《Neon in the Dark - Morgan Wallen》Fifteen


Michael jumps as Maggie swings the door open to the recording booth and sighs heavily after she takes a drink of her coffee. She grunts as her bag falls from her shoulder to the crook of her arm making her spill her coffee and her phone fall from its spot between her ear and shoulder. "You look like shit." He says, slipping his headphones off his ears.

"I- I forgot we had a thing and I- I overslept and somethin' else came up." She blushes hard as she drops her notebook and bag on the table then herself onto the couch.

"Hope everythin-"

"Y'know how I've been 'off the grid'?" Michael shrugs. "Morgan found where I moved to..." Michael bites his lip. "You told him?"

"Caleigh did- he was just so worried about you and it just- sorry, it just slipped out."

"Y'know it's fine. Ever since things with Riley ended, my life has been kinda great again. I saw my momma and then ran into my brother-"

"You have a brother?"

"Don't interrupt me. I ran into him and then Morgan came over and he's been kinda livin' with me ever since." She gives him a small smile.

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah. Sage. He left when I was like thirteen and I didn't see him again until like last month."

"Wow. And- And Morgan's livin with you?"


"That's good. He's been tryna find a place to stay since he got kicked out."

"What?" Her face drops. "He- He got kicked out? He's been stayin' with me because he don't have nowhere else to go!?"


"Yes! He is! What the fuck!? I shoulda known."

"No- Mags-" Michael grabs her arm. "He was going to go home, back to his folks', but then Caleigh and I offered our couch for him but he was going home. He wanted to see you before he left-"


"Hey, ready to record some?" Gus asks, his glasses hanging from the front of his t-shirt and a big ass cup of coffee in his hand.

"Absolutely, I am." Maggie shoots back, pulling her sweatshirt off before she steps into the booth.


Maggie huffs as she blows upward to get a curl out of her face while she's bent over her guitar on the wood planks of the porch. She reaches over with her cigarette holding hand for her beer and takes a swig. She's been on her porch since she got home from recording a couple songs just mindlessly playing some chords until her high E string snapped and whipped her in the hand. It broke the skin and it instantly pissed her off so she's been changing her strings. Maggie swats a couple mosquitos away from her nearly bare back as she slides her cigarette between her lips.

"What the hell're you still doin' up? It's four in the mornin'. Did you even come to bed?" Morgan mumbles from the front door, rubbing his eyes. She glances up to see her houseguest in a pair of boxers with a bed head.


She sighs as she sets her drink down. "Been busy." Maggie adjusts her bra strap before standing. "Why are you up?" She asks as she takes a deep drag.

"Couldn't sleep." He shrugs, sitting on the couch. "What's botherin' you?"

"Nothin'. I'm fine." She says, dropping her cigarette butt into her beer bottle.


"Why are you here, Morgan? Why are you here here?"

"I missed-"

"Seriously. Is it 'cause you don't have no where else to go!?"

"C'mon, Mags-"

"Because if it is, I swear to G-" Morgan grabs her jaw and kisses her, his other hand around her upper arm. She pulls away and looks down at her foot tattoo.

"I missed you. That's it." He says, looking into her eyes with both hands on either side of her face. "It's not because I didn't have anywhere to go. It's because I didn't want to lose you again- us again. The way last time ended, I couldn't go through that again."


"Honestly, I swear." She takes a deep breath and nods. "Okay."

Maggie drops herself on the couch and sighs, running her hand through her hair. "Guess who I saw the other day."



"Your brother? What the- where?"

"Ran into him at the shop down the road- literally, man knocked me to the floor." She chuckles. "He's in the military now."

"Wow. What branch?"


"Holy shit." He chuckles. "That's crazy impressive." Morgan sits next to her, his arm going behind her on the couch.

"He didn't recognize me!"

"Well, you don't look like you did ten years ago."

"You recognized me at that bar a couple years ago. My own momma and brother didn't!"

"Well, it's easy to recognize someone you're in love with- I mean- someone-" Morgan blushes hard as he bites his lip. "Fuck."

Maggie giggles, leaning over to kiss his cheek before standing. "C'mon, we gotta get to bed 'fore the sun comes up."


Morgan smirks as he presses his lips against Maggie's back, that smile widening when he feels her stir beneath him. She hums and curls her toes, rolling onto her back. Morgan kisses down her throat to her chest as he tugs the sheets down, Mags inhales deeply while she stretches her legs and tucks her arm behind her head. "Mmm..." She smiles half asleep down at the naked brunette above her. He goes further down her body, kissing from her belly to her thighs, teasing her as he nips her skin. He has her breathing hard with want and need as she twists her fingers in his hair.

"You okay, baby?" He teases, looking up at her from his spot between her thighs with his hands folded around her hips. The look she shoots him makes him laugh before he starts running his tongue over her flushed skin.

