《Right On The Money Honey - Michael Hardy》EIGHTEEN


Liz and Haley are hanging out on the porch at the betrothed couple's place while the guys are in the living room brain storming new tunes for Morgan's new album. The girls are trying to focus on wedding planning but they both don't have the attention span for something so boring.

"What y'all girls up to?" Michael asks as he and Morgan joins them with drinks for their girlfriends. Morgan and Michael sit on the matching chairs on either end of the wicker couch the girls are on.

"Adultin'." Liz sighs, setting her laptop on the small table in front of her before criss- crossing her legs. "We should just go to the courthouse and get married."

"No weddin'?" Michael asks, his elbows on his knees.

Liz shrugs. "We get married then we can just have a party or somethin'. I just don't want all that fuss of a ceremony and then feeding like three hundred people, y'know?"

"Sure." He nods back. "That's not a bad idea."

She smiles at him and a blush colors his cheeks. Haley grins at the sight. "Y'all're so cute!" She gushes, scrunching her face up as she looks between her best friend and her man's best friend.

"Y'all wanna help us plan this?" Liz asks.

"Us?" Morgan asks.

"Don't sound so surprised." Liz says, stretching her legs out. "But yeah, you. You two know us pretty damn well and we're all pretty close. I'd love it if y'all helped us out."

"Oh, absolutely." Haley nods, giving Liz's hand a squeeze. "It's gonna be so much fun."

The foursome spend the rest of their evening, well into the night, laughing and talking, learning so much more about each other.

"Hold on- Hold the fuck on!" Haley says, dropping her hands on her knees as she sends a sharp look to Morgan. "You got arrested!?"


"It was my total bad, Haley." Liz says. "I took him bar hopin' and we got a little reckless. It was really no big deal."

Haley glances over at Liz and at first she believes her. It's not until Morgan breathes a sigh of relief that her suspicions grow. "What happened?"

Morgan takes a deep breath in. "Okay." Michael leans back in his wicker chair, totally engrossed and amused with the story Morgan is about to share with his friend group. "We went downtown and got drunk and started to y'know, get into trouble."

Liz chuckles. "He kept sayin' we're the same person."

"You are." Michael mutters, running his thumb over the embossed design on his beer bottle. He looks up and is met with all three looking back at him. "Seriously, it's kinda freaky."

"Whatever." Liz says with a smile.

"Anyways we ended up at the river and swam."

"Wait. The Cumberland River? How'd you get down there?"

"Some old old access behind a church. We busted our asses gettin' down there." Liz laughs.

"Y'all we're trespassin'?"

"Shit happens." Liz shrugs. "It was nice to be free spirited again. I'm not some stupid teenager that gets let off the hook anymore. If I get in trouble now, I'd have to do some hard time."

"Yeah, except I think we got let off the hook 'cause that cop was into you."


"Pfft." She shakes her head. "Nah. I think they realized that they arrested us on some stupid charge and they were wasting their time."

Michael chuckles. "I mean, can you blame him for bein' into you?" Liz playfully rolls her eyes as she stands, her laptop under her arm. Michael's eyes bounce from her face to her ass as she walks past him. "Damn." He mumbles then looks at his best friend and his best friend's girlfriend. "Hey, thanks for comin' over tonight. We can work on 'em songs later, okay?"

"Yeah. Sure." The two stand. Haley pulls on her sweater while she heads around the corner of the porch to Morgan's truck.

"Here." Morgan pulls a condom from his wallet and flicks it at his best buddy. "I saw the way you was eyeballin' that little lady."

Michael laughs, handing it back to him. "I think I got it covered but thanks." He gives him a hug then they go their separate ways.

Michael finds his future wife laying in the middle of the bed with her laptop on and open next to her while she's resting her eyes. He smiles, moves her computer to the nightstand then gets her tucked in under the sheets. He pulls his shirt off and tosses it into the laundry basket before he curls up behind her, his arm around her middle.


"You sure you want to do this?" Liz asks from the bathroom as she combs through her hair. "We don't have to. We can have a whole weddin' ceremony if you want."

"Nah, I'm okay with havin' a party." Michael responds as he buttons up his black shirt. He sits on the bed to pull on a pair of boots. His head shoots up when the bathroom door opens. "Wow."

Liz stands in front of him wearing a tight curve hugging blue dress, her favorite sandals and her hair is in its natural wavy state. "What?" She asks, popping in a pair of simple earrings.

"You're beautiful." She playfully rolls her eyes, leaning back against the dresser. "We're gettin' married today."

"I know!" She grins, grasping the sides of his face before she leans down to kiss him. "C'mon. If we don't get there before ten, we're gonna be waitin' all day." He smiles, picking up his phone then they head downstairs to his truck.


Liz sits across from Michael, her elbow resting on the table with her chin in her hand. She smiles as she looks at him, her eyes full of nothing but love. Michael's busy writing down some ideas he got for few songs and he's going to crank them out later tonight.

"I can feel you lookin' at me." He mumbles, his hand not stopping as he writes down the ideas in his head before they're forgotten.

"I still can't believe that we actually got married." She says, picking up her coffee mug from the small diner table they're sitting at. "Y'know I-" She cuts herself off with a head shake.


"Nothin'." Michael looks up at her over his glasses. He knows something is on her mind but he's not going to pry about it. "Oh, Haley said that the party, cook out thing is happenin this Saturday."


