《Neon in the Dark - Morgan Wallen》Twenty


Morgan has spent the last two weeks at Michael and Caleigh's to give Maggie some space for her to write some tracks for her record. She's written ten total and she feels great about them. To help herself get through writers block and frustration, she's been listening to Matt's and Riley's songs on repeat to get into a vindictive mood.

During their time apart, Morgan has been thinking about his statuts with Maggie as decided that he needs to do something about it. He secretly sold two of his guitars to pay for an engagement ring. Yeah, the diamond is small but it's the thought that counts.

"I am so proud of you, Mags." Christian says as he listens to a track she's recorded through the speakers of the lounge. "You've came so far in the last, what, two years? You're doin' some great things."

"Thanks, Chris." She beams from her spot on the couch as she rearranges sticky notes with song titles on it for the track list. "This should go before this but before that." She mumbles, switching a couple post it's. "I have a few left to record then I'll be done with my second album!"

"Keep up the great work, Mags." He smiles as he leaves the lounge and her by herself.

Maggie gathers up sticky notes and tucks them into her notebook then heads out to her car to pick up some pizza for dinner. Morgan's coming home tonight so she wants to do something easy for the night they're going to have.

They've been celibate for two weeks.

Two weeks apart.

Two weeks of rushed phone calls.

Two weeks of provocative pictures.

Two weeks of lonely nights.

Two weeks of self satisfying and now they're finally reuniting.

Yes, it was just two weeks but fuck, two weeks is a long time to be away from the person you love.

Maggie squeals to herself as she heads inside of her house, sliding the pizza onto the stove before she rushes to her bedroom to change into something a little more uncomfortable; a very revealing lace bodysuit with her thin, honeycomb robe over top and her glasses on her nose. She pours herself a glass of wine and sits on the couch, waiting for her boyfriend to come back home to her.

After a couple hours of waiting, Morgan finally comes home with a bottle of wine and a bouquet of flowers. He grins to himself as he knocks on her front door, already blushing when he hears the floorboards creaking from the inside of the house.

"Well, I'll be," Maggie says in an overdrawn southern drawl, popping one hand on her hip while she leans against the door. "Howdy there, Mister Wallen."

"Miss Wilson, how're you-" He's cut off by her grabbing the front of his t-shirt, pulling him inside and to the living room. She pushes him to sit then stands in front of him. Maggie puts his hands on the tie around her robe and lets him undo it, his lip going between his teeth when he sees the skimpy black lace that's barely covering her tan body. "You don't waste no time, do you." He smirks, running his thumbs over her hot skin. She slips the straps off and lets the fabric hit the wood floor as Morgan undoes his belt and jeans, his clothes joining her bodysuit.



Maggie can't help the smile on her face as she hops out of her car, heading to Morgan's dad's front door. She knocks on it. "Is Morgan here?"

"Nope." He replies. "Has been here for months."

"Where is he?"

"He moved away."


"I don't know. I wouldn't wait 'round for 'em if I's you, you'd be wasting your time." His father spits before slamming the door in her face.

Maggie scoffs as she stomps back to her car, angry tears in her eyes; Morgan left- broke his promise. She speeds off to her dad's house to gather the rest of her things so she can finally move to Nashville to start her life.


Magnolia Grace jolts awake, her heart beating out of her chest as she quickly gets to her feet. She rushes to the bathroom, trying to catch her breath with her eyes squeezed shut. She slides down the wall, her head against her knees with tears in her throat.

"Mags?" Morgan mumbles out, looking around with his eyes barely open. "Maggie?" He stumbles his way to the bathroom, sighing when he tries to turn the locked doorknob. He just lowers himself down the door and sits against the doorframe. "Open up, c'mon."



"Leave me alone." She's trying to calm herself down from a panic attack but it's not going too well. "Go away."

"Maggie. Open the door." She sniffles and does as she's told, reaching up to crack the door open. Morgan peeks in and sighs at the sight, reaching his hand out to give her clammy one a gentle squeeze. "What's up? Talk to me."

"I'm drivin' myself crazy with this fuckin' record." She mumbles.


"I'm gonna just put what I have out and just be done."

"You can't-"

"Don't." She shakes her head. "I'm gonna call Chris in the morning and that's that."

"What if you just take a little, y'know, hiatus?" He sighs, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.

Maggie shakes her head again, pulling her hand away. "I just can't handle it. Between the shit I'm getting from Matt's and Riley's fans and the pressure I have from putting out more music and keeping up with everything, I'm just so tired of it."

"What would you do instead?"

"I dunno. Maybe go back to just writing."

"But is that really what you want to do?"