"C'mon now." She whines, dropping her head against her pillow. Morgan finally does what she wants him to do but just for a few seconds. Maggie shoves him back against the mattress, straddling his hips. He chuckles under his breath, his arms behind his head. "You are in so much trouble, Wallen." She breathes, sinking down on him until her skin is flush with his. "Big... Trouble..."


Morgan laughs, gripping her fleshy hips as she starts bouncing. "You're so beautiful, fuck. Oh- Oh shit, wait- I got a good song idea-" He starts to sit up.

Maggie shoves him back down. "Shut up." She says back, gripping his shoulders. "Focus on me." Mags grabs Morgan's hands and brings them to her breasts. "Me and you." He just nods before he wraps his arm around her waist and lays her back on the bed, brushing her curls out of her face then kisses her softly, gently, lovingly.

This time is different between them, the sex.

It's not fucking; they're love making.

She's never felt like this with anyone else before, not with Riley or Matt. There's something about this moment that makes her feel so beautiful and loved that it brings tears to her eyes. "I love you." She whispers, holding the back of his neck and shoulder with tears slipping down the sides of her face.


Maggie's sitting against the headboard with a cigarette in her hand and the sheets bunched around her hips while Morgan's messing with a couple chord progressions on his guitar, sitting the same way she it but without the cigarette, both are still nude.

"I'm a simple man, ain't no other way to say it. Lay my cards on the table, only way I play it. I got some draw in my yaw, they can't imitate it. Tough and rowdy, reckless. Tough around the edges..."

"What's that? Some kinda country nursery rhyme?" She mumbles, tapping the ask off her cigarette into her bedside ashtray.

"I know it won't pass for Shakespeare." He smiles back. "That's good." He grabs a notepad and scribbles down the words he's been messing with. "You okay?" He asks, glancing over at her.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you, y'know..." He trails off, plucking a couple strings. "You cried durin'-"

"I'm fine." She sighs, stubbing out her smoke.

"Mags." He whispers, setting his guitar to the side before turning to face her. "What's going on with you?"

She looks over at him with teary eyes. "You."

"Me? What- what did I do?"

She takes a deep breath. "Nothin'." She starts to get out from under the sheets but she's stopped with a hand around hers. "Do you love me?" Her voice is soft and weak.

"I- I mean-" Morgan looks away. "Yeah."

She sniffles. "You and I, we have somethin' special. Somethin' I've never felt with anyone else before, not with Riley or Matt or any other guy I've been with. I've never felt what's in here," she points to his heart. "With anyone other than you." He's quiet. "You- I just- forget it." She huffs as she stands and heads to the bathroom to take a shower.

Maybe writing a song will help her get her feelings out.


"'Cause when it comes to lovin' you, yeah, all my walls fall down. Your touch in the dark lights a fire in my heart that can't be put out. I swear the world stands still and the stars shine blue. The angels start singing a song I believe in when it comes to lovin' you..."

Maggie smiles to herself as she licks her lips. "How was that?" She asks Gus from her spot in the booth. "Sound good?"

"Anything you sing sounds good, Mags." Gus responds, taking a sip of his coffee. "But yeah, the song sounds good. It has that- that sultry vibe."

She clicks her tongue before she gathers her notes up. "Thanks for recording that for me. I gotta finish the rest of the song and I think we can finish recording in a couple days."

"Works for me."

Maggie smiles as she heads down the hallway to her car. "That's the girl that broke Riley Green's heart." She hears someone shout from behind her and just ignores it. "The same girl that shit on Matt Stell." Mags sighs, twisting the key in the lock of her car. "How do you sleep at night?" The girl spits at her.

"You got it all twisted." Maggie says quietly. "Plus, it's kind of a personal issue that shouldn't be shared with the rest of the world." The girls roll their eyes. "Now, if y'all'll excuse me-"

"Where you goin'? Off to break more guys?"

"C'mon now, you don't know what you're talking about." Maggie's heart is in her throat. "Things happen."

"Like someone else's dick going into your vagina?" She blushes, still twisting the key in the lock. "Y'know, I liked you at first. I thought you were a good person but turns out, you're nothing." Those words sink in Maggie's stomach. "It's actually pretty pathetic-"

"Stop it." She whispers, looking down at her boots. The girls have her backing against her car.

"Hey! What's goin' on here?" A familiar voice shouts, it's Michael coming to the rescue.

"Oh, is this your boyfriend? Bet he's got a nice dick, it's gotta make up for the rest of him." The nasty girls give Hardy a once over. "I guess when you cheat on two guys, you really lower your standards."

Maggie has tears in her eyes. "Leave her alone." Michael says, pushing the blonde to stand behind him. "Leave 'fore I call the cops."

The two girls cackle as they walk away, leaving Maggie totally broken and Michael to comfort her. "You okay?" He asks, crouching next to the girl sitting on the sidewalk.

"They're right." She whispers. "I- I am nothing and I am pathetic-"

"Mags- c'mon now-"

"I gotta get home." She barely says above a whisper, getting to her feet. She finally unlocks the car and starts it up, heading to her house.

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