"Awesome." He clicks the pen he's writing with closed then hands it back to her. "You ready?"

Liz takes a few more swallows of her coffee and another bite of her pancakes. "Yeah." He stands, pushing his chair in then heads up to the counter to pay for their small celebratory brunch.

As soon as he pockets his wallet, Liz grabs his hand and pulls him outside to his truck. He smiles, grins really, totally in love with this woman.

Who would've thought a right-on-the-money honey would ever fall for a broke boy?


Haley's been up to her ass with planning this party. Liz kept telling her that she didn't want it to be like a wedding reception but more like a party; summer cook out. Liz said she could throw it at their house since they'll have the privacy of the woods.

Morgan is all geeked up for his best friends and their party. He's invited everyone they know; friends, family, coworkers.

Haley told Liz and Michael to be ready by four but that's not going to happen. The newlyweds are currently getting down to business.

Michael's got Liz pressed back against the shower wall, his mouth leaving open mouthed kisses to her neck and shoulder, his hand between her thighs. At this current moment in time, neither of them care about the people waiting for them downstairs, the fact that their bathroom door is wide open or the water bill.

He lifts her up for her to wrap her legs around his waist before he starts sliding into her. She moans, her hands tangled in his soaking hair, their kisses turning open mouthed and hot, his fingers digging into her hips and thighs as he keeps her pressed against the shower wall.

"Lizzie, Hardy!" Morgan shouts as he heads up the stairs. He knocks on the bedroom door but there's no answer. He opens the door and takes a few steps in.

"Woah!" He says, covering his eyes with his hand as he looks away. He peeks through his fingers for a split second then squeezes his eyes shut.

Liz shrieks, slipping from her husband's grasp. Michael steadies her on her feet as he looks over his shoulder through the steamy shower door. "Fuck- what the fuck man!? Did you even knock!?" Michael suddenly snaps, keeping Liz hidden behind his body for her privacy.

"Sorry! We've been waitin' for y'all for like an hour!" He shouts back, still looking away from them. "You better get your asses downstairs before Lyn comes up and yells at y'all."

"She would too." Liz mumbles. "Thank you, Morg. We'll be right down." He gropes the door for the knob then pulls it shut, audibly shuttering from the other side. "First your dad and now him!? Who ain't seen my boobs yet!?" Michael just chuckles, stepping out of the shower. He wraps a towel around his hips then hands ones to her. They quickly dry off, get dressed then they're on their way to join their guests at their party.


"It's about damn time!" Lyn shouts when she sees her sister and brother-in-law come down the steps with matching embarrassed and flustered facial expressions. "The hell we're y'all up to!?"

"Nothin'." Liz says, pouring herself a drink. "Just some, uh, y'know."

She blushes and Lyn catches on. "Oh." She elbows her sister. "Got it."

"There's a lot more people here than I was anticipatin'." Liz clears her throat. "Wow." Lyn wraps her hand around her sisters, her head on her shoulder.

Ever since they were little, Lyn had always been good at reading her older sister. She can tell when she's starting to get a little anxious and is able to help ground her. Liz has definitely gotten better at managing her symptoms with the proper medication but sometimes it's a lot more than expected.

Like right now.

Liz takes a deep breath and smiles. "Thanks." She kisses her little sister's forehead before she steps outside to her backyard.

Haley has really out done herself. There's a couple corn hole boards, some horse shoe pins, a grill going and later, she's set up firewood for a bonfire.

Not to mention the copious amount of alcoholic drinks that Morgan was put in charge of; beer and food and he did a kick ass job on both.

She greets a few friends from Plano and Texarkana, her family and Michael's. She introduces herself to his coworkers. Her visiting takes a few hours between each little unmemorable conversation.

Much to her relief, she's sitting on the front porch alone with her head in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"You doin' okay?" She glances over her shoulder and sees Morgan standing there with two drinks in his hand. "Since when do you smoke?"

"I only smoke when I'm anxious." His face softens at her words. Morgan sits himself next to her and hands her a beer before cracking his open. "There's a lot of people here."


"I wasn't expectin' this. I was thinkin' maybe just our families and y'all and maybe a few more friends but this is a full-blown party." She chuckles, taking a drag. "Thanks for throwin' all this together for us."

"It was all Hales but you're welcome." He clinks his bottle against hers before taking the cigarette from her for a drag. "Menthol?"

"Cheapest I could get. I'm tryna quit. I gotta get healthier copin' mechanisms." She takes it back. She smiles at a few cheers that echo through out the woods. "C'mon." She stands, flicking the cigarette away. Liz grabs Morgan's hand and pulls him back to the backyard.

"Michael!" She shouts, catching her husband's attention.

"What's up?"

"Me and You versus Morgan and Haley." She states, picking up a few burgundy bags while Morgan gets the white ones.

Of course the boards are Mississippi State themed.

Haley and Liz are on one side while their significant others are against them. Not really what Liz was hoping for but it definitely makes it more fun knowing the girls are going to win.

And they do.

"Shit." Morgan groans but laughs, clapping his best friend on the back. "Alright, c'mon."

The four get some food that Walt and Rhett are grilling up and sit on the porch step. Who would've thought that a drink offer would've blossomed into something so beautiful and life long?

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