《I am not your Daddy》7


In the cool of the morning, eternal voices of women chating in groups waked up tara from her sleep. Sun was peeping inside the tent, making her blink several time to adjust into the light.

Taking in her surrounding, she saw oman sleeping at a safe distance from her.

Oman was still sleeping delightfully while snoring.

Curiously, she crawled upto him and She sat near his side. Despite, his square jaw, his rugged beard and his unemotional face, No sign of anger on his handsome face.

With the support of her hand she hovered over his face. Her finger tips traced his eyes, his nose and stoped at his lips, those lips were the only part of his body which were so soft and cute.

She pushed her finger tip between his lips making them part a little. She giggled, when her finger tip touched his teeth.

Oman was awake and aware of her touching. He took her finger in, opening his mouth a little more and bit on her finger and she screamed, pulling her finger back but Oman grabbed her wrist making her froze.

"Admiring your husband" his voice low, a bit raspy, as he had just woken up.

"No, i was checking why were you making weird sounds" she said without any hesitation. Her hand massaging her finger where he bit her.

"You mean snoring"

"Yes, like a donkey?" Did she really say he was like a donkey.

"Shut up, everybody do that in their sleep. Even you snore in sleep" he was offended.

Ofcourse she don't snore but he had no other better reply.

To make him loosen up his anger, with speed of light she pecked his lips.

He got paralised still laying on his back not able to understand anything. Did she really dare to kiss him or was he just imagining her doing that. Was She not afraid of him anymore?

"What was that" his throat bobbed.

He pulled himself up, his face was so serious she thaught he didn't like her kissing him.

"We are suppose to kiss. Yesterday, you accepted it yourself that we are husband and wife" she held her head high making her point clear, showing her right on him.

Did she eat something wrong?

"Yes we are. But remember not to mention infront of these people" he smirked while enjoying their conversation.

She was opening up with him and that was an amazing thing for oman.

"Why" she asked huskily and frowned looking around.

"Becaus i lied to them. They will kick my butt" he said with a serious tone but tara found it really hilarious and not controlling herself she laughed out loud on his face.

"They will kick your butt it's so funny" she tilted her head and tried looking at his butt imagining the situation.

"Hey where are looking. You little monkey" he grabbed her by wrist and pulled in his embrace.


"What other things husband and wife are suppose to do?" He asked while taking a hair strand, curling it around his finger. Her hair were so long and beautiful.

Truthfully, oman last night had thaught about consuming their marriage but he felt tara was too little to understand his feelings. He will surely take her, when she will understand meaning of physical pleasure.

"Like hold their hands, kissing each other, hugging" she said like child counting on her fingers. He was eagerly listening to her.

"There was one more fatima told me" she rolled her eyes up, thinking about the past when fatima told her what a husband and wife's relationship is all about.

"What is it?" Is it sex ? Fuck. It was the last thing he want to do with her.

"Yes, taking care of each other" his face softened. He analysed her face, his heart warmed up.

"Then take care of me" he said.

He pushed her hair back off her shoulder, eyeing her neck and creamy shoulder. He banded his arms around her waist pulling her into him. he traced his nose on her neck, then he sniffed her hair loudly like a hungry dog taking her erotic scent into his system.

She pushed him away with her hands trying to get away from him.

"What" feeling annoyed.

"Don't sniff my hair, i need to wash them first"

"Ofcourse not, they smell good. And You washed them yesterday" he remembered clearly her hair were wet.

"Daria told me last night, she will provide me special herbs to wash my hair. They will look so shiny after that" she said.

He chuckled

"Ok" He decided to let her go.

They walked out of the tent. This carvan was little. He saw a string of camels with stuffed pendulous sacks hung on their backs, in charge of wild eye desert men.

"Tara, i need to meet someone. Don't wander around stay close to Daria" he warned her.

She nodded continuously, her hand in air.

Tara noticed daria talking to another woman. She ran to her and tugged her dress to whispered something in her ear.

Oman walked away after conferming she was not alone.

He looked around a bit and saw old man sitting infront of a large tent. Blazing sun was on top of his head.

He walked up to him and greeted. Old man motioned his hand toward oman to sit.

He had a book opened up infront of him. It was really hard to believe, a nomadic man knew how to read.

