《Hermaphrodite: Two Bodies (Lesbian Stories) [Major Editing]》Part Twenty Two - It Will Rain


Cause there'll be no sunlight

If I Lose you baby..

-Bruno Mars •It Will Rain

I was heading to the school, not bothering much how I look right now. I may look wasted due to my crying session last night.

Right now, I was wearing my Wreck-it-Ralph shirt and ombre pants. I look like I'm going to bed.

I always think about you Julian.

Cold wind passed through me. I shivered lightly. I hugged myself. Remembering the days Julian were hugging me.

One lone tear escaped my eyes.

"Why do everyone forbids me to see you?" I whispered. I continued to walk. I looked up to sky to see that the sky was getting dark.

I am so awful.

The sky started to drizzle a bit. I hurried my walk to the school. I was merely drenched. I sneezed a lot.

I was sensing the girls look to me. Most of them are glares and half of it were disgust.

I ignored them. Until one girl who bumped me. I mean, literally bumped my shoulder.

"I don't believe that Julian have hots for you. He may just have fall for me or better with Chloe. You look like...." She eyed me up and down then up again. I gulped.

"A .. Duff." And she walked away. The others shook their head and went to their business. I was left here...

I tried to hold back my tears. Its hard for me to hold these pain. I saw my only friend who was rushing to my side. She was Hermione. Hermione Benet. The schools biggest nerd.

Her wold curls is really fascinating. She's pretty under her big glasses.

"Are you okay." I nod. She yanked me to the bathroom. She locked the door and sat to one of those sink and looked at me. I sighed.


"What do you want?" I asked her.

"What do you feel?" She asked. I looked to myself in the mirror. J looked like a ghost. So pale. I touched my forehead. Its burning.

"Shit." I muttered.

I heard some flush in one of the cubicle. I looked at Hermione but she just shrugged.

And the door opened to reveal Chloe. She was so pretty wearing those makeup. I feel so ashamed of what I am wearing right now.

"Oh Chelsea! You look.... Uhmm.. Pretty today." She laughed. Her aura is great than yesterday. What this bitch is up to?

I heard Hermione growl under her breath. I sighed.

"Shh don't growl lion." She fixed her lipstick. I really want to pull those hair of hers! Damn it.

"Let's go." I yanked Hermione but she just removed it.

"Nah. I need to pee. You go first. I'll deal with these Barbie." She said. She was always a war freak.

I got out of the bathroom. Feeling heavy. I touched my head. It was spinning. Shit... If I just didn't let myself get wet..

I was going to stumble down the hallway when some strong arms scooped me.

I looked up to him...

It was him..


Thanks to all people who voted here! Love yall :)

















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