army two years ago.

Whereas, Shahbaz couldn't stand this, he wanted his fortune. That corrupted Shahbaz turned into a power hungry dog. The lust for power and money lead him to betray his best friend, with whom he had spent half of his life. He cheated and lied to satisfy his greed.

He killed sultan's younger brother and filled Sultan's ears with lies. That oman killed his brother and want to murder sultan too.

Sultan clearly ordered to kill Oman. But he escaped.

While Shahbaz wanted to capture Oman and kill him with his own hands as he know all his evil intentions to kill sultan and the dirty deeds he did in the past.


Tara felt fear crawled in her. She can't even imagine something happening to Oman. He was her everything now, her husband. A little scary, but all her.

Exhaustingly days went at slow pace. Oman was extremely unsettled at this place as mostly soldier roamed on their horses patrolling the area.

He would sat in the tent. While going out of the tent, better part of his face would be covered with scarf.

Now he was more cautious and wanted to get out of here with least their lives. All he got was few gold coins in his pocket and still has to buy a camal to survive the desert.

He kept an eye on tara. Wherever he went, whether talking to another nomads, in every aspect he wanted her to be around him.

He would feel a pain that rages inside him, Whenever he thaught of going away from her. He was a sinner at prayer.

He couldn't point a finger at this feelings. However, it lingered into him. He craved for her. Her eyes control his very soul.

He wasn't this possessive with humaira. They were just fuck buddies and his mates would tease him that humaira was in love with him, he should marry her and start a domestic life, his heart never agreed to it.

Tara changed him for better. At their first meet four months ago, he knew this hazel eye girl would start a chaos in his life.

They both were extremely close to each other that tara was comfortable enough to sit on his lap when they were alone in their tent.

Suspiciously, Daria was sizing them closely. She remember once she went in their tent. Tara was clutching Oman's neck and their faces only inches apart. Their relationship confused her.

She remember how he acted when tara wasn't with her. He went looking after her. His jaw was clenched with anger. When they both came back tara's eyes were red and fluffy. while oman's face was plain, eyes blazing ready to kill someone.

He even asked Daria to purchase clothes for tara from bazaar located in city. She wanted to question him about tara. Why she don't have any clothes and belongings? Why were they together? and where are they going?

She has thousands of questions in her mind. She didn't wanted to think but it seemed, he kidnapped Tara.

Her mind ran, thinking previous circumstances how tara spoke so little with her. Only replied in one or two words.

Ohh! Poor soul! She need to protect tara from that perverted oman.

She decided to tell everything to her father, Jahanshah.

The dawn of fourth day came, the sun covered the sand dunes with golden light.

After their breakfast, Oman took tara in the palm trees to spend some time with her because now Daria irritated him so much, she would stay close to tara and won't leave their tent.


He payed her father for the tent they weren't living there for free.

He hugged her wrapping his arms around her and pressed her softness tightly into him.

Great passion fills his inner being

capturing her in warm embrace.

"Tomorrow we will depart from here?" He said still hugging her.

She looked up meeting his eyes.

"Really, i don't want to go" she pouted her lips.

He patted her head.

"We have to go. Far away from this country"

"We will have our home there?" She asked suddenly with a sweet smile

"ofcourse baby, I'll make a beautiful home for you."

He pulled her in his lap, sitting on the same rock where he shamelessly spanked her in broad daylight.

The thaught made him excited. He softly touched her face with his fingertips.

"Tara I'll try with every fibre in my body to make you happy and provide you every luxury" he promised her.

He will make her feel like princess,

living in a castle.

"I don't want anything"

"But i want to give you everything" he cupped her cheeks in his hands.

Suddenly, two great eyes slayed straight through his heart, the wound was quick and keen.

He yearned to kiss her lips.

"Tara can I kiss you baby?"

"No" she said while drawing some round patterns on his chest with her slim finger.

"Why? you also kissed me that day." He pulled her chin up with his hand.

"i don't like it" he felt someone stabbed him in chest.

She was so responsive to his touches before, this can't be true.

"Why?" His voice little bit angry and he frowned.

she shifted her face to the side.

"My heart aches, whenever you touch me" she said.

"Your heartbeat? It run fast when i touch you?" No response.

He pulled her face to look at her and kissed her cheek sweetly.

He saw her cheeks turned pink. Blushing hard

She really like him. He knew it from start. She was so innocent to understand these feelings. Obviously these feelings were foreign to her.

"Your heartbeat is racing?"

Ardently he traced her soft lips with his thumb.

Tara took his hand in her hands and placed it on her chest.

She didn't lied, her heartbeat was unstoppable. If he lowered himself at her level, he would clearly hear it like drums.

His hand on top of her chest. It looked so erotic to him. He desperately wanted to see her tits behind her dress.

He hadn't the power to control himself any longer. Tilting her face with his hands. He took her lips in his mouth. Sucking her both lips with his mouth.

He offered himself to her, completely surrending to her. He would be anything she wanted him to be.

With hunger he sucked her lips. He pushed his tongue in her mouth. When their tongues touched, sparks erupted in their bodies.

He sucked her lower lip gently for sometime, then he explored her mouth with his tongue.

Emotions were creating a havoc upon him, making him miserable.

Getting out of breath she pushed her fists against his chest, to stop him.

He left her immediately. He can't beleive he carried away with his emotions.


Sleep was nowhere in his eyes. The taste of her mouth wasn't letting him sleep.

Tara was sleeping just beside him, was in deep slumber.

His cock was fully erect and twitching gently with barely suppressed lust. He can't mastrubate in her presence. Neither he can't go out leaving her alone.

In her sleep she wrapped her hands around him.

His body was hot, within him was a flame, boiling the blood in his veins, his skin was warm and he felt bothered internally.

He lifted her hand from his chest and placed down on mattress.

I can't wait anymore.

His hand went to his pants he opened it taking out his long shaft in his hand


it only causes his cock to grow harder, bigger, making it throb from the single thought of her.

'Why are you making me think those kinda things, right now?'

Finally touching himself, he curled his fingers around his length, his hips almost bucking with need, lifting off the mattress to thrust into his hand.

He eyes went to sleeping tara beside him. Only moonlight was illuminating the inside of tent.

Lifting his head, only to let it drop right back to his pillow as he chewed hard on his lip, gasping out a few seconds later, feeling almost ecstacy, touching him to her visuals, almost ready to submit, almost ready to just throw himself at tara and that thought alone had him bucking into his hand again, thrusting in and out of his fist with a brutal pace.

He was sure the mattress was vibrating but he hadn't the power to stop now.

Sloppy sounds could be heard in tent.

Opening his eyes at the right time to see the tip of his cock explode with three ropes of cum, painting his shirt. His whole body twitching with need.

With swift motion he turned to look at tara, saw Tara's eyes were opened, was looking at him. He felt blood rushing to his ears, with embarrassment.

"Fuck" he muttered in his breathy voice.



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