"I bet I won't wake up having a fuckin panic attack every goddamn night if I'm just writin'." She whispers, stretching her legs out in front of her. "I just don't love it anymore."

Morgan sighs again, running his hand through his hair. "Fine. I'm in no position to tell you no about anything. This is your life, right?"

"Damn right." She takes a deep breath as she stands. "Who knows, y'know?"

"Sure." He nods, watching her disappear into the kitchen as he slips back under the covers.



Maggie huffs as she listens to her song through the speakers of the booth. "Stop playing it. It's good enough." She spits, standing.

"What's up, baby?" Michael asks, looking at her from over his glasses.

"Don't get mad at me." She says as she sits back down. "I'm thinkin' 'bout takin' a break after I put this record out. I've been goin' crazy about it and it's just ruined music for me." Michael just nods, sitting back. "I just need to take a break."

"I get that." He sighs, squeezing her shoulder. "As long as you don't give up on writin'."

"We'll see." She sighs.

"Well, you feelin good with your album?" Christian asks, a paper cup of coffee tight in his hand.

"I got a couple more songs we have to record but overall, yeah." She shrugs, fishing out a pack of cigarettes from her purse. "Should be done by Friday."

"Awesome." He says, knocking his knuckles against the doorframe before leaving.

"What's left?" Michael asks.

"Just two or three." She slides a cigarette between her lips. "I'm revising 'em right now. I've been listening to a shit ton of Matt's and Riley's songs so these last ones really send it home."


"But now that I'm kinda leanin' toward a break, I might bump up the length to a double album and do like half 'love' songs and the other half 'party' songs or whatever." She sighs. "So I better get my ass on home to get a few more down."

"Hey!" Michael shouts after her. "Call me if you want help!" She waves in response as she heads out the front double doors and down the street to the gas station to get a couple six packs of beer to help get her in a better mood for song writing.


"Welp." Maggie hiccups, Morgan looks over at his girlfriend with an amused face and a drink in his hand. "This did not do what it was supposed to do."

"Which was?"

"Help me pull some more songs outta my ass." She huffs, setting her third empty beer can on the porch table. "I'm makin' like a half assed double album."

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Mhm." She nods, her head heavy in his lap. "I do."

Morgan chuckles to himself as he runs his fingers through her curls, his heart full of love as he looks down at his half gone girlfriend.

He's gonna marry this girl one day.

One day hopefully soon.

He still hasn't proposed yet; the timing hasn't been right.

The two end up dozing off on the small couch until late the next day.


Maggie whines as she paces around Michael's living room. She's been forcing herself to finish two songs today and she's halfway done. "C'mon, you got this." Michael says, tapping the pen in his hand against the table top. She gives him a look as she snags the pen from his hand. "The hell?"

"I can't focus with the tapping!" She says as she starts clicking the pen incessantly. "Okay what do we have so far?"

"For your story?" She nods. "Uh,

Oh, I wanna see you again but I'm stuck in colder weather, maybe tomorrow will be better. Can I call you then? Cause I'm a ramblin' man, I ain't ever gonna change, I gotta gypsy soul to blame and I was born for leavin' (born for leavin')..."

She clears her throat as she cracks her fingers before settling them on the keys of her keyboard.

"And when I close my eyes I see you, no matter where I am. I can smell your perfume through these whisperin' pines. I'm with your ghost again. It's a shame about the weather, I know soon we'll be together and I can't wait til then, I can't wait til then."

"Song number two; done." Michael says, clicking his pen. "You good now?"

"No." Maggie whines, pressing her forearm against the keys. "It's not good enough. I need one more!" She lifts her head and looks at her best friend with wide eyes. "Play a song by Matt or- or Riley. I don't care who or what just do it." He nods and scrolls through YouTube before deciding on a video. Soon, Get That Man a Beer fills the kitchen.

"Gimme your pen." She says, grabbing said object from the table before scribbling down words. "Yes! This'll go great with the last one for the first part, oh my god." She grins to herself before spinning on the kitchen chair to pick up her guitar. "Capo." She snags the clamp from her gig bag then pops it on the fourth fret. "Check this out, okay?"

"I bet you probably met him at a bar, let him walk you to your car. I bet he said he never falls this hard, yeah, I remember that part. He knows how to say all the right things, knows how to get you outta that dress, knows how to make you think you're the best thing but I know what happens next, girl."


Maggie just giggles to herself as she continues writing down lyrics and chords, her tongue poking out from between her lips as she concentrates. "And done." She hands him the music and sits back in her chair with a big satisfied smile on her face.

"So are you all done with your album then?"

"I think so. Just gotta record them and it'll finally be done." She squeals, gathering her things. "Thank you so much for your help, Hardy." Maggie wraps him in a big hug before she heads out the door to her car.

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