He sat down infront of him "Thank you for giving us a tent at night. I need to request a thing more" old man nodded to assure him to continue.

"I need a camal to restart my journey to east. If you will provide me a camal, i'll pay you double" oman said with hard voice.


This man never bent down infront of anyone.

"It's not about money. Our most of the camal are in city, for trade. They are not returning till fourth night." he said shaking his head.

"You can live here with us till then" he suggested him

He nodded with a slight smile at the wise man.

"Thank you so much, uncle" he took his hand and kissed on back of his hand in respect.

They talked about many things and oman got surprised because this old man, Jahanshah had experiences of life to tell. He was the leader of the other nomads.

After two hours, oman was returning back to their tent. But tara wasn't there.

Outside, he saw Daria cutting vegetables and went to her.

"Daria, tara was with you. Where is she?"

"She was here a while ago" her face confused while she looked around.

"It's ok. I'll find her" he said and walked away.

He can't believe he had told her not to go anywhere before asking him.

He looked everywhere for her, even asked people. It appeared out to be a riddle he has to solve to reach his wife.

Far away he saw some palm trees and noticed long hair girl standing under a tree.

He started moving in her way but stoped short when he noticed a body appeared out of blue and now she was talking to a tall figure.

Realisation smacked him on face. A fucking perv was getting close to tara. He hated how close she was standing to him, the boy's hand in her hair, near her neck.

He walked up to them like a predator.

"Hey" she jumped back hearing his loud voice.

When the boy's eyes clashed with oman's angry one's, knew he was in deep trouble.

Tara ran to him before he could reach them.

"Oman, look at these grapes. These are so yummy" Oman saw her hands full of grapes.

He growled at her utter nonsense and he pushed her hands away, making all the grapes to fall on ground.

His fury made his blood boil. The vegeance in him was screaming to unleash. He rushed to the boy and grabbed him by coller, oman's tall height was hovering over him.

"What you fucking think you were trying to do" the boy's eyes wide.

"I didn't do anything. She was hungry so i gave them just few grapes to eat"

Oman punched him hard on face and shoved him on the dirt.

"Don't fucking show me your face again" he said. The boy ran off saving his life.

Tara was standing against a tree. She never saw this side of oman before.

Oman's eyes went to tara. Here he was thinking of waiting for right time before taking her innocence and she was giving advantages to another men to pounce at her.

She already forget what those men done to her just a month ago.

Such a dumb ass.

Feeling extremely angry he pulled her by her waist, her feet in air and walked upto a rock behind a tree and sat on it.

She was standing infront of him, her expressions horrified. His eyes travelled up her length.

"I see you need a little lesson right now" he emphasized the words through clenched teeth.

He grabbed her dress pulling it up. She tried stoping him when he coiled up her dress till her tummy.

His stare was on her face, not looking down at her sweetness between her legs.

She squawked as he caught her roughly and bend her on his knees. She gasped at the air on her plump cheeks.

Her impressive backside, creamy white and flawless in complexion was suddenly bared to oman.

Her chest squashed against his left leg, her soft bare ass laid out perfectly on his lap. The mound of flesh visible and bare to his eyes, quivered from the below.

"Did you ask me before coming here. i' ll show you what punishment is well deserved for a brat, who doesn't take care of herself" He crashed his big hand against her luscious pale butt. She screamed.

They were behind tree and far away from from people to notice.

She wriggled and struggled in his grip but he held her with effortless strength.

He smacked her again making her cry out loud.

With third swift blow to her left cheek. This stung as bad as the first. But he didn't stoped. He was being nice to her before but now he will take serious actions.

After hitting her butt for fourth time, he creased her butt to give relief to her stinging red butt.

Not a single word came out of her mouth in fear.

He wasn't sure he wanted it to go away yet. It was far too intimate.

After taking a sigh, he pulled her on her legs, her legs wobbling. He pulled down her dress before eyeying her bare kitty.

She was about to cry.

"Don't you dare cry. You brought this on yourself you know." She immediately pushed back her tear and blinked several times to clear her vision. He was surprised himself he has this authority on her.

When he moved she flinched, expecting another smack on her butt.

Instead he pulled her in his embrace and patted her head before pulling her up in bridal style.

She looked up in his eyes to find the warmness she liked in him. She placed her head aginst his shoulder and snaked her arms around his neck.

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