《Chasing Bygones》CHAPTER 7: Peek-a-boo


In that moment, as I stood at my bedroom door, still holding the knob which I intended to lock, I stared hypnotized as a figure moved in the bedroom across mine.

She walked to the front of Niall's dressing mirror, running her hands through her uneven but still sexy hair. As she raised her arms to her task, the shirt covering down till the mid of her thighs raised up as well, and my breath refused to leave my lungs.

My need to look away was overpowered by the curiosity to see how long it would take her to realize that the bedroom door was still wide open. That a pair of eyes were transfixed on her, her bare legs. She seemed too busy, or maybe unbothered by my stares from this side of the hallway as she continued ruffling and straightening her hair with her fingers.

It could be the hottest unintentionally hot action I had ever seen a women do.

Just when I thought she was done and would turn around to see me ogling at her, she reached down, grabbing the hem of the shirt and pulled it over her head, the fabric extremely dark against her white, pale skin. My mouth hung open, and the breath finally eased out of me with a force.

She stood there before the mirror, staring at herself like I was staring at her, in nothing but her lacy black lingerie.

Women, there's a man...two men, in the house.

But again, Niall had probably seen her naked since they did the deed last night. But still, she could at least close the door.

Close the door...

My eyes shifted down. I was still holding, no, gripping my door knob, looking like I was about to rip it out of the door.

Close the door, Cole.

I moved back and shut the damn door with a loud slam. Probably loud enough for her to know that, Yes, I saw you take off that shirt, and the black lingerie underneath it.

Yes, I saw the curve of your ass, and those perfectly pale and long legs.

I leaned back on the door and shut my eyes.

What was I doing? It had been probably just few minutes since my girlfriend's plane took off, and here I was, gawking at other women.


A groan rumbled out of me.

I needed a shower. A mind cleansing, muscle relaxing, warm shower. Yes, that's what I needed. I could probably wash away a few images which were floating about in my head right now. Possibly.

As I pushed off the door, I undid my trousers and slid them off with the briefs. Tossing the remaining clothes in the laundry basket, I strolled towards the bathroom, and just as I stepped in, there was a knock on the door.

My body tensed and I stiffened on the spot. Involuntarily, I imagined her white, pale fingers wrapping around the door knob and pushing it open, but instead, I heard Niall's hurried voice from behind the door.


"Yes." I pushed myself a little inside the bathroom, just in case he barged inside. "What?"

"Ah, there you are. I am sorry for putting this on you. I know you're probably tired from last night but please, I need a favor." He said expectantly, and I could almost sense his palm rubbing his nape, while standing there and talking to the door.

"What is it?" I'm still naked.

There was a little pause before he spoke. "Can you drive her home?" He asked, almost so softly that I wouldn't have heard him. But I did.


Grabbing a towel from the closet, I quickly wrapped it around my hips, and flung open the door.

"What did you say?" I asked, staring confused at him, and briefly noticed he changed his juice splashed shirt into a blue t-shirt.

"Please, drive her home. I just got a call from Boss. Think I have to search for another internship now. He's fuming." He tsked, frustrated and pleading at the same time.

Me and that woman in the same car. Are you kidding me?

But instead, I asked.

"What did you do?" Niall didn't even have to work, having a chain of his own business. But insisted on working under literal ass-heads for the sake of experience.

"I'll tell you later. Can you drive her, please?" He asked, leaning forward and looking at me intently.

Heck yes!

"I guess."

He leaped forward, giving me a side hug almost too tightly, and then jogged backward, smiling at me.

"I owe you one." He said with a salute but before running downstairs, knocked on his now closed bedroom door. "My brother will drive you, Adams. Please don't get in trouble. See you around." And he disappeared downstairs.


Adams? Was that her name? Last name maybe?

Well, I could ask her while driving to her house. Although I doubted I would be able to utter even a single word.

My eyes switched up, as his bedroom door creaked open before me. That ass, why did he have to knock?

Because now I was staring at not the women I saw spitting juice over my brother, but the one I had seen at the steps of the court yesterday. Her maroon dress was back in its place; on her body, hugging her figure like I would want to. If I could.

Wait what?

She looked just as shocked as I was, if not more, as she froze at the bedroom door.

Her eyes, I couldn't make out the color from the distance, but they were a dark color. It first locked with my eyes, then moved down —my chest, abdomen, and further down. Everywhere her eyes touched, my skin prickled. Making me painfully aware that I was standing in just a towel hanging around my hips.

I suppressed a grin at her openly gawking stare, feeling all naughty, like a high-schooler.

This is ridiculous. A voice said in my head.

But I didn't move, letting her have her time staring. I had a fairly decent body for an ever-working health worker and I was not at all bothered by stares thrown my way. But when she was done, she frowned and looked away. That was not how I expected it would go.

Did she not like my body?

Does it matter? My subconscious snapped.

And now it was my turn to frown. Just as I withdrew myself from the door, intending to put on some clothes, she moved forward.

I stopped, and watched, as she covered the distance between the rooms, her face straight and eyes motionless, steady on me. My ears twitched at a familiar sound, and involuntarily my eyes fell down to her heels, clicking against the tiles.

Oh Christ, those heels...

They were black, but not just black. Exquisitely black and beautiful against her lighter skin. I could imagine how it would feel to slide it off her feet, then kiss her toes one by one. Maybe give a nibble to the little toe, until she flinched and—

Someone cleared their throat and my eyes trailed up on her, touching every curve and sway of her hips until it rested back on her face, her eyes. She was standing a few steps away, with a stare so strong, I had the urge to double check if she was the same girl who I saw in my brother's bedroom. A nervous wreck.

"I need to head back." She stated, and my brows reached for the ceiling, ignoring the effect her clipped, velvety voice had on me.

Despite the urge to shut up and just listen, I spoke. "I assumed you might."

The reaction was instant. Her lips parted, then pressed together. "And you are going to drive me back?" She cleared her throat again, looking at me expectantly.

"I believe so." I nodded, but made no attempts to move away from the door, away from her stare.

Her eyes moved down, quickly scanning my state.

"Like that?" She sounded almost disappointed, and I blinked away from wherever my mind had wandered off to.

Right. The towel.

"Yeah, sorry. Give me a minute." I said, almost shutting the door, but not before I heard her.

"I'll be downstairs." And then her heels clank away from my room.

Click clack. Click clack.

I slightly opened the door, just enough to steal a glance at her. The way her hips swayed to her every step, and her still messy hair brushed her back. But what undid me were those viciously black heels, and the continues clack of them against the floor. It was ringing everywhere around me, and inside my head.

And I had a vague feeling that now, that I would be able to recognize her from anywhere, just by the sound of her footwork.

I sighed and shut the door as the sound finally diminished, then went silent. All I heard was the sound of my shallow breaths, and a continues ringing of my phone from downstairs, reminding me of a name that flooded guilt through the open chambers of my heart